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mikey1393drago's Clan

"Half my heart to make you whole..."
Ancient Lair
on the coast of
Churnscar Wharf icon

Clan Info

I love this quote, so Imma put it here as I can't fit it in the broadcast message.

"Half my heart to make you whole, its strength to purify your weakness. Live and remember your oath." DH

But now I will always remember Draco, and then I want to cry. Draco was, and still is, the reason I love dragons so much.
R.I.P Sean Connery.
Welcome to my lair.

I must warn you though. I have a lot of Mirrors and they are hypo, to say the least. All my dragons like new visitors, but a couple are more distant. Do be cautious around Polynya though, for she can be quite cold to newcomers.
My bio

Not sure what to really say about myself.
My name is Gareth, and I've pretty much loved dragons since I saw Dragonheart for the first time. I'm hoping to become an author because I write far too many stories for my mind to cope sometimes, and I used to be very imaginative but something went wrong there.
I don't exactly work but I do have a job, so I have free time almost all the time to play games, write my stories, sometimes draw[including my maps], or make my RPG games with RPG Maker VX Ace. Everything is going slow though, and I'm still learning stuff. I'm very glad to be here, even though I'm not that active.
I'm also a lover of werewolves by the way.
Other things I do; I am a part of a circus skills club, a knife throwing club and a badminton club. I throw darts, too.
Despite being an introvert and preferably being left alone, I still socialise as best I can, and I am getting better.
I forgot to mention. I also make music.

EDIT: Yes. This is another edit, but a more honest one.
My lair's location on the World Map

Because I have dragons in my lair that aren't of the water dragonflight, I've had to remain on the land, so I chose the location between the Shoredeep Presage and the north-eastern edge of the Ashfall Waste on the coast of the Churnscar Wharf, solely because of the fire dragonflight dragons I own. If I didn't have fire dragons, I'd probably be somewhere else on the land around the Sea of a Thousand Currents, but I intend to have dragons from all eleven dragonflights if I don't already.
EDIT: Because the picture of Ocean's lair structure just keeps on disappearing, I'll just give up with it until I know how to make it permanent.

Recent Comments

LinneaBorealis' avatar
October 08, 2023 07:23:14
Thank you for your welcome! Lovely to meet you
SmolderingFlame's avatar
May 26, 2023 15:55:08
No joke, thought I'd already friended you. :') You okay if I do?
Christof's avatar
April 19, 2023 07:32:23
Hello. It's very nice to meet you.

Looking at what you have... well, I will say that I am also a writer and I do enjoy making games, especially text adventure games (Inform 7 is my go-to). I also play lots of games (and TTRPGs).
Reak's avatar
April 18, 2023 16:32:32
Thanks for the comment, I apreciate it!
pastelo's avatar
June 30, 2022 14:27:21
thanks for the welcome! i am very new to flight rising, so far its pretty cool ^^ i came from a game called chicken smoothie, it seems a lot of players from there also play this game ^^
CO1LD's avatar
April 27, 2022 13:18:06
haha- yeeeeah- i save alot and only spend money on lair slots. I also invested in breeding projects and raising up familiars. more dragons = more familiars to place to get free chests of money and items. also sell the daily gathered items.
saerene's avatar
June 22, 2021 21:07:46
fierano has some lovely colors!!
CO1LD's avatar
January 30, 2021 20:25:00
Nice bio! You're a really talented person! .O.
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Nov 20, 2020

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Dragons and more dragons!
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FinalFlight (#461090)

"Come not between the dragon and his wrath." - WS
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Leonoraphoenix (#620192)
Magowor's avatar
Magowor (#558176)

I wanna be a yo-yo man!
Christof's avatar
Christof (#672390)

Warning! Dragon Obsession!
Reak's avatar
Reak (#640445)

Dragons are the best!!
SmolderingFlame's avatar
SmolderingFlame (#593315)

What is big, gray, and too precious for this world? KASMIR
384fuzzyworms' avatar
384fuzzyworms (#672052)

Stupid Romantic
MoonlitWolfPlayz's avatar
MoonlitWolfPlayz (#624313)

You were born to be real, not to be perfect

Recent Activity

Feb 27
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Sandsurge Male
Sep 19
Became friends with MoonlitWolfPlayz
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jul 26
Became friends with 384fuzzyworms
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.

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Mar 02
Seasonal Sundries (Winter)
Mar 02
This Ol' Tree Has Been Through a Lot
Mar 02
Two Eggs Are Better Than One
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