Interesting AH Dragons
cannonmannon's Clan
The House Always Wins, My Friend
Clan Info
Don't Take us as Fools
A bright fire had joined these caverns.
Slowly leading the other peasants out into the light.
Until Lord Beige made a grave mistake of promoting this unjust fool.
The ballroom burst into flames, creating a unlivable space for these dragons.
From within the remains of these ruins, a dragon rises from the ashes.
"The King is Dead."
"sometimes the only thing you can truly leave behind is legacy."
Hi there!!
I'm Cannon!!
I also go by Can or Can Man :]
Just a silly little fella that's 14+
Quit Clowin' Around!
Some dragons I absolutely adore!
- Clown Themed Dragons
- Star\Space Themed Dragons
- Goop\Slime Themed Dragons
- 1st Gen Dragons
- Dragons with Lore
- Dragon Subspecies
Dragon \ Clan Lore
This is an Exhalt Lair
Usually if I buy a dragon from you, I'll breed them before exhaling them. Either that or I'm keeping them. I always name my dragons!! So don't worry 'bout that guys :3
Please name my dragons before exhaling them.
Also consider breeding them before they get exhalted. :3
Silly Achivements
Everything is mine..
Currently Hoarding:
Guide Dragon - Colddemon
pfp dragon - Cienne
Recent Comments
new avatar jumpscare-
totally didn't forget to check out my messages............................... uhhh :D
happy new years (eve) btw!
they aren't I just don't know how to describe them-
mmm oranges they are very spicy
you're changing? to arcane?
i have to wait to change my flight :(
they are extremely silly
new baby fathom avatar hehe I love her
because it is a derp? (no clue can man, no clue)
it's a dragon -
why must I scry adorable yet unattainable dergs
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