[S] CB Aberation and Undertide BC

Kilwin's Clan
dude, what's a freeze arrow?
Clan Info
just here for art now :)
please link dragons you are referencing! I have a huge lair so it's a tad difficult to locate them by their names. thank you!

please link dragons you are referencing! I have a huge lair so it's a tad difficult to locate them by their names. thank you!

Please don't send random friend requests, I like talking to people first.
Moved from Plague to Lightning 11/2/20
Moved from Lightning to Arcane 6/8/21
Recent Comments

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! :D

Love the accents that you've got for sale! I just got OJ, it's perfect for one of my babes. <3 https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/79869125

https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/78647636 < This one, forgot to link hehe!

Thanks for selling Ancalagon! I have a great skin to pair her with already :D

Happy Birthday! :D

Happy birthday!

Robin was on the front page! I read through his lore and him and Oliver are adorable!

no running at the pool !!

Ironclaw is on the front page!

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday! :D
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