Theme Week: Obelisk Dragons!

fricklefrack's Clan
Clan Info

Three clans, their fates intertwined.
Clan Thistleraven was once a powerful clan, now reduced to few. Nadeah, their leader, ruthlessly hunts for the two she blames. Constantly delving further and further into dark magics, it seems she will stop at nothing to find them. Her remaining followers worry she is descending into madness but cannot bring themselves to say so. If Nadeah goes down, so will they.
Clan Murkwillow is lead by Cryptomeria and Betelgeuse, two defectors of Thistleraven. Crypto has been cursed by the Shadowbinder herself, and is condemned to stay within the Tangled Woods or perish. She and her mate try their hardest to keep their clan safe, but fear Nadeah will catch them eventually.
Clan Ghostbramble is a traveling entertainment troupe, hardly aware of the feud they're caught between. Allies of Murkwillow, only their leader Dal knows the danger they could possibly face. The troupe visits all corners of Sorneith, putting on shows to bring in money. With the help of Wychelm, Dal spreads false rumors about the whereabouts of Clan Murkwillow, hoping to keep Nadeah busy in distant flights.

i hoard all plushies!
u can call me dal or frick
local crone + she/her pronouns
just trapped in Fancy Dragon Hell like the rest of you
a v smol lore clan who is getting back into writing for fun
feel free to ask for my FR tumblr!! i have started putting lore posts up there so if ur interested........wink

To Do/Wishlist
Special Eyes for EVERYONE (rip me)
at least one (1) art for each of my permas
Food stacks bc my dragons are hangry all the time (mostly meat + plants but i will gladly take other foods)
Silks (any! never enough silks)
gem fams lol rip
glade apparel
scale armor
tail rings from the gem marketplace :0

*~Dom Badges~*

wow ur all the way down here? well good news
ur cute as hell
Recent Comments

Ooo the spooky Carodoc was on the front page!

Betelgeuse was the random dragon! I love his lore :D

I love your Franc!

Cyndeyrn (#87291743) was on the front page!

Mel was on the front page!! She's beautiful!

Sardonyx was on the random dragon spotlight! She's absolutely stunning

sunfall was on the front page!

I love how you've attired my hatchling, Frith. She looks great against the Gladekeeper's Domain scene!

Horizon was on the front and I love how well his skin works with his genes! 0:

Horizon was on the front page! He's gorgeous!

Horizon was on the front page!

Cyperus was on the front page!
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