dragon bio overhaul, accesibility issues
Tiranoel's Clan
Clan of the Risen Moon
Clan Info
Image by GlowPen.
I exalt for profit. I promise to name them beforehand, but it will be after their primary color.
Don't be shy about asking for pings for breedings, studding, or asking me to breed a certain pair of my dragons together so you can buy their babies. The worst I will do is say no.
If you see a baby of mine that's Unnamed that you're interested in negotiating a price for, feel free to PM me.
PM list:
GlowPen (Pink/pink or rose/rose)
MissAri for Kovani/Cahaya (steel-aqua/mulberry/mulberry GIRL)
Sylvarant for sunshine/sunshine/gold MALE
I exalt for profit. I promise to name them beforehand, but it will be after their primary color.
Don't be shy about asking for pings for breedings, studding, or asking me to breed a certain pair of my dragons together so you can buy their babies. The worst I will do is say no.
If you see a baby of mine that's Unnamed that you're interested in negotiating a price for, feel free to PM me.
PM list:
GlowPen (Pink/pink or rose/rose)
MissAri for Kovani/Cahaya (steel-aqua/mulberry/mulberry GIRL)
Sylvarant for sunshine/sunshine/gold MALE
Recent Comments
Lekif was on the front page
I could make room for Forest... If you could hold onto her... I have a nest of two right now, we could trade.
Do you like Silver? Cuz i bred her if you dont know...
Elah was on the front page, he's gorgeous! I love his colors <33
Hi there! Just popping in to say THANK YOU for buying Tuathel! He looks great as a Veilspun! I hope he serves you well. <3 Please take good care of him, and come back anytime! There's always dergs seeking homes in my Sales tab. Have a lovely day! ( b ._.)b
Pyros was on the front page :)
Omg her babies are cute! I love the red and green baby! How much do you want for her?
hi! my #45085166 is a great-great-great etc child of aahua :D sometimes i trace my dragons all the way back to their g1 ancestors and i noticed you were still active so i figured i should say hi :3
Cyclonus was on the front page! He's beautiful!
Cyclonus got on the front page :')
I spontaneously decided to track some of my dragons' lineage and wow! One of my clan counselors, Turi, is a 16th gen descendant of Kaiji and Tuathal. He has quite a few offspring of his own; the bloodline is still going strong!
What's your new one? :o
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