» sone's skin shop - new wc m

Suspense's Clan
... D8
Clan Info
![]() 11kg+ donor ![]() They/Them |
Our clan lives on a precarious canyon cliff! If I sent you a friend request I probably saw you in the intros or hello looking for friends threads. I'm kind of in need of a friend network, so please consider being my friend, I'm really nice I promise! Friend me, grow my friend garden! ❤❤ Thank you!!!❤❤ |
Recent Comments

Update: Me just talking to this demon through the board: I'm telling you, this is the deal of the century! This old cabinet? I give it 50 years at most but this plaid, plastic laden, aluminum framed monstrosity? It's neigh undegradable!

Update: Why do demons in these haunting shows have to always inhabit expensive stuff? Can't they be relocated to a tacky lawn chair from the clearance section? I mean I would sell the heck out of that fold out chair to keep my fancy cabinet.

Update: I kid you not - Plenty is the person who said, "Fortune favors the bold", in the moment when while the volcano was raining down flame and lava on the ancient city, he was on a boat trying to rescue a wealthy person on shore.

Update: I just learned that in ancient Pompeii (when the volcano erupted), there was someone named Plenty. Someone gave birth to this person and was just like yep we don't need anymore, that's Plenty!

Update: I just sell everything before repo arrives. Now, what ya gonna do, Lawman?! Ain't nothin here but me and this gently used shrubbery! You gonna gonna take my topiary too? You got a shovel in that van??

Update: So my sim keeps trying to dodge municipal taxes and live like a feral-man. Rather than working towards buying them a new porcelain throne, I have purchased them a multipurpose bush. Surely, the government will not cease my bush.

Update: Is there an objective to this game? I was going to live off the grid and use a genie to pay all my bills. How has that gone? Well, the repo NPC just repossessed my toilet X;;D

Update: Fair & carnival rides often look like they're just held together by a car tire, some chain and a prayer. I know nothing about engineering but that looks like something I would devise if I had too much confidence & not enough money.

Update: it's nice and cold in here, they are keeping me fresh! X;D If only I could keep the nervous sweat at bay from when i get an unexpected phone call - oh no, what now? X;;D

Update: I just feel blessed to live in an age to know about the great Jim Pickens and the sim knitting factory in his basement xD

Update: strongly considering purchasing a reindeer onesie, just imagine full body fuzzy warmth, man - and you're festive as heck, you could go to a holiday party in your jammies and no one would even know

Update: It is the strangest experience being actually very healthy while experiencing injury or infection, like I feel a solid 8/10 beneath the medicated haze :D
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