My Precious Baby Needs Friends

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Slushy was the random dragonn!! Magnificent lair!!!

You're right, she is! I'm actually trying to sell/rehome her. Would you be interested? If not, no worries. She's another breeding project hatchling.

I don't know really, but it's totally not because you have a lot of imperials in your lair, no. ;) *winks*

I'm gonna assume that you like imperials XD

AHHHH love the teeny arcane derg :3

Basically my desire to not spend gems on genes overrides my impatience, haha! At least I can finally stop chanting 'orca orca eggplant' to myself while scouring the AH. I'll have to check back in a month to see the cute babies!

Aww, thank you so much! I actually bred Idra and her sister after an over-a-year long breeding project x.x Just had to apply runes to Idra and I was done-- whew! I'm glad you like Orithyia! That's such a pretty name.

It’s really good- even just the music without seeing the play, I want to see it so badly XD

It’s a Hamilton quote ^^

Thank you for the compliment and for buying one of my dergs! :)

thank you for the compliment. those alter-egos have sucked my wallet dry. also! your ship is a crossover of two COMPLETELY different fandoms! (Camp Camp and Gravity Falls!)

Thank you! Though I've been playing this game for around 3 years now so they're not super great compared to other people's dragons but your dragons look wonderful!
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