hiiii i don't play much anymore so i'd like to offload some of my g1s.
dm or post with an offer on any dragon!
no reasonable offer will be refused, willing to sell below market value! <3
will accept gems, treasure, or scatterscrolls as payment

jam - #9147360 - 10 years old
royal iridescent / sunshine shimmer / sunshine glimmer
(can include accent in purchase if you like!)
make me an offer, willing to sell below market value
(bc g1 XYY prices are outrageous)

one off XYY - #27996025 - 8 years old
bubblegum basic / midnight basic / shadow basic

other notables:

soleil - #4841872 - 10 years old
sunshine iridescent / fire shimmer / tomato glimmer

unnamed - #24331092 - 8 years old
lavender basic / sapphire basic / nightshade basic

#19501717 - 9 years old
magenta basic / navy basic / midnight basic

unnamed - #29008220 - 8 years old
lead basic / amethyst basic / wisteria basic
more triple-gened g1s in my lair!
dm or post with an offer on any dragon!
no reasonable offer will be refused, willing to sell below market value! <3
will accept gems, treasure, or scatterscrolls as payment

jam - #9147360 - 10 years old
royal iridescent / sunshine shimmer / sunshine glimmer
(can include accent in purchase if you like!)
make me an offer, willing to sell below market value
(bc g1 XYY prices are outrageous)

one off XYY - #27996025 - 8 years old
bubblegum basic / midnight basic / shadow basic

other notables:

soleil - #4841872 - 10 years old
sunshine iridescent / fire shimmer / tomato glimmer

unnamed - #24331092 - 8 years old
lavender basic / sapphire basic / nightshade basic

#19501717 - 9 years old
magenta basic / navy basic / midnight basic

unnamed - #29008220 - 8 years old
lead basic / amethyst basic / wisteria basic
more triple-gened g1s in my lair!