[S] G1s! 10yo royal/sunshine XYY + more

Cads' Clan
wow i am dying
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Thanks for buying Jolly! The breed change looks great on her!

Your welcome! X)

Mistletoe was on the front page!

I can see why ahh

Cit was on the front page! She's adorable ah I love the hearts

Your dergs are so pretty!

Thank you so much!! ////// That means a lot to me as she's one of my favorite dragons I own ;w;

saw crypt as well! :0

Crypt was on the front page, and he is GORGEOUS!

Ah thank you so much for breeding him!! He's my precious windy child and the best 2000 gems I've ever spent for a coatl scroll ;w;

I saw Subeta on the front page, and checked out your lair, your dragons are all gorgeous!

AHHH, exciting! :D
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