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Toxxitone's Clan

Blush Did 9/11
Ancient Lair
upon the
Blacksand Annex icon

Clan Info

Clan news!

Lair soon to be under lore reconstruction please ignore this page and basically my entire lair lore , EVERYTHING is outdated lmaooooo

PleASE stop buying dragons please please please please please our wallet cant handle it PLEASE

Theoretic Revamp timeline (Because I can't stick to a schedule to save my life)
Phase 1A: High leads Phase 1 (Half of all High leads bios written) - By April 10
complete! (Just need to actually put in bios)
Phase 1B: High leads Phase 2 (Latter half of all High leads Bios written/Formatted) - By May 20 0% Complete
Phase 2: Reorganizing and assigning apprentices/Seraph duties to all Main lair dragons (No bios, Just writing basic info and organizing based on duty) - By May 10th
Phase 3: in groups of 10, Writing bios and lore for every dragon in lair - ???-???
Not started
Phase 4: Clan info rewrite on Profile
Not started

Exalting lair! If your dragon is in The adult fodder or Nursery tab, bet they'll probably be exalted if less than 3 Y.O. Buyback info is in the tab
SID and Oldie enthusiast

FAQ!: https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/41036316

I GOT AN ELIMINATE!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Eliminate gained on 12/10/16 @ 19:01 FR time)

We've finally relocated to the molten scar! Migration done on 12/10/16 @ 19:20 FR time

First fully stoned lvl 25 dragon, Eria
Filly stoned on 12/10/16 @ 19:38

Clan backstory:
It all started with the destruction of Nightkaia's former clan, White Rose. It was destroyed in a brutal war between White rose and The Beast soul clan, who were a highly hostile group of dragons who lived in the outer regions of the southern Icefield. First sightings of the enemy clan were first spotted and reported by a hunting troop who had gone out that morning. Carrion, The leader of White rose told the clan to watch the skies for the beast soul dragons, and to be prepared for a battle, and he was very right to do so, because at midnight on that day, White Rose had been attacked. At this time, Nightkaia was just a hatchling. At some point during the battle, she awoke in the middle of the Viridian Labyrinth with a still-warm egg by her side, In a small hollow under a tree. For days she stayed in the hollow, attempting to get the egg to hatch, but eventually she had to leave it behind, assuming the hatchling inside to be dead due to the glow of the egg fading completely. Lost and alone, she traveled the Flightland until she managed to finally find her way back to the Blacksand annex where her clan had recently moved to only to find the ruins of her former clan. The clearing was scattered with the remains of battle. Blood and bodies from both White rose and Beast Soul dragons alike. Even most of the familiars were dead, torn apart by the ferocious Beast Soul clan. She stood, looking down at the wreckage, Tears filling her eyes. She turned her snout to the sky, wondering why the flamecaller led her down this path. Nightkaia was broken out of her stupor when she heard the familiar and terrifying roars of the enemy clan in the distance. Snapping out her wings, she flew, Leaving the bloodstained camp and the calls of the Beast Soul dragons behind. She flew blindly until she unconsciously landed in a large and seemingly abandoned corner of the Emberglow Hearth. Encircling the area was a ring of molten lava, slowly swirling around in an almost hypnotic manner. Looking around, It suddenly hit her. The flamecaller meant for this to happen. I was meant to build a new clan. It was just bad luck that they were caught in the mix. This is where she lead me. Determined to fulfill the flamecaller's will, and also to build a clan in honor of her wilted White Rose, She began to set to work, slowly but surely clearing out the area and building a den for just herself for now. Soon enough, a travelling dragon from another area of the Ashfall Waste Noticed her work and decided to join her in creating what she'd dubbed Howling dragon. Together they created all aspects of their clan life and intend to make their clan well known throughout the world.

The dragons in Howling dragon are generally seen as reckless and wild, with a select few being tamer than the rest of the clan. This clan dabbles heavily in alcohol and drinks to nearly everything. Being such a rowdy group, not a lot of clans or dragons seem to enjoy their company. Only the dragons that can take wildness in stride can deal with the howling dragons.

However wild and different they may be, they all share one trait. Heart. They all care for one another and will protect one another whether they like each other or not. It does not matter who they are, If they are branded with the mark of the howling dragon (Coming soon when I start designing accents),The clan will fight for them.
Howling dragon is not just a clan, they're a family. Even newcomers are given the welcome of a clan member.

The howling dragons pride themselves in their sense of fun and their extravagant celebrations. They have many celebrations. They celebrate hatchdays, The day of the nightmare, The first snowfall, Exaltations and many others with heavy drinking, Friendly fights, Speed battles, and so much more.

Note: Every dragon has a place in the timeline. It will be stated in their bios

Clan Celebrations:

Clawsharp(Jan 1)- The Second part of the new years celebration. (Celebrated by the sharpening of claws and spines & The shining of scales, Then a friendly fight between all seraphs, the alpha, and the leader to see who in the clan is the strongest. This is monitored by the moonbraiser. There is also (Of course) Heavy drinking)

First bloom(feb 15)- Celebration of the coming of spring

Sun Celebration(June 1)- The celebration of the coming of summer

Goldleaf gathering(Aug 1)- The celebration of the beginning of fall

First snowfall(Dec 1)-The celebration of the coming of winter

Clawsharp(Dec 31) The first part of the new years celebration(Mostly filled with a lot of work for the beermonger, apprentice training being put off, and dragons training for the yearly competition)

Battleground(Jan 20)- This is the day where The howling dragons call a friendly battle between them and their allies. On some occasions they will even make a truce with their enemies and do friendly battles with them.

Hatchlings day(Feb 14)- This is the celebration of love. Females are not allowed to drink on this day.Even the beermonger may not drink if she is female. It is a tradition of sacred sobriety so that eggs will not be tampered with. This seems to be the day when most hatchlings are born and most eggs are laid.

High Queens celebration(Mar 15)- This is the celebration of all of the things that females do for the clan. In return for Hatchlings day, Males are now not allowed to drink.

Rainfall harvest(April 6)- This celebrates the coming rainfall which signifies spring. since this day has the heaviest rain, many things begin to grow , animals come out of hiding, bugs begin to roam the smoky skies, and the fish begin to reproduce, so all of the food-gathering troops go gather food and a great feast is held.

Flamecaller's Thanks(June 2)- this is the day of the flamecaller, and all dragons in Howling Dragon must drink to the name of the flamecaller. This is the day with the largest amount of Exalted dragons.

Familiar family(July 16)- While all dragons spend quality time with their chosen familiar every day, This is a special day when all of Howling Dragon's allies come together to play with the familiars as a family of sorts.

High King's celebration(Aug 5)- This is the day that celebrates all of the males in the clan and what they do for Howling Dragon. Everyone gets to drink. After this, no one can drink until Gallons day

Gallons day(Sept 30)- The day when everyone can stop being sober. Everyone in the clan absolutely hates the time between High kings day and Gallons day, but all agree that the Beermonger needs a break too.

Howling hour(Oct 9)- This is the celebration of the birth of the Howling dragon clan. This day is filled with partying, games, and of course drinking, all leading up to a moonlight howl that takes place at exactly midnight on this day.

Nightmare's celebration(oct 31)- This is a day of horror and fear. In a fun way of course. This day marks the running of the Nightmares, when all of the nightmares of the world gome together and gallop their way around the flightlands. In honor of the terrifying horses, all dragons claim the role of a beast of some sort, whether it be from their imagination, or from real life.

Day of rest(Nov 16)- This is the day when no one has to do anything. It is a time for relaxation for the clan after a long and hard year. This is also the time for other things to happen like the Beermonger, the Moonbraiser, and the Beastmaster to view their wares and figure out what they need and what needs to be gotten rid of in preparation for the biggest celebration of the year

The Moonbeam Festival(Nov 20)- The moonbeam festival is the biggest and second-to-last celebration that Howling dragon has. They hold it In different areas every year, but even so, Everyone will know where it is because the leader will fly all over the Ashfall waste to drop invites to the party. On this day, all clans have a peace treaty and just come to party In celebration of the year that was ending, and to celebrate all of the good things that the Flamecaller had blessed them with. This also gives the leaders of their respective clans a chance to come together and discuss problems and other big stuff. But really, It's all just for fun. A big gathering in the name of the flamecaller to celebrate all aspects, Whether good or bad, Of the year, and to welcome the year ahead.

P.S. Yes, Howling Dragon does celebrate the normal Elemental holidays.

Clan hierarchy:

Leader-The highest title. The Leader Is the sole controller of the clan and makes the choices that most greatly affect the clan. They also lead clan meetings to appoint apprentices, make apprentices into fully fledged clan members

Alpha- The second-in-command. This position is highly respected and sees that the leader's will is done. The leader frequently asks for advice from the alpha. When the leader dies or becomes a laeer, The alpha becomes leader and must choose another alpha in their place.

Moonbraiser- The witchdoctor. This position is also highly respected due to the connection to their flight's deity. The leader and the alpha both frequently come to the Moonbraiser for answers to a difficult choice. The Moonbraiser Dabbles a lot in potions and remedies. The Moonbraiser has a permanent apprentice, who only becomes a Moonbraiser when the old one dies or becomes a Laeer.

Seraphs- These are the dragons who have completed their apprentice training and have learned enough to be called a true member of the clan. (Sub genres of Seraphs are below)

War dragons- These are the dragons that choose to be seen more in battle than in anything else. They enjoy the thrill of a good battle and relish in winning. These dragons are fierce and protect the clan from intruders and attackers.

Hunters, Fishers, Bugcatchers, and foragers- These are the four Troops that do not want to be seen in battle, but would rather help supply their clan with food.

Diggers and scavengers- These two groups deal more with getting materials for use in potions by the Moonbraiser.

Beastmaster- This dragon is the dragon in charge of obtaining and assigning familiars. The Beastmaster works with the Moonbraiser to figure out which familiar is best suited for which dragon.

Beermonger- This doesn't really need explaining.This is where most of the clan's funds go to. The Beermonger is meant to go to the market and buy beer, and serve the clan when they need a drink.

Builder- The builder is the one who creates the dens and builds the clan according to the will of the leader. The Builder has a permanent apprentice, that apprentice only taking the role of builder once the old builder dies or becomes a Laeer.

Messenger: The dragons who are the fastest and have the most stamina whether on land or in air are the ones who are designated to send messages or invites to areas all around the Ashfall waste or even farther. There are two types of messengers, those for Short-distance and those for long-distance messages.

Chef: This is the one who makes all the yummy foodies for all the dergs :3

Hoarder: The Hoarder is the dragon that guards, sorts, and protects the items in the hoard. They also watch for any Would-Be-thieves or hatchlings that decide to go in it, and report it to The leader or the Alpha.

Day Watcher & Night Watcher: These are the dragons that protect the clan during the day and night. There can be only up to two watcher in each category and both have specific specifications.
Day watch: Must have lots of endurance because they will hide in the sky so to have a cove of smog hiding them.
Night Watch: Must have dark colors so that they will not be easily seen against the dark night time sky.

Battle Scout: The battle scout is the dragon who is small and can stealthily sneak round and hide to get information for the Leader and alpha. As the name implies, They are usually used for battle. This dragon is actually a war dragon with extra training.

(End of Seraph sub categories)

Laeer- These are the dragons that choose to serve the gods either due to a calling to them through the Moonbraiser, through their own will, or when they feel that they have served their purpose to their clan. Exalted laeer are usually given a feast and a festival within the clan before they set off to serve the gods. Laeers begin their training from the moment they express true desire to serve the gods.

Laeer Trainer: This dragon trains the Laeers to be warriors, teaching them many different ways of fighting so that they may serve the gods to their fullest potential.

Apprentices-These dragons are younger, and have not yet reached true adulthood who have chosen what path that they wish to lead. from the age of 5 or 6 days, They work under the dragon of their chosen path and learn the ways of their profession.

Hatchlings-These are newly born dragons. They stay with their mothers and explore the camp until they reach the age of 4 days, when they will become apprentices.

Find full clan hierarchy log Here

Mortal enemy: Beast soul

Clan faq.

Question: Did you really take all the time to create this yourself?
Answer: Yes I did. And this is a prime example of why I don't have a life. T-T
Also, I did write the personality of the dragons and familiars in my clan and update them as I see fit.

Question: What time do you go by?
Answer: I go by Eastern Standard Time,00:00 Fr time = 03:00 in Est.

Question: None of the backstories make sense with the dragon's heritage, way you got them, element, Ect.
Answer: First, that's not a question, that's a statement. Second, Once I get a dragon in my clan, That Dragon is mine, and I can make the backstory whatever I want, no matter what. That's just the way I do things. If I didn't do it like that, my whole clan dynamic would fall to ruin.

Question:I noticed a dragon named Hamilton and Theodosia. Are you Hamilton trash?
Answer: Yes. Yes I am.

Question: Are you Just fandom trash in general?
Answer: Yes. yes I am. I am Fnaf, Undertale, My Little Pony, Furry, Maximum ride, warriors, Dr.who, Owl City, Steven Universe, and (Of Course) Flight Rising, Trash

Question: Are you selling any dragons?
Answer: It depends on what is happening. If you want to find out, go to the back of my lair. All of my dragons who are lined up for sale or Exaltation will be behind diabla, as she will always be the last Permanant dragon in my clan. You can always PM me about any dragons that I am selling so I can take them off the auction house for you, and all exalts will have it in their info box and usually be at level 5 or up. If they are not at level 5 then it means that I got them during the week, and cannot level them because of the stupid school filter blocking the coliseum and fairgrounds. If you REALLY want one of my exalts, I will give it to you for a slightly higher price than normal because of the effort of training them.

About me:
-I love dragons (Obviously)
-I love warriors
-Dr.Who Is awesome
-I like meeting new people
-I am ultra gay LOL :)
-Otherkin are welcome
-Please don't shove your religion in my face
-I don't bite. Usually.
-I love animals

Dream Dragons!!

Idk why, but I see this dragon as a representation of my Bf, Blizzard. Yes, I know I already know that I already have a dragon named blizzard, but I was going to rename him anyway.

This guy just looks awesome

Recent Comments

DenshiRenji's avatar
February 18, 2024 19:56:45
tiredtransman's avatar
April 20, 2023 10:06:13
Speed was on the front page and looking Zoom-y!
Kytheen's avatar
October 05, 2019 21:40:42
Frostbite was on the front page!
BreganDaerthe's avatar
April 10, 2019 05:21:11
Sebastian Was on front page :)
Agnicia's avatar
February 12, 2019 08:47:28
Reiwas on the Front Page! She is amazingand reminds e to Rei from theSailor Moon! *.* Did you named after her maybe?
ZillaJr's avatar
January 13, 2019 22:27:25
Shadow was on the front page!
XSkyressX's avatar
December 25, 2018 14:57:28
Minus is on the front page! He’s gorgeous! :3
brighteningskies' avatar
December 01, 2018 14:08:20
best signature 10/10 haha
mony's avatar
September 17, 2018 17:11:59
Sebastian was featured on the front page, congrats!
SaturnNeptune's avatar
September 11, 2018 18:57:50
It sure does
SaturnNeptune's avatar
September 11, 2018 18:45:49
I haven't done lore yet, I'm still pretty new to this website
SaturnNeptune's avatar
September 11, 2018 18:41:57
Your clan info is very detailed!
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Oct 9, 2016

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Heartstrike's avatar
Heartstrike (#273677)

Rockman7372's avatar
Rockman7372 (#276872)
Brokenwing's avatar
Brokenwing (#63439)

Serve the Clan, Serve the Flight, Serve the Gods.
SlothToast's avatar
SlothToast (#253339)

-on hiatus- I pop in sometimes -offline-
AwesomeKyle0's avatar
AwesomeKyle0 (#280301)
hearttale's avatar
hearttale (#281623)
RenegadeTalonz's avatar
RenegadeTalonz (#173007)

Love is a bridge not a wall.
Dragontime's avatar
Dragontime (#242811)

To click or not to click, that is the question.
Megan65's avatar
Megan65 (#272669)

Now her life is Rosie...
Slaide's avatar
Slaide (#277869)

All we are is a clan of theives...

Recent Activity

Jan 05
Became friends with katrina
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
Jan 04
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Mirror Male, 1 Mirror Female
Jan 04
Welcomed new hatchlings!
2 Imperial Female

Recent Achievements

May 17
Rainy Day Fund (1000000)
May 17
Rainy Day Fund (500000)
May 17
Rainy Day Fund (250000)
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