Theme Week: Starfall Celebration

Storme's Clan
Clan Info
In the dunes of the Charged Barrens lies a small patch of cacti-infested area, with more shade and water than its surroundings. It is from this odd place that the lightning came, dancing and sparking like a thousand lights... A roaring bellow sounds, then a large form rises from the shadows, and watches with intensity as those around move about their way. You have entered the territory of Storme and her Clan. Take care....
Recent Comments

darkstorm was on the front page, i love his design !!

Skysong was on the front page!

Stalked your clan ;)

hi random person here just saying hi don't question it


yes I know :) how you been?

hi :)

hi :)

Thanks so much! Sorry about the last few replies, I just got really nervous as all that was going on. Enjoy your treasure!

... Storme? If you are attempting to scam me, I will do something neither of us want, which is to report you. I've seen a scammer be banned before, it would likely mean you lose everything and I get nothing back. I have screenshotted all relevant posts.

I'm going to try and sleep, hopefully it'll be in my inbox when I wake up...

Well, I sent the treasure. I haven't felt this nervous in a long time.
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