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gayfarmer's Clan

Mighty Lair
on the
Snowsquall Tundra icon

Clan Info

what time is it? wildclaws

if you're interested in a trade, buying, or breeding one of my dragons then just send me a message!!

Recent Comments

mukinabaht's avatar
August 09, 2017 14:52:05
hello gay farmer. i am also a Gay Farmer. we also have really close birthdays hello
lunalab's avatar
November 29, 2015 11:04:36
so many pretty wildclaws!! i love that you have so many of them
SunBug's avatar
May 12, 2015 12:55:28
Hi there! I bought a male 3Xleaf wildclaw from you and he is lovely but, I am just not getting full use out of him. Since I got him from you I was seeing if you would like him back before I try selling him in the forums or AH.
Noelblue's avatar
March 02, 2015 09:38:16
Heh thank you! I have the same problem... when none of my main pairs are available for breeding I'm like *tap tap tap* Where's my fun sense of anticipation darn it?!? Same offer to you! If you want to mix up the breeding I'm totally down!
xkammyx's avatar
February 28, 2015 13:37:12
Your lair has caused me the most problems in a long while I sat there trying not to buy them all because they are all so gorgeous!!
Noelblue's avatar
February 27, 2015 10:51:05
*EYES GO HUGE AT WC LAIR* My god it's beautiful. May I friend you to poke at your lair now and then? (And your Avatar derg! I'm on a quest to breed the perfect Crystal/Facet/Circ Mulberry WC, and she is an inspiration, she is)
Scream's avatar
December 23, 2014 11:09:25
Got it, thanks! I figured something was up when it told me I had 2 million alerts :D
Incarnate's avatar
December 06, 2014 21:03:30
Dat username
scenicroutes' avatar
June 03, 2014 10:02:24
farming memes
prinxejey's avatar
April 25, 2014 09:58:34
Arctictisa's avatar
April 23, 2014 13:01:52
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Date Joined
Apr 15, 2014

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psyqualia (#54169)

My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...
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Nerdsama (#49976)
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mageworm (#60871)

get ****** wrecked
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Cellblock (#17982)
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Arctictisa (#14841)
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Moonafleet (#4112)
Walcott's avatar
Walcott (#50802)


Recent Activity

Jun 26
Became friends with ash1313
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jun 24
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Wildclaw Male, 2 Wildclaw Female
Apr 27
Became friends with DuchessIceFire
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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