Thank you. I am so excited to turn him into a fandragon I have been planning for some time now. Getting him integrated to my lore should also give Vataja something to do which is a nice bonus, poor guy has kind of been nothing but a background asset for years now.
If you'd like Macaw back I can send him over right now! while I do think he's a silly little lad, I don't have many plans with him and I really do need to clean out my lair, so if he'd be of more use to you I'd be happy to send him over :]
Aren’t they?! I do think they overwhelm my lair a bit..but hey, all worth it. I might make the swampy fella a merchant. Give him a little hut in the woods, gems and such ^^
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Spiral Male, 1 Skydancer Female, 1 Spiral Female, 1 Skydancer Male
Jul 28
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Fae Male, 1 Obelisk Male
Jul 14
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Veilspun Male
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Nov 25
Festive Favors: Rockbreaker's Ceremony
Nov 12
Nov 09
Seasonal Sundries (Autumn)
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