[LORE] The Droseran Domain

DroseraCat's Clan
aaaaaaaaaaa (scared noises)
Clan Info
The Droseran Domain
Many moons ago, a strange cult sprung up around minor extraplanar spirits. This small collective was once isolated from the outer world and strange in their ways.
Now, a new era has begun.
The Droseran Domain strives to welcome outsiders, and many prefer not to disclose the dark history that occurred before. There is peace, and a concerted effort to try and repair the sordid reputation the place earned for itself.
...How exactly was that reputation earned? Well, that's a long story...
Now, a new era has begun.
The Droseran Domain strives to welcome outsiders, and many prefer not to disclose the dark history that occurred before. There is peace, and a concerted effort to try and repair the sordid reputation the place earned for itself.
...How exactly was that reputation earned? Well, that's a long story...

(floral fauna by teddy2008!)

(fae gif by Kaesis (254439)!)
[Hi! I'm Drosera (they/them), and my favourite part of FR is writing lore! I aim to have a full clan history and extensive bio for every dragon in my lair. My dragon's bios aren't all synchronised to the same timeframe in the story, but I'll be putting out a lore forum thread where everything is chronologically explained. Oh, and I sometimes write stories and bios for my friends too ^u^
I generally try to bring up the clans of people I don't know infrequently so I don't portray them wrong, but they still come up sometimes when creating backstory for a dragon I've bought on the auctionhouse. If you don't like the way a dragon's bio mentions your clan, please let me know and I can change or excise the offending writings!
I also don't consider every hatchling my dragons have to be canon. Many of my dragons have a bunch of offspring listed, with none being canonical... so if you wanted to do anything like a letter from a hatchling, please get in contact first so I can clarify!
Last but not least, if I sell a dragon, don't worry about anything in their bio- feel free to exalt immediately, delete, or do whatever else you fancy!]
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[thank you to whoever sent the LAFK badges!!!]
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From the way you write, to the way you added little character relation blurbs between your dragons to the care put into their outfits and even a GLOSSARY! It's lovely and so cool! Thought I'd also give a shout out to my favorites of yours: Berrina's colors are gorgeous (and I love Gaolers so much), Mylene is beautiful (and I'm weak for wildclaws with a frantic energy, they're just fun), Siobahn (NB REP! :D), Eldredith, Meeker and Kit!
You've put in a lot of work and it shows :) I look forward to seeing more!