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rainchime's Clan

Oooh moss *touches moss* yippee :D
Venerable Lair
Singer's Brook icon

Clan Info


rain | actual creacher | any prns
(Dear Admins: I play on both my phone and pc and frequently switch between them.)

Hello. Pms are always open(I don't bite!)


The Shrouded Vale
An obscure region along the northeastern coast of the Windswept Plateau, between the Zephyr Steppes and Singer’s Brook. A massive mountain range encircles the region, sloping down to the coast, and deterring most land-bound travelers. Its geography is a patchwork of lush wild fields, forests, gulleys, creeks, ridges and ruins. Greenstone Keep is a massive overgrown stone ruin that has been refurbished into a living space for most of the clan. Candles and lanterns cast shadows against the mossy stone carvings, and woodburnt designs and columns line the intricate passages and chambers.


The Amberthorn Clan
A fierce clan of dragons residing in the Shrouded Vale. It is a self-sufficient community of dragons that thrive in the wilds. One of the few things it’s known for is producing warriors and mercenaries experienced in hunting dangerous monsters and Shade-touched creatures. The <name pending> is the clan's patron deity, a union of divine Nature and Plague magics from the Sisters sculpted into physical form by the Windsinger. Growth and Decay are important life processes that the Amberthorn Clan seeks to honor through battle and art.



My Dream Dragon/sona(I can't decide between these, RIP)

me frfr

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DarkCarnival's avatar
March 11, 2021 14:58:32
Thankye, you'll never know when they'll come out at night ;o)
LittleParade's avatar
March 11, 2021 07:20:28
I'm glad you like it! I'm actually not sure what I'll do yet, if enough interest is expressed in getting it printed, I suppose I can look into printing it myself!
likely6's avatar
March 08, 2021 23:13:31
You have so many cool dragons!!
Caydence's avatar
February 08, 2021 07:02:33
Awe thank you so much!! I love all the gorgeous green dragons you have- your lair is beautiful!
kyrin18's avatar
January 09, 2021 13:55:15
Bronze was on the front page! He's gorgeous :o I'm a sucker for Wildclaws~
Spark's avatar
November 04, 2020 06:04:11
Thank you so much for the compliment! You have a beautiful green and earthy lair too, loving the nature aesthetic!
Pinstriped's avatar
October 29, 2020 02:54:40
Thank you! <3 Good luck with your Xenoblade fandragons, I hope you manage to find some! :D
SilentMoose's avatar
October 09, 2020 05:55:29
Thank you for adopting Bronze :D He was a lucky hatch with regards to the colours so I'm happy he found a good home <3
Nivix's avatar
October 07, 2020 12:49:04
Thank you so much for your compliments on Tephra in feb! I was on hiatus, but I can’t believe she was on the front page!
Solinary's avatar
October 05, 2020 15:18:10
Thanks so much! I almost joined Nature when I first started, due in part to pretty lairs like yours <3
SookieJane's avatar
October 01, 2020 21:58:29
Haki is so pretty!
addams' avatar
September 24, 2020 06:37:50
thank you so much! i love your lair!
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Date Joined
May 14, 2017

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why did you blender explode
Stonjourner's avatar
Stonjourner (#514743)

I'm addicted to shiny hunting. :')
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sweetsanity (#501021)

casket in the hallway, my name carved in heartache
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Vignette (#88508)

why does my arm shake and turn bright red when i eat dirt
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Lightrays (#551608)

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Shadier (#1942)

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Recent Activity

Jul 20
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Skydancer Male, 1 Skydancer Female
Jan 22
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Skydancer Female
Jan 19
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Guardian Female, 2 Guardian Male

Recent Achievements

Jul 24
Flowery Patterns
Jul 24
Oooh, Shiny!
Jul 24
Luxury Dragons go Faster
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