Afamiliars: Breedable Familiar Adopts
Myndris' Clan
Stand back! I'm doin' a thing.
Clan Info
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Avatar Dragon FR+3 Wishlist Please read before PM'ing! Sketchanie is the love of my lifey, my wifey. <3 |
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Not mine, but I highly recommend using
Soundscapes for Coli Grinding
20 Fest currency = 1 Grey Slime & 1 Copper Muck
I owe Sketchanie 12 Red Goo & 3 Black Slime
I owe Stanzascale 2 River Muck familiars
To Do
Switch to fire
Obtain desirable fire pairs
Finish breeding projects
Fully upgrade lair space (155/210: 21,815,000T)
Fully upgrade HibDen space (118/405: 5KG)
Finish lore for every dragon
Finish lore database spreadsheet
Finish breeding card tutorial
Finish free to use bio codes for every element (1/11)
Write or commission each core lore dragon 3 stories.
Draw or commission at least 4 pieces of artwork for each core lore dragon.
Finish adopt.
Do G&G
Recent Comments
Faline 50077771 was on the front page! gorgeous dragon
Felgarion was front-paged!
Sangar was on the front page ;)
Lavender was front page!
Amyr (#60974622) was on the front page! What a gorgeous dragon!
Happy Birthday from your birthday twin!! <3
<3 hi there
Pea was on the front page!
Glem was on the front page!
I dont know if this will go to your 'not getting rid of' fodder rule on pg2 but! would you mind if i could borrow for a breeding progect? He'll be back by feb 8th. sorry if thats not okay!!
I love how organized your bio is!
Hey were your latest warhorse afamiliar designs based off of Spirit and Rain?
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