My little bouillon cube
Noddddd's Clan
bohemian rhapsody - muppets version
Clan Info
12/7 - sorta back from my mini hiatus for the end of the wind push. will be going through my notifications soon. please PM if you need anything :3
hello at some point i will make this nicemaybe probably never
lair is a major wip.
willing to do mixed payment on any of my AH listings.
any of my AH treasure listings have the AH tax factored into the cost. send a CR or ask for it to be PA’d to get it without the tax (1% for 1 day listings)
hello at some point i will make this nice
lair is a major wip.
willing to do mixed payment on any of my AH listings.
any of my AH treasure listings have the AH tax factored into the cost. send a CR or ask for it to be PA’d to get it without the tax (1% for 1 day listings)
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It seems that you priced wrong for Caph #97222747
I think 14,000tr is right...(6lv(10,250)+savanna(1,250)+Obsidian T(2,500))
So I'll send 1,250tr via pm!
Thank you for pa <3