LF Earth nest <> 10g or wind nest (hlwn

Misweathering's Clan
all my dragons are so gay
Clan Info
~ Weather ~ 25 ~ She/her ~
reduced online hours but I do try to log on at least once per day
~ Server Time +0 ~ ~ discord - misweathering ~ ~ feel free to PM for my tumblr ~ |
Argo Citadel flies near the tail end of the Cloudsong. Its central structure is a huge disc, framed with bamboo and filled with soil. A forest of towering bamboo stalks grows atop it. There is a central "spring" (actually a cleverly built wooden cistern) stocked with decorative fish of many colors and ringed by a thriving garden of flowers, vegetables, and herbs. Around the perimeter are fastened the billowing kites and balloons that keep the citadel aloft.
Isabela is the guardian of the spring. She protects it from contamination or breakage, maintains its waterproof lining of clay, and cares for the fish.
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Below this central disc hang light structures of bamboo and colorful silk, strung together with a complex and somewhat disorganized webbing of ropes. The overall silhouette is something akin to a jellyfish. The "hibernal den" is a netting of lines and hammocks strung just under the main disc. The clan's hoard is hung in diverse sacks, crates, barrels, and nets toward the center of this area.
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Weaver Julia tends the cords, nets, and tethers that keep the citadel in one piece. He claims to see the future in the way they twist in the breeze.
The nesting grounds are at the top of the citadel, at the edge of its central garden. Thick foliage grows over the shallow, circular pit, giving the eggs shelter, warmth and some sunlight.
Candyfloss is a capable administrator. She keeps records of the clan's day-to-day affairs and oversees the management of inventory.
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Dragon lairs are mostly located in the lower layers, although some choose to make their lairs in the forest on top, including the clan guards.
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When not off terrorizing the low-level Coliseum venues, Incensus Imber keeps a tireless watch over the upper reaches of the citadel.
Although there is a sizable contingent of dragons living in the platforms full-time, many choose instead to explore the lands below and return only to mate or for important clan events. A great many of the dragons from the clan leave to live permanently in other lands, but the ones that stay are very close. Dragons of all elements and personalities can find a home here. (Tundras are not considered trustworthy, though, and snappers have some difficulty coming and going from the high kites.) Some dragons enter the service of the Windsinger, most often those actually born in the clan.
A fervent devotee of the Windsinger, Vitrine is charged with training up dragons to be exalted as kites, as well as keeping a record of those dragons the clan exalts.
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Naming traditions are whimsical and slightly random, which is fitting with the personality of the clan.
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The clan's specialist in digging and excavation is, to the delight of all, named Dog.

At the center of the Pillowfort is the Cat's Cradle, the site of Toybox Hatchery. The entire Pillowfort was constructed by Argo Clan for the purpose of establishing the hatchery. The clan continues to put considerable investment into the enterprise, and their efforts have so far yielded some very pretty pairs, if not much actual profit.
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An auxiliary of Argo Citadel, the Pillowfort is an assemblage of dwellings that always flies within a mile or two of Argo. Its central structure is an enormous cocoon woven from strands of silk, purple and pink and light blue and mother-of-pearl, lit from within by a soft red light: the Cat's Cradle. It's suspended within a geodesic bamboo frame held aloft by kites and balloons. Smaller cocoons, as well as various small cabins, nets, and hammocks, are strung onto the vertices of this framework. Below it swings the enormous group hammock known as the Pillowden. Most of the dragons living around the framework only live there part-time, returning mainly to nest.

About Me
Hello I'm Weather! I played this game for several months in 2015, then mostly dropped it for a couple years. Then I picked it up again for a bit sometime in late 2016/early 2017, and again in the spring of 2018. Then just before 2021 Mistral Jamborree I started playing again and finally got into the "flow" of the game. I love the Stitched and Patchwork genes and have more than a dozen color projects for them (most on the back burner at any given time due to limited lair and nest space.) I really only ever bother with a pretty limited selection of genes and breeds for permas. I don't keep a wishlist because it seems like a lot of trouble to keep it updated, and besides what I want most are dragons with specific colors and big-ticket items like genes. I don't really care about first-generation dragons. I'm not as active as I was last year but I am on here for at least a little bit most days.
Updated 6/23/22
Recent Comments

Happy Birthday!! I saw your post on Discord. Us Gemeni's most stick together. Wish me luck on the raffle.

my imp pair unfortunately hached two males, but I can try another nest if you're willing to wait

Thanks for buying my fae! I hope she feels at home here.

Thank you for buying my fae hatchling <3

thanks for buying Danaus! your lair is so lovely, i hope she enjoys a great life here ^__^

Thanks so much, you're very kind! :D BTW Vaporwave is great.

Love EVERGREEN, she's adorable! and laughing over the Ever Given reference. xD

thanks so much for buying my copper baby! i was so happy to see you have a pair set up for him too ;_; i hope they serve you well!

Annabelle (?) Was on the first page! I'm gonna steal her

Lionheart was on the front page, he's super gorgeous and so is the rest of your lair, you're so good at dressing your dragons haha. :D

lesbian legend

Thanks for buying LakeFog. I love the way you dressed her. Enjoy!
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