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DroseraCat's Clan

aaaaaaaaaaa (scared noises)
Ancient Lair
near the
Pox Consulate icon

Clan Info

The Droseran Domain

Many moons ago, a strange cult sprung up around minor extraplanar spirits. This small collective was once isolated from the outer world and strange in their ways.

Now, a new era has begun.

The Droseran Domain strives to welcome outsiders, and many prefer not to disclose the dark history that occurred before. There is peace, and a concerted effort to try and repair the sordid reputation the place earned for itself.

...How exactly was that reputation earned? Well, that's a long story...

(floral fauna by teddy2008!)
(fae gif by Kaesis (254439)!)

[Hi! I'm Drosera (they/them), and my favourite part of FR is writing lore! I aim to have a full clan history and extensive bio for every dragon in my lair. My dragon's bios aren't all synchronised to the same timeframe in the story, but I'll be putting out a lore forum thread where everything is chronologically explained. Oh, and I sometimes write stories and bios for my friends too ^u^

I generally try to bring up the clans of people I don't know infrequently so I don't portray them wrong, but they still come up sometimes when creating backstory for a dragon I've bought on the auctionhouse. If you don't like the way a dragon's bio mentions your clan, please let me know and I can change or excise the offending writings!

I also don't consider every hatchling my dragons have to be canon. Many of my dragons have a bunch of offspring listed, with none being canonical... so if you wanted to do anything like a letter from a hatchling, please get in contact first so I can clarify!

Last but not least, if I sell a dragon, don't worry about anything in their bio- feel free to exalt immediately, delete, or do whatever else you fancy!]

Current Faves:

Current Goals:


A fake achievement for the 2024 anniversary, awarding ??? points. Not Tidelord's Favorite: You couldn't understand a single word Tidelord said. It's the thought that counts...?
[thank you to whoever sent the LAFK badges!!!]

Recent Comments

Felicidade's avatar
March 13, 2025 10:51:46
First of all, thank you so much for the sweet comment :) It made my night to read it yesterday! I wanted to reply right away, but figured I'd have a look through your profile and lair first and appreciate it as well - little did I know I'd find something with so much love and time poured into it!!

From the way you write, to the way you added little character relation blurbs between your dragons to the care put into their outfits and even a GLOSSARY! It's lovely and so cool! Thought I'd also give a shout out to my favorites of yours: Berrina's colors are gorgeous (and I love Gaolers so much), Mylene is beautiful (and I'm weak for wildclaws with a frantic energy, they're just fun), Siobahn (NB REP! :D), Eldredith, Meeker and Kit!

You've put in a lot of work and it shows :) I look forward to seeing more!
PhoenixAshes' avatar
February 18, 2025 04:00:06
Thank you for your purchase! Enjoy your new Peridot Dusty! =D
Tempast's avatar
January 23, 2025 19:49:02
New friend!!
Kilonian's avatar
November 18, 2024 10:32:29
Thank you for the lovely message on my user page! Made me smile today! Your clan is amazing as well! :)
RockCandyRobot's avatar
October 20, 2024 23:26:03
welcome to naomi collecting!! glad to see something good came from that debaucle.
DragoTabby's avatar
October 18, 2024 22:01:22
Hello! Ty for buying my hatchling, the "welcome home ugly baby" made me laugh XD
EnbyDinosaur's avatar
October 17, 2024 22:09:54
Thank you for the welcome and your beautiful hatchlings!
MrSnarks' avatar
October 16, 2024 18:42:01
Hi! Thanks for the nice comment! Others are totally allowed to post in my thread, when I update I'll edit the post above so the story will always be at the top. Feel free to leave comments on there if you want.
KasperKat's avatar
October 14, 2024 17:33:29
Thanks!! Just added the second Fathom, Iodi :3 it mostly deals with Rilaria though haha poor Iodi
KasperKat's avatar
October 14, 2024 14:59:46
Holy crap, I'm so glad you liked it!! I'm bookmarking your lore to read :3 and I think Gerog would appreciate a nice muffin! Planning on fleshing out her and Myngroth both a lot more - don't want to make Myngroth JUST a bad guy!
LuminAgricola's avatar
June 27, 2024 19:44:31
No worries! :D
Pyrouge's avatar
June 04, 2024 17:19:15
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!!! I expect my current project to keep going for quite a while. I'm trying to read more of other folks' lore too, to pass along my love of flight rising lore projects. Thank you again!
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Date Joined
Oct 24, 2023

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DroseraCat's Friends

lizzytiki's avatar
lizzytiki (#214605)

lobster in disguise
pobblebonk's avatar
pobblebonk (#690604)

a bunch of book wyrms
gobbolin's avatar
gobbolin (#690685)

rohstache's avatar
rohstache (#690658)

band of misfits
Suneel's avatar
Suneel (#688892)

I am actually a small, mildly infuriated frog
Whicken's avatar
Whicken (#704787)
Asterrin's avatar
Asterrin (#681312)

We are the Thirteen. From now until the darkness claims us.
RockCandyRobot's avatar
RockCandyRobot (#502177)

they/it/she | fr time +3 | level 16 | system
ChesireCLAM's avatar
ChesireCLAM (#258582)

?moon faerie?
EnbyDinosaur's avatar
EnbyDinosaur (#721151)

Recent Activity

Mar 14
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Veilspun Female, 1 Veilspun Male
Mar 13
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Pearlcatcher Female
Mar 12
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Spiral Male, 1 Nocturne Male

Recent Achievements

Mar 04
New Gene AcChoired!
Mar 04
Beautiful Backdrop (50)
Mar 04
Beautiful Backdrop (25)
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