[Discord FR RP] Build lore (OPEN)

Chance's Clan
When all you've got left is one chance.. you take it.
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I just saw Ariloria on the front page! She's so pretty!!!

Prometheus was the featured dragon, and is very lovely ! I adore seeing triple radioactives, they're so bright and colourful !

Prometheus was front page! He's an eyeful, but also a pretty dragon!

Kylie was on the front page^^

thanks for adopting Balin! looks like he already has a mate waiting for him. thanks for giving him a good home and a mate. it's always nice when older players adopt my progeny!

Nature and Light are in a major dominance battle, so if you'd like to make a bit more off your hatchies and support your Flight, go here! http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fl10/1275413

Hey there! Might want to hold off selling hatchlings for a sec :)

You've got so beautiful jungle colored dragons! There have been some imperials you've exalted (with underbelly), and if you ever get more, I'd love to buy or trade them.

Would you be willing to sell or trade your jungle/leaf/white coatl?

Vanesa is beautiful and also has the best name in the entire world ;D
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