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Evie139's Clan

Lesser Lair
on the leylines of the
Oculus of the Eleven icon

Clan Info

Will be edited later on with a proper bio thingie, for now just using it to track community-made quests and a metric ton of tags.

(don't worry, all links on this profile are safe, pretty sure it'd break site rules otherwise)
LMLA6wg.png Gods be damned I feel called out rn. I mean, look. I do have lore, it's just too much. I have arthritis. So like... It hurts to type, at least, after a bit. I swear I'll do it eventually tho, I love my bbs too much not to :3

Note that the tags below are most likely for me personally, not the clan. You'll know the couple exceptions when you see em.
Links on the Art, Linktree, Fallen London, Fave Dragon, and Dungeon Master tags. And yes, I know I'm finna get judged like there's no tomorrow for some of these. Fight me.

So, you wanna commit a (gift) crime, eh?

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Recent Comments

Glaciarie's avatar
October 28, 2023 11:29:54
Yeah some people really work on things realated to lore and lineages here! Others like doing coliseum challenges, others like to dress up dragons and focus on breeding. there is a lot of ways to play and have fun :) A fun fact about the dragons you adopted, but Hollow, Sirius and Erkaiza are not only related to Vitali, but they are also part of the lineage of my progenitor dragons! Unfortunately I don't keep track of it like other people do but I know for a fact they are related :)

Either way, glad you are liking the game, hope you have a fun time here!
Allstohel's avatar
October 28, 2023 05:19:54
Hey, just popping in to say welcome to FR! If you need any help with anything or just some general advice, feel free to ask ^^
Evie139's avatar
October 27, 2023 20:07:32
I absolutely do love Pearl, of all the babies, she's probably my favorite dragonet thus far, @dekarios
The colors, the patterns, it's all perfect. Plus, as I mentioned, holy impressive family tree. Tysm for the lil darling, and ye have my word she's not just gonna get crammed into hibernation any time soon, I fully intend to develop her quite a bit.
dekarios' avatar
October 27, 2023 19:52:37
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for giving little Pearl a new home, I hope you love her!! <3
Evie139's avatar
October 27, 2023 18:17:36
Ooo, got it, so I guess that kinda puts them in a temporary stasis where you don't have the ability to interact with them. Very useful to know. TBH, I'm hoping to raise the hatchlings, though it's neat to see all these dragons with fancy lineages and such. I found out one of the dragons I bought has a massive family tree, though it doesn't *seem* to have a clan associated with it like all three of the ones I just adopted from the linked threads (entirely by chance), if you look at Pearl's, I can't even imagine having that kind of a clan built. It's crazy and awesome how people can create these massive clans and lineages of dragons.

Regardless, I'll keep it in mind, see if any other dergs catch my eye. Loving this game already
Glaciarie's avatar
October 27, 2023 18:10:54
Bhahah it happens! You can try putting some dragons on the Hibernal Den. But watch out, while they will not lose hunger while there, you cannot breed or interecat with familiars with dragons that are there. I reccomend that you read about it! ^^
Evie139's avatar
October 27, 2023 17:52:44
Comedy. I just bought a bunch of dergs and now that I have only 3 slots free, Glaciarie tells me there's free ones. Just my luck lmao

Ty by the by, @Glaciarie!
Glaciarie's avatar
October 27, 2023 17:28:53
Hi there! Welcome to Flight Rising! Hope you enjoy the game! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you are looking for more dragons, you can check my free dragon thread, if you want: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2737308

These threads also have free dragons!: https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/3252789


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Date Joined
Oct 27, 2023

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Glaciarie's avatar
Glaciarie (#147260)

flowers for m[A]chines
moors' avatar
moors (#491340)

oh, how the bog waters wail ; they cry for me, pull me deep
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OnyxMalvolio (#265501)

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Chibale (#443961)

I am the shadow. I lurk. I watch. I see.
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MaggieWolff97 (#730306)

Recent Activity

Mar 02
Became friends with MaggieWolff97
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Feb 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Mirror Female, 2 Mirror Male
Feb 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Pearlcatcher Female

Recent Achievements

Jan 26
Talented Talons
Jan 20
I Bet it's Something Totally Cool (100)
Dec 31
Budge and Nudge to Formulate Sludge? (Orange)
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