lair purge <3 mostly g1s

ooccoo's Clan
eating moss makes you live forever!
Clan Info
hi im jeremy. im 20. feel free to pm me about anything!! random friend requests are welcomed and encouraged
activity is sporadic at best but i'll always return sooner or later
activity is sporadic at best but i'll always return sooner or later
Recent Comments

(haha get it pushing it, you know, PUSHIGN OUT DOODOO )

idkkkk man poopoos kinda :/ pushing it

lol peepeeeee

I love your little goaty gaoler baby...

Just popping in to say; Aiki was found on the front page and he is one pretty boi. very nice dragon you got there! ( o uo)b

Oh, yeah, I LOVE Arcane Primal Eyes ^_^ Been looking for a Dragon with them for a while, and I think Arcana is one of the best! She will indeed feel the love; My 'Welcome Fae' Reade gave her a huge hug when she got here.

Thanks for buying my red skydancer girl!

Fukurokujo was on the front page! What a lovely koi derg!

circe was on the front page!
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