Straka's Observatory- AuraF Swords
FlyingTemeraire's Clan
"Please just get along" -alpha
Clan Info
peoples generosity on this cite has filled me with determination >:)
-yo i dont bite and I do take mixed payment/can negotiate u.u
-I love all ya'll letting me know when my dergs make front page ^^
This is the Sky Runners clan and we are here to explore!
An attempt at a wish list here
If ya come from a box/TG there's like a 90% chance I've forgotten who's name you have there as opposed to here yo :p
-yo i dont bite and I do take mixed payment/can negotiate u.u
-I love all ya'll letting me know when my dergs make front page ^^
This is the Sky Runners clan and we are here to explore!
An attempt at a wish list here
If ya come from a box/TG there's like a 90% chance I've forgotten who's name you have there as opposed to here yo :p
Recent Comments
Umbralignus was on the front page!
Umbralignus (#50370225) was on the front page, some great layering going on here! O:
Xylocopa (#90203634) was on the front page!
Using the Enchanted Raven Necklace for Lazerbeak is such a smart idea!
Waxer was on the front page!
Umbralignus was on the fp! what a pretty dragon!
Sagittariusa on front page!
Espada made front page, shes beautiful!
I also saw Espada on the front page! What a regal dragon, I love the way she looks!
Espada was on the front page. I love her accent, it looks great on her.
Kikorangi was on the front page!
Hello, do you accidentally have a pinglist for your Orchid/Orchid/Mantis pairs?
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