[S] Windbound Plumage, old sprites & +

Enigmatical's Clan
Fresher than Veggies
Clan Info
Payment Plans: Me for Windbound Plumage 600,000/3,500,000(ON PAUSE)
Iri Scroll
Shimmer scroll
Smoke ScrollSomeone gifted it to me <3
Iri Scroll
Okapi Scroll
(possibly a pc scroll)
Clown Scroll
Shimmer Scroll
Payment Plans: Me for Windbound Plumage 600,000/3,500,000(ON PAUSE)
HELLO ALL!! i quit this game for a good 2 years, but im back now and im very excited to be playing again!!
Currently seeking a Plague Sprite!!!!!
I also collect.. these! Have any? I'll buy em!
I also collect imperials
Gene Projects!
My Gen1 Mirror Male from an Unhatched Egg:
Coatl ScrollIri Scroll
Shimmer scroll
Smoke ScrollSomeone gifted it to me <3
Ares one of my progens:
Shimmer ScrollIri Scroll
Okapi Scroll
(possibly a pc scroll)
Calypso my other progen:
Skydancer ScrollClown Scroll
Shimmer Scroll
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Yo! Still on?

my den betas is up for trading! x3 except i have a nature archway collection that isnt for trade, so all den betas are up for trade except for the archways C: and i forgot to send u the picture of my den betas, im gonna do it when i get back home :)

No sorry, when I started to think of it my long collars weren't for trade xD sorry :c

yes thank you :D You?

HI there, are you going to be able to complete the CR soon?


I saw you in an animal jam thread? Do you have anything to sell (sorry If that sounds pushy I'm just very desperate).

We have.... very similar tastes. I love your name so I went to your homepage and we are on the same payment plan for windbound plumage and we both have a *mild* obsession with imperials. You seem nice if I know myself! :D

Ahh congrats!! He looks nice!!!

Thank you so much! Crow is such a beautiful dragon

Ahh she's so pretty!! Sadly i'm trying to prevent myself from buying anything unless it's a very priority goal;; Thank you for asking though!! She looks like she has rare colors which could be of interest~ If you sell her I could link you to the gen 1 doc!
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