Sheliak's Clan
Live from Beta Lyrae
Clan Info
Hi, I'm Sheliak!
The flight banners in my bios are by osiem. http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=30450&tab=dragon&did=2177898
The flight banners in my bios are by osiem. http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=30450&tab=dragon&did=2177898
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Thank you for buying my hatchlings.

Mimosa was on the front page!

Alhena (#6949944) was in the Random Dragon spotlight! What a gorgeous and well-written Fae!

Idk if this is weird but I was going through my dragon's lineage and Mars is, like, the great-great-great-great grandfather of one of my dragons named Discoball.

I guess I was too slow to buy it in the AH but is it still possible to buy this dragon? https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/70479635

Sassafras was on the front page!

Hello, I have a Crystal/Facet Lapis XXY Cantaloupe Glimmer Skydancer, and I'm looking for a nice CryFace mate for her, but not having much success so far. If you'd like to collaborate, lmk ??

In gems,how much would citrine be? Hes the daddy of my golden imp :)

Hi I was just wondering if you were planning on keeping "Ocean" (lapis/blue/lemon derg) I see it doesnt have a familiar so I thought it might be a fodder derg. If so, could I buy him from you? If not, my apologies.

Thanks so much for the compliment on my dear butterfly boy!! c: He's absolutely one of the dergs I consider my pride and joy

Hey I bought a hatchie from you. I will make sure to take care of him. He will represent the Light flight in my lair. So I will give him some art and a lore!

Thx for buying Winding^^
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