Anyone else disappointed in the Everlux?

loracarol's Clan
The Clan of the Next Wave
Clan Info

I am a flipping/exalting lair, it just depends on my mood (and my wrists). If I purchased your hatchling, there is a chance I will be doing one of those two options. IF the dragon is on the fodder/hatchling page and you'd like it, please just shoot me a message and we can work something out. :)

226 levels as of 4/15.
I live on FR time, and I work Thurs-Monday.
Current wishlist:
- Any familiar I don't have.
To do:
New familiars
- Watermelon Coleus Gecko
- Princess Petal Gecko
- Buff Laced Cockatrice
- Candy Cockatrice
- Seaglass Swimmer
- Blackline Bicorn Whale
- Aurora Pangolin
- Pangolin Racer
Swipp's Swaps
- -
- Vermilion Epiptite: 0/20 Dragonfly + 0/50 Granite Chunk
- Longwing Epiptite: 0/20 Giant Darner + 0/50 Shale Sliver
- -
Recent Comments

Ibai was on the front page!

Ibai was on the front page!

Happy Birthday!

ferroque got featured, so pretty!!


Absolutely, feel free! It's been fun getting screenshots for people today given the silliness of the prank.

Fern was on the front page! I grabbed a screenshot for you since it's April 1st: [img][/img]

Fern is super cool and was on the front page!

Honey was on the front page and she is beautiful!

You have 3 eggs. c:

You guessed right twice for the reference :D Utena lyrics is more of a joke with my friends, since I keep calling my dragon ''anime girl'' but I think your interpretation is very interesting!!

aaaa I saw your tumblr post with Mariza, and I wanted to tell you how absolutely gorgeous she is !!! ^o^
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