Little Shop of Dragon Art [Waitlist]

ghibli22's Clan
Watching X-Files with no lights on
Clan Info
I Collect Blue Things

An Ode to Spot
Felis catus is your taxonomic nomenclature,
An endothermic quadruped, carnivorous by nature;
Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses
Contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.
I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,
A singular development of cat communications
That obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
For a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.
A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;
You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.
And when not being utilized to aid in locomotion,
It often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.
O Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display
Connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

gif by AlliCat
Recent Comments

Sokanon (#38041529) was on the front page!

Thom was on the front page. What a lovely dragon!

I love your Ianite dragon! I have one too, but yours is so much sparklier!! <3

Oscar was on the front page!

Celestian was on the front page:)

Zephyr was on the front page!

thank you for buying elegance, i hope you enjoy her c:

Osiris was on the front page!!

Osiris was on the front page today, he looks wonderful!

Enjoy Ferdinand ! He looks wonderful in your lair!

Your Cathryn was on the front page, and I just wanted to tell you that she looks lovely! Her colors and her apparel make her look both pretty and fierce! :D

Hi, if you don’t mind did you get Celestisn as a fae, or did you change her into one? I own her sister and I’m writing some lore, which goes into the past a bit.
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