Night of the Nocturne 2024
Swayla's Clan
Clan Info
Kate || 21 || She/her || FR+3
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Lore Clan Weddell is a large Clan of many rulers called Hearts, which all work together to maintain the peace of all the sects in their vast territory. The Clan is one united front, working together to preserve and explore the natural world around them, and protect the magical Heart of the Sea they have guarded for hundreds of years. Clan Weddell believes in protecting and documenting the natural world around them, exploring the seas, finding meaningful purpose in life, and kindness. Their kindness to other dragons and alluring lifestyle and territory have led to many outside dragons joining up with the sea-dwellers. |
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Hello. This is a random message! :)
Vik was featured on the front page! Cute dragon ^-^
Hello! I'm Kate; I joined many years ago but I'm just now really enjoying and getting into the game.
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