
KraalofBhaga's Clan
The Greatest Kraal of All!
Clan Info
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At the juncture of Earth, Shadow, and Nature, a steep mountain juts into the sky; the Pillar of the World towers over the horizon in the distance. Dragons in the Training Pit tend to wander around Sornieth instead of staying put in our clan, so feel free to inquire about lending or pricing! Dragons With Biographies: The Clan Elders: Usarna Driftwood Earthsea Courin The Honor Guard: Leonidas Capreae The Gilded Guard:
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~Tidelord [X] Wavecrest
~Gladekeeper [X] Greenskeeper
~Flamecaller [X] Flameforger
~Windsinger [X] Mistral
~Shadowbinder [X] Trickmurk
~Icewarden [X] Crystalline
~Stormcatcher [X] Thundercrack
~Lightweaver [X] Brightshine
~Plaguebringer [X] Rotriot
~The Arcanist [X] Starfall
(Note: all homage dragons will, eventually, have bios)
Nest 1 - KraalofBhaga's Sunburst and Jane and 3 Eggs. Hatching tomorrow!
Nest 2- KraalofBhaga's Liir and Reedsong and 2 Eggs. Hatching Tomorrow!
Nest 3- KraalofBhaga's Ankhor and Fallenleaves and 3 Eggs. 1 incubation periods remain.
Nest 4- KraalofBhaga's Fathom and Feral and 2 Eggs. 4 incubation periods remain.
Nest 5- KraalofBhaga's Undertow and Morningtide and 2 Eggs. 4 incubation periods remain.
Full thread here
Last updated (05/05/2022)
Current Breeding Projects:
Eternal Thanks to my (Dragon) Donors!
HazzartheDragon, Strelok, Eleanor, Pikkunen, Stasha, DefaultLoves, Mofram, Egg, Maeze, Jazelock, Mozie, felinekind, Mica, Valemora, Woodlark, Ruffian, Ecurielrouge, Sugilite, TikindiDragon, spacegrump, dstew46, Ladycowbell, Irrwahn, CaptPBnJ, Keera and Demos!

-Holiday Skins: Any from Rockbreaker's 2013!
-Familiars: Light Sprite, Plague Sprite, Shadow Sprite, Arcane Sprite, Wind Sprite, Fire Sprite, Ice Sprite.
~Update each Lore dragon's wishlist!~Complete each Lore dragon's bio!
~Complete a Legacy Challenge with a Gen One!
~Complete one breeding project (see top for current)
~Own at least one dragon of each Earth eye type!
"Welcome those from other flights as they make their journey to the Pillar, so that perhaps Dragonkind will once again be united."

Recent Comments

Mistral was on the front page!

ur forum post made me giggle i be buying stuff off of other people forums too sometimes LMAOO. thanks for grabbing 78574323!

Rumohra's parents have lore! dm if you have any questions

all that info is in Ivette's bio! All of her ancestors have lore, and there's a story on the legacy page, enjoy!

Asdfghjkl thank you! I love lore and storytelling, and it makes me so happy that you enjoy at least one of the tales I have to tell

I have a lot of digging notes saved up. I'm glad to get a chance to share them with someone who needs them. :)

Adore the Honor bound lore! Very cool

Thundercrack was on the front page! DURING Thundercrack, too?? Man must have waited his entire life for this moment to shine

Mistral was on the front page!

Pryat was on the front page!

*awkwardly shuffles in* Um hey hello hi. so I have a subspecies called the Watersmiths that Wavecrest would fit into if you would like to join!! *awkwardly shuffles out*

Three is actually a fandragon haha. The characters and the lore is from the animated movie "9", so I can't really take the credit for it ^^'
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