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Wyrmilius' Clan
Gen Ones With Problematic Terts™
Clan Info

I'm 9 hours ahead of FR time so sometimes I might reply a bit late!
Art Shop | {Not so) mini adopts
Accent Shop
To admins:
Sheldow is my girlfriend so we are visiting each other A LOT and log into FR on the same network.
I also travel a lot between 4 cities in my country so I can sometimes "jump" from place to place in my activities.
Recent Comments

Gaster was on the front page!

Amren was on the front page! So beautiful, I love his colors!

Amren Was on the front cover! Such a lucky boi , very cute

Berengar was on the front page!

Ilvastar was on the front page!

Aguldan was on the front page, what an awesome primal! I grabbed a screenshot in case you're interested: [img][/img]

broodmother was on the front page!

i am LOVING your Alastor fandragon, he's *beautiful*

gosh your art is amazing ; ) i hope you come back soon since you dont seem active!

Wyrmilius was on the front page!

Hi! Thanks for adopting Kurai. :)

Aguldan was the random dragon and DANG they're cool!! That's one amazing plague derg right there. From his genes/colors to his outfit to his accent! And of course, his eyes!
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