It is said that long ago, before the universe existed, two beings made of pure energy formed. These two beings, a brother and a sister, brought the universe into existence. The brother shaped worlds and creatures to his liking. Every idea that popped into his mind he made reality, whether it was an actually decent idea or not. His sister destroyed. She crushed planets and killed the creatures he made in order to keep balance in the universe. She was order, he was chaos.
The brother however, did not understand. He wanted his creations to live as immortals, and he had fallen in love with one. He refused to give her up to his sister as he had so many other beings, and a fight ensued. The two were equal matches in strength and power, and their warring lasted for centuries. Eventually, they decided to put all of their strength into one final blow, a blast so powerful that it was felt across the entire universe, and from it came something horrifying. A dark, mindless, and immortal mass only concerned with spreading and consuming. After seeing what they had created, the two gods quickly made up and joined forces against the demon, but they had exhausted their abilities and were unable to defeat the beast.
Eventually, it made its way to Sorneith, where it was met by dragons with hostility and named The Shade. The dragons fought, and The Shade feared. When it was defeated, it left some of itself in the dragons that had battled, and these dragons gained even more power, becoming immortal and near unstoppable by the other beings of their world. When the Arcanist called The Shade back, it once again left traces of itself in some of the creatures, and the new dragon was made immortal with the rest.
The gods of Sorneith were not the only ones to be imbued with The Shade. Surrounding creatures, while they did not gain quite as much, were still given power by the demon. When the brother and sister gods saw this, they saw opportunity. They came to Sorneith and took physical forms reminiscent of the being they had fought over for so long. Eventually they found Akuma and Sunburst, a mirror and spiral who had been directly affected by The Shade. The gods watched over them for some time as they made their clan, and once the gods had determined it was time, they joined the clan and were welcomed with (surprisingly) open arms.
The Yamichi clan is not the most open clan around. The dragons here pride themselves on their bloodlines, and rarely do they accept outsiders to "taint" them. The majority of the dragons in the clan have lived their entire lives there, starting as an egg. Those who continue The Shade bloodline are often the most celebrated around, and those without a trace many times are sent off to other clans or to serve the Shadowbinder. Despite this harsh way of "weeding out" the hatchlings, those who are allowed to stay are almost guaranteed a lifelong and loving home. While the clan may not be the most welcoming to outsiders, they are very accepting of personalities, needs, and beliefs. In this clan, it does not matter what you're like, whether you be a painter or a warrior, all is accepted and respected in the Yamichi clan.

(also I found your lair because Aurora was on the front page. She has EVERY business being that pretty XD)