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SilverInky's Clan

More Than Meets The Eye
Ancient Lair
hidden within
Quarantine Zone #128 icon

Clan Info


If you see your dragon in “The Blood Ring” and you don’t want them to be exalted, PLEASE, send me a message as soon as possible. I’ll gladly return the dragon.

Real life causes me to come and go constantly
Sometimes I might poof for long periods, but I can assure you, I'll always come back sooner or later.


Somewhere in the territories reigned by the Plaguebringer, hidden by the shadows and rotten land, a clan lies low, away from their own kin unless forced to interact.

Usually, those that stumble upon the clan do so by accident. Adventurous dragons wishing to discover new lands, lost travelers in desperate need of a place to rest and eat, sometimes even just out of pure luck as a dragon travels from one place to another.

Their first glimpse of the site is that of a friendly clan with exceptional hospitality. They are always willing to help the traveler to recover its energy, willing to part with hard earned food and materials for little to no treasure at all, and eventually send them back on their way with wide smiles.

It’s not unusual for these travelers to try and return, but more often than not, when they return to where they stumbled upon this mysterious clan, it is not there, like it never existed in the first place…tales say that, sometimes, these travelers stumble upon this same clan again, many, many miles away from where they originally found them first.

Those that either ignore the cheerful attempts of the clan dragons to send them back on their way and decide to stay or dare to try and go in further, ignoring the many subtle ways these dragons use to keep newcomers in the borders of the clan’s territory, start to dig up a lesser known side of the clan. Their hospitality and friendliness fades and starts to grow increasingly hostile towards the newcomer, often either trying to convince, trick or even chase them away.

The reason it’s made itself known eventually…


The clan’s borders are what is known as “The Safe Zone”, the place where the still “normal” clan members reside, however, deeper in the territory, a zone that can only be described as dreadful and dangerous can be found: The “Cursed Lands”.

This place oozes powerful dark energy, which links even the clan members residing outside them. In this place, you’ll find from what goes from dragons living with strong life-long curses to undead dragons that wander aimlessly.

Some are long gone, no more than a shell of their former selves, aggressive and out for blood. Others, on the other hand, are actually fully sentient, and if it wasn’t for their physical state you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from any other dragon.

While the dragons of the Safe Zone can interact with even the most deranged ones of the Cursed Lands, (the ominous energy of the place serving as some kind of bond that makes each other somehow recognize them as clanmates) those that are new are often in great danger to be attacked and killed.

While it is rare, sometimes the still fully rational dragons of the Cursed Lands can be seen wandering the Safe Zone at night, and dragons of the Safe Zone wandering the Cursed Lands during the day.


Those that manage to stay too long start to get corrupted by the dark energy, and while they can get free if they leave during the process, there comes a point where the dark energy will take a hold of their soul, and no matter how hard they try, they are never meant to leave. Bound to this clan until their last breath.

Rare exceptions are made for some newcomers or those wanting to leave, but only with the previous approval of the Clan’s Guardian and King/Queen.

For newcomers, they are welcomed with open arms and the dark energy wraps around their soul, claiming them during their first sleep as permanent residents of the clan. For those bound to these lands, they are cleansed from it and leave.

These situations are rare, always made by the Guardian’s own free will and judgment, direct requests are frowned down upon.


The King/Queen lives in the center of the clan’s territory, in the very heart of the Cursed Lands. However, it is rare for a King/Queen to stay in position for long, as the position is always motive of conflict, with only the strongest and smartest of them all occupying the spot and keeping its unique abilities for as long as they can before being overthrown.

The current King and Guardian is Roarke, but don’t expect to see him right away unless it’s a very special case. Instead, you’ll most likely be received by his current apprentice, Nalene. If you need to speak to him you might want to send a petition through her upon your arrival.


Current King:
#3: Roarke

Past Kings/Queens:
#1: Lurker
#2: Abaddon


Recent Comments

StarVillein's avatar
October 16, 2022 10:20:16
Biyu was on the front page! She's so cute<3
Zaraveth's avatar
May 26, 2022 19:45:59
Draven looks amazing on the front page :)
Tomyris' avatar
February 09, 2022 17:59:25
Thanks for becoming friends. I will be sending out Arlo's Research randomly on a daily basis.
davietoowavey's avatar
January 30, 2022 03:17:09
Aberration was on the front page!!
AoiNoRyuu's avatar
December 26, 2021 03:05:19
Thx for buying Vail^^
DiamondScales53's avatar
December 15, 2021 17:57:36
3 eggs!
jackalFighter's avatar
November 06, 2021 23:35:41
for choice 3a, i'll need a CR of 3,800t to begin!
jackalFighter's avatar
November 06, 2021 23:24:01
choise P requires 2,000t to access. if you send via CR, i will pm you soon!
jackalFighter's avatar
November 06, 2021 22:25:23
choice 2b, you say? wow you're really covering all your bases! well, fair enough, if you send me a one-way CR with 3,800t, i can help you out
jackalFighter's avatar
November 06, 2021 21:45:57
for choice M, could i sneak 2,000t from ya in a one-way crossroad?
jackalFighter's avatar
November 06, 2021 20:45:21
choice 2 will cost you 5,700t, my friend. if you send that in a one-way CR i will PM you immediately!
jackalFighter's avatar
November 06, 2021 20:28:36
choice H, paid. Choice J, please pay again! 2,000t in a CR will do it, thank you kindly.
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Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
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