I am the ____, where is the _____?

EmberH's Clan
Clan Info
A group of dragons determined to preserve and teach the stories and crafts of old and new, confident in their mission to save the forgotten tales of yore. They possess massive libraries, full of old tomes and books teaching of the warriors and saints of the time without the deities.
In addition to all this, they have slowly acquired craftsdragons from across Sornieth, from the expert to the beginner, to preserve the art and skill of those who's line of work is fading from practice and skill. They will teach and accept any students, scholars, or even ordinary dragons to help them become someone they might have never thought they would become;
In addition to all this, they have slowly acquired craftsdragons from across Sornieth, from the expert to the beginner, to preserve the art and skill of those who's line of work is fading from practice and skill. They will teach and accept any students, scholars, or even ordinary dragons to help them become someone they might have never thought they would become;
I have no idea what the lore here is anymore. My system was definitely too complicated, so........
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Thanks for the compliment on my WoF dragons!! I’m quite proud of them <3
You may look through my lair and see if there’s anybody (besides fandragons) who fit that role, if you would like to! No worries if you don’t like any of them, find the perfect dragon! :)
You would put this: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/81952592][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/819526/81952592_350.png[/img][/url]
You can get this widget but clicking the "share" button, the one that's the little v shape on you dragons profile. It's by the most swirl and under the star!