Maia's Hatchery ~ XXX Wildclaws & Coatls

maiathehealer's Clan
Clan Info
I run a Hatchery now :)

Also, if you see a dragon you like and don't have the listed funds send me a message. I am open to trading for apparel, familiars, skins, eggs, and more.

18202795 and 42280970 are with Grimmneko
40249927 and 40712363 are with SnoringHyena
XXX Coatls or Wildclaws Looking for...
Heather ???/???/glim
(Male with rare primary and secondary)
Mulberry ???/shim/???
(Male with rare primary and tert)
Pink ???/???/glim
(Female with rare primary and secondary)
Muave ???/shim/???
(Female with rare primary and tert)
Purple ???/???/???
(Female with rare traits)
The closer any on this list are to Iradecent/Shimmer/Glimmer the better
Just so I don't lose the codes,
Dragonisa made these three

Kiwicide made these three

Also, if you see a dragon you like and don't have the listed funds send me a message. I am open to trading for apparel, familiars, skins, eggs, and more.

18202795 and 42280970 are with Grimmneko
40249927 and 40712363 are with SnoringHyena
XXX Coatls or Wildclaws Looking for...
Heather ???/???/glim
(Male with rare primary and secondary)
Mulberry ???/shim/???
(Male with rare primary and tert)
Pink ???/???/glim
(Female with rare primary and secondary)
Muave ???/shim/???
(Female with rare primary and tert)
Purple ???/???/???
(Female with rare traits)
The closer any on this list are to Iradecent/Shimmer/Glimmer the better
Just so I don't lose the codes,
Dragonisa made these three

Kiwicide made these three

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I don't believe you play anymore, but do you have a record of selling this boy?( I've been wondering where he comes from.

Tsuru was on the front page!

Ra was on the front page! :)

Magician was on the front page! He looks amazing!

I picked up one of your Pearl XXX and I'm in love! Beautiful Dragons!

4 eggs!

3 eggs!

Natural looks gorgious! thanks for giving her an amazing home

Hi again :) could you please hold one of the banana coatl males for me? I’ll be selling some hatchlings soon and I will have enough gems in a day or two.

Wooo thank you!!

and 2 eggs for the second pair!

1 egg, rip
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