free stuff bundles! (open!)

Triviality's Clan
Ice ice baby!
Clan Info

Current status wrote:
Art store is close for 2 months..! Very sorry! I will be doodling here and there, you can stalk me for that if you wish.| Coli is going..
This is a mixed lair. I may train, exalt, save or breed dragons for treasure. Also have pending lore but I need a lot of funding before I can even do that properly.
I also have litttttle experience in forums and formating, I tend to keep to myself if I can. I only accept friend requests if we know each other (lots of banter).
He/Him | Lurker | Adult

Wish dragons:
Wishlist holder, is WIP:

Recent Comments

Thanks I wanted to get my treasure to 9999

to answer your question- you can buy multiple apparel packs if you so desire :]

thanks for buying blackout ^^

Thank you for telling me! And she is very pretty indeed! I need to think of a better outfit but that mane goes so well with her!

thanks for letting me know and thanks for the compliment! :]

Thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate it!!! Your art is absolutely beautiful <3

Thank you! You're too sweet ;w; <3

Late reply, but thank you for the compliment! I worked very hard collecting the whole set haha!

Eckspine was on the front page! He looks interesting.
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