Trickmurk Circus Skin Submissions
strangenmenacing's Clan
If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget.
Clan Info
I used to be young and idealistic and think that death was a human right, that everyone deserved to die, but now I realize that dying is very hard work. I’m working hard every day, trying to die, but you don’t hear me complaining, ‘Ohh, government, where’s my free death?’ No. When I die, I want to have earned it. I don’t mean to sound insensitive to those less fortunate, who don’t have the means to die without government help, which is why I support our local non-profit shelters, that will help ease our more down-on-their-luck brothers and sisters toward the death they truly want, but just can’t afford.
+3 Hours FR Time
I spend most of my time on here, drawing, or on tumblr. Willing to make trades!
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(coughcough I even have Cecil and Carlos dragons coughcough)
All hail the glow cloud! :)