I know that reference!
SqwishyDragon's Clan
Sqwish Sqwash
Clan Info
FR time +1 hour
Dragon hoarder
Non-exalt (unless I hatched them myself, but still rarely)
Clan lore is still a major WIP
Dragonomics by Cassolotl
The Wretched Reliquary Hatchery
Cool person's hatchery^
Also hoarding: any deity plushie, and animal-looking trinkets
FR time +1 hour
Dragon hoarder
Non-exalt (unless I hatched them myself, but still rarely)
Clan lore is still a major WIP
Dragonomics by Cassolotl
The Wretched Reliquary Hatchery
Cool person's hatchery^
Also hoarding: any deity plushie, and animal-looking trinkets
Recent Comments
Good luck with ISAT
Your Ghost and Pals fandragon plans are so awesome!! Ghost is my favorite producer, so it was great to come across these guys. Can't wait to see them become a reality!
oh my god!! i love your geronimo stilton. i weirdly adored the tv series as a kid and it's nice to be reminded about it
Thank you so much for letting me know and for your compliment! That's actually the second time he's been on the front page, that's so funny!
Thank you so much for letting me know that Tempest was on the front page! <3 You've got an extremely pretty lair and I swear I love the fan dragon ideas that is going on here too!
I just saw your goat fandragon and I had to say they look great! They're the first one I've seen other than my own.
Thank you fo letting me know!
Your Hide Behind scry idea is so clever XD
Whoo! I was hoping someone would notice ILOVEYOU! When I saw one of the terts was called "glitch" I knew I had to make a virus/bug/worm fandragon.
Thank you for the kind words on my Momo fandragon! But I find it funny that you didn't catch that I made her into an Aether aka Flight Rising's version of an alien. Momo who doesn't believe in aliens... I made her into an alien. Oh the irony.
Thanks for letting me know!
Thanks for telling me about Eseld
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