Raelyth’s Lore and Story Emporium(Open)

MS21's Clan
The Lost Souls of the Drag
Clan Info
(Prepare for clan lore! I’m an avid writer, so likely every one of my dragons has some lore to it, if you’re interested! Also! I live for IC messages! Don’t be afraid to send them, I’ll likely reply in kind!)
The Lost Souls of the Drag keep to themselves, mostly. They don’t like to be seen, and so they won’t. Each and every one of them comes from somewhere, and nowhere all at once. In the midst of the nothing and no one they had, they clawed out a space for themselves and managed to make something. They are the outcasts of elsewhere, and the royalty of here.
Raelyth founded the clan as a sanctuary for those with nowhere else to go, exiled from other clans or flights, with no family to speak of. Those she drew in are not those of any particular clan, breed, coloring, temperament, or anything else. In fact, those she attracted are anomalies of their kind, with personalities too far removed from their original clanmates to be anything but abandoned. They are truly the dregs of the dragon world, in many cases, but they can’t be bothered.
They don’t venture beyond their territory for much of anything. They live and breathe by the creed that the rest of the world didn’t want them, so they don’t want the rest of the world. They fought tooth and claw to get anything, and they are not amenable to bargaining with those dragons who had everything placed right into their paws. If you do decide to venture into their lands, you best pay the toll—that is, leave something, or you may not leave at all.
Many hatchlings are abandoned at the edge of their lands in the driftwood drag, and by the next day, they are gone. Some dragons believe it to be malevolent spirits, or the deities themselves, claiming these younglings for a higher cause. That is not that case.
Raelyth will never turn away a lost soul.
So. Do you have nowhere to go? Are you lost with no hope of returning? Exiled by your clan, the ones meant to love you from hatching to the end of your life? Forget them. You will be welcomed with opens wings by the Lost Souls of the Drag.
The Lost Souls of the Drag keep to themselves, mostly. They don’t like to be seen, and so they won’t. Each and every one of them comes from somewhere, and nowhere all at once. In the midst of the nothing and no one they had, they clawed out a space for themselves and managed to make something. They are the outcasts of elsewhere, and the royalty of here.
Raelyth founded the clan as a sanctuary for those with nowhere else to go, exiled from other clans or flights, with no family to speak of. Those she drew in are not those of any particular clan, breed, coloring, temperament, or anything else. In fact, those she attracted are anomalies of their kind, with personalities too far removed from their original clanmates to be anything but abandoned. They are truly the dregs of the dragon world, in many cases, but they can’t be bothered.
They don’t venture beyond their territory for much of anything. They live and breathe by the creed that the rest of the world didn’t want them, so they don’t want the rest of the world. They fought tooth and claw to get anything, and they are not amenable to bargaining with those dragons who had everything placed right into their paws. If you do decide to venture into their lands, you best pay the toll—that is, leave something, or you may not leave at all.
Many hatchlings are abandoned at the edge of their lands in the driftwood drag, and by the next day, they are gone. Some dragons believe it to be malevolent spirits, or the deities themselves, claiming these younglings for a higher cause. That is not that case.
Raelyth will never turn away a lost soul.
So. Do you have nowhere to go? Are you lost with no hope of returning? Exiled by your clan, the ones meant to love you from hatching to the end of your life? Forget them. You will be welcomed with opens wings by the Lost Souls of the Drag.
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Hello, I just saw your signature on Chicken Smoothie. Welcome to FR and DC! You can PM me if you have any questions, and I'm in multiple FR-related Discord servers if you're interested in something like that as well.
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