Maia's Hatchery ~ XXX Wildclaws & Coatls

maiathehealer's Clan
Clan Info
I run a Hatchery now :)

Also, if you see a dragon you like and don't have the listed funds send me a message. I am open to trading for apparel, familiars, skins, eggs, and more.

18202795 and 42280970 are with Grimmneko
40249927 and 40712363 are with SnoringHyena
XXX Coatls or Wildclaws Looking for...
Heather ???/???/glim
(Male with rare primary and secondary)
Mulberry ???/shim/???
(Male with rare primary and tert)
Pink ???/???/glim
(Female with rare primary and secondary)
Muave ???/shim/???
(Female with rare primary and tert)
Purple ???/???/???
(Female with rare traits)
The closer any on this list are to Iradecent/Shimmer/Glimmer the better
Just so I don't lose the codes,
Dragonisa made these three

Kiwicide made these three

Also, if you see a dragon you like and don't have the listed funds send me a message. I am open to trading for apparel, familiars, skins, eggs, and more.

18202795 and 42280970 are with Grimmneko
40249927 and 40712363 are with SnoringHyena
XXX Coatls or Wildclaws Looking for...
Heather ???/???/glim
(Male with rare primary and secondary)
Mulberry ???/shim/???
(Male with rare primary and tert)
Pink ???/???/glim
(Female with rare primary and secondary)
Muave ???/shim/???
(Female with rare primary and tert)
Purple ???/???/???
(Female with rare traits)
The closer any on this list are to Iradecent/Shimmer/Glimmer the better
Just so I don't lose the codes,
Dragonisa made these three

Kiwicide made these three

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3 eggs!

3 eggs!!

just wanted to let you know that i sent you a cr with your dragons back

I have your dragon Lily's great-great-grandson Legolas. Just thanking you for the line of heredity. :) I posted on the ancestor appreciation thread with them.

Hello !Of course you can purchase the mist coatl with gems

Hey, you've got a triple pearl pearlcatcher on the AH for 50,000, could you please maybe reserve it for me? She's an absolute beauty, but I'm short right now (can have the money before server midnight.)

*impulse-buys one of your imperial babies XD*

Kalish was on the front page! c:
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