[H]AuroraBorealis Hatchery - Pairs Added

SassySaffron's Clan
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Your welcome :)

Ispen was on the front page!

Your lair is gorgeous!

nice lair ^^

I bred the pair again and got a nooeld and a tun babies! :) They are at the last page of my lair, so please check them if you're still interested in!

Got it! Have a good day! :D

Hi! I just hatched her parents' nest and got two boys with Cry/Seraph/Circuit. #15525928 and #15525929, at the last of my lair. Please let me know if you're interested in or not! :D

Oh thank you! I don't have any plan to breed her, but I'll breed her parents again! So I'll let you know when their babie hatch again :D

ahh, alright. well, thank you :3c

ay, could i ask why i got the friend request? not that i mind, just that i'm kinda confused

Lola looks super sweet :3 I love the little hoods on fae's in particular.

Um hello. I noticed you have the father of my WC, Quill, today when I was looking at her parents after I placed apparel on her. I couldn't help but notice she dresses pretty similarly to her father :)
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