[Open!] Rag Doll Dragon Adopt
RawrrLioness' Clan
Rawrr rawrr rawrr! :3
Clan Info
Welcome to The Lioness's Clan! :D
~This is an exalt lair~
If i buy your dragon between 1-8k then they will be kept at the back of my lair (After the Bogsneaks)and will be trained to exalt for profit!
(Except for my permies, adopted dragons and travelers ^^)
So if I have brought your dragon PM me if you would like them returned C:
Current status: Online C:
Note: I log on with my laptop, iPad and iPod, please don't be angry with me! 0.0
*Important note!*
I have a new laptop so i will be logging onto that one for now on! C:
Hi everybody! I really don't know what to say here right now XD
I am taking art requests! and if I seem to be taking a little while with them, it would mean I am doing 2 at a time instead of one ^.^ Much quicker that way XD
If you like any of the colours of any of my dragons feel free to ask for me to breed them and ill be happy to C:
I like making new friends and talking to people so feel free to send me a message or a friend request!
That is it for now! :D Yay! And I shall see/talk to you guys soon! :)
My art Shop: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/1877410
My Adoptable shop: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/1923319/1
My adoption Agency and leveling service: http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drt/1938883
Recent Comments
Dropping in to say hello!
Casini was on the front page!
Hello! Karina is in front page! XD
Nice to meet you to
Hi there! I heard from Lunusdragoness that you can help make buttons, badges, and banners for me. ^^ I am remaking an old thread that I made as a newbie, and making it alot prettier and stuff.
are you a fan of Tamora Pierce?
Hey you ok?
Hai, enjoying in Plague?
Lunus told us you were thinking of trying out Pleg, pls note that nature types are exceptionally resistant to gross blights coming from our region! :D
Jingle was on the front page! I love how Christmassy he is!
Please remember to post your boxes in the Open the Box Game.
Rawrrr X3
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