This accents shop is run and managed by @Moosesushi, although all accents are drawn by and belong to @OwlFeather. Please refer all pings and inquiries to @Moosesushi!
[*] Reselling accents you no longer want is perfectly fine. Just please don't buy these accents for the sole purpose of reselling them!
[*] Conversion rate 1:800
[*] If there's enough interest, USD custom accent commissions may open in the future.
[*] Any accent may be reprinted when there are ten people interested, even retired accents. The only exclusion are custom accents.
[*] Please [u]do not send payment through a 2 way CR[/u]. They do not work most of the time.
(Newest at the top)
[b]Swamp Puppy[/b]
[color=#df7926]520 gems[/color]
Second Run
1. [s]Airis (Paid)[/s]
2. [s]Masumi (Paid)[/s]
3. [s]Masumi (Paid)[/s]
4. [s]Elunai (Paid)[/s]
5. [s]finches (Paid)[/s]
6. [s]starsystems (Paid)[/s]
7. [s]Niharike (Paid)[/s]
8. [s]korradorable (Paid)[/s]
9. [s]snowy (Paid)[/s]
10. [s]Owlfeather[/s]
This accents shop is run and managed by @
Moosesushi, although all accents are drawn by and belong to @
OwlFeather. Please refer all pings and inquiries to @
- Reselling accents you no longer want is perfectly fine. Just please don't buy these accents for the sole purpose of reselling them!
- Conversion rate 1:800
- If there's enough interest, USD custom accent commissions may open in the future.
- Any accent may be reprinted when there are ten people interested, even retired accents. The only exclusion are custom accents.
- Please do not send payment through a 2 way CR. They do not work most of the time.

(Newest at the top)
Swamp Puppy
520 gems
Second Run
Airis (Paid)
Masumi (Paid)
Masumi (Paid)
Elunai (Paid)
finches (Paid)
starsystems (Paid)
Niharike (Paid)
korradorable (Paid)
snowy (Paid)
Volunteer Moderator: If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding moderation please feel free to use the Contact Us form. These submissions are viewed solely by the Admin and staff.
Volunteer Moderator: If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding moderation please feel free to use the Contact Us form. These submissions are viewed solely by the Admin and staff.
PeacefulBliss Leafdapple Kalistys Micheru Nemora Wapiti Zilleniose OverlordFreya Pecha WeyrLeader Acidfox bcrush Kaelum Nimitsu Brightwinged Stenvela starsystems Osa titherdel Candace Renessa47 Vaze bilancia Atlasia Trippfaerie goiken mus Aloice Ipepi Kintsy Itarille shortkeike Ellowen Xtal InHeritent myths briar Raiona Darlnim Maegelcarwen anhbon921 Teall AkaneChaan
General reprint list
Eve Maegelcarwen anhbon921
Swamp Puppy
Takora Kuroi Giarella Darlnim
Mist Prince
Malis Meredith44 Xtal Silverishness Nashawryn Celine
Serpent King
straekitt krissybuttbutt Acidfox CanisAlbus Dartrix Levia spotnn zorramala Hyracia cheesity Vallantis TornadoTorrie
Mystic Feathers
Kintsy Ellowen Acidfox InHeritent Luunai Hyracia
Werewolf Moon
PeacefulBliss Erisalia
Golden Floral
shapeshifterlore Lightfang Silverishness Hyracia
Golden Floral Imp M
Hyracia liusichu
Butterfly Dream
[s]hybris (Paid)[/s] [s]iPhysik (Paid)[/s] [s]Erisalia (Paid)[/s] [s]Mumtup (Paid)[/s]
Silver Floral Imp M
Regal Foilage
Mystic Feathers
PeacefulBliss Leafdapple Kalistys Micheru Nemora Wapiti Zilleniose OverlordFreya Pecha WeyrLeader Acidfox bcrush Kaelum Nimitsu Brightwinged Stenvela starsystems Osa titherdel Candace Renessa47 Vaze bilancia Atlasia Trippfaerie goiken mus Aloice Ipepi Kintsy Itarille shortkeike Ellowen Xtal InHeritent myths briar Raiona Darlnim Maegelcarwen anhbon921 Teall AkaneChaan
General reprint list
Eve Maegelcarwen anhbon921
Swamp Puppy
Takora Kuroi Giarella Darlnim
Mist Prince
Malis Meredith44 Xtal Silverishness Nashawryn Celine
Serpent King
straekitt krissybuttbutt Acidfox CanisAlbus Dartrix Levia spotnn zorramala Hyracia cheesity Vallantis TornadoTorrie
Mystic Feathers
Kintsy Ellowen Acidfox InHeritent Luunai Hyracia
Werewolf Moon
PeacefulBliss Erisalia
Golden Floral
shapeshifterlore Lightfang Silverishness Hyracia
Golden Floral Imp M
Hyracia liusichu
Butterfly Dream
hybris (Paid) iPhysik (Paid) Erisalia (Paid) Mumtup (Paid)
Silver Floral Imp M
Regal Foilage
Mystic Feathers
Volunteer Moderator: If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding moderation please feel free to use the Contact Us form. These submissions are viewed solely by the Admin and staff.
Wow! Could I get a preview of Mystic Feathers on this girl?
Edit: Here's without apparel
Wow! Could I get a preview of Mystic Feathers on this girl?

Edit: Here's without apparel
Been working my butt off on accents this past week! So great to see the thread up and running :D Thanks a lot to @
Moosesushi for taking care of everything for me ♥
Been working my butt off on accents this past week! So great to see the thread up and running :D Thanks a lot to @
Moosesushi for taking care of everything for me ♥
This is my first time pinging GASP. Let me know if I have made any mistakes.
Gasp was here! Pings snipped!
[b]Regal Foliage[/b]
[color=#df7926]510 gems[/color]
[b]Mystic Feathers[/b]
[color=#df7926]510 gems[/color]
[b]Serpent King[/b]
[color=#df7926]500 gems[/color]
[b]Golden Floral[/b]
[color=#df7926]500 gems[/color]
Hello again, it's been a while since this accent was last printed and you all expressed interest in getting a copy, so here it is again! You won't be pinged again for this accent as we undersand it's been a while.
@Kalahira, @piceouswings, @Kitbird, @Shisno, @Tarere, @sigh, @Riko, @Amphiptere, @California, @scaledfoxx, @kozakura, @refrayn, @yrosx, @dandylion, @20pi, @Sweeps, @Snafflewyrm, @greyscales[/center]
This is my first time pinging GASP. Let me know if I have made any mistakes.
Gasp was here! Pings snipped!
Regal Foliage
510 gems
Mystic Feathers
510 gems
Serpent King
500 gems
Golden Floral
500 gems
Hello again, it's been a while since this accent was last printed and you all expressed interest in getting a copy, so here it is again! You won't be pinged again for this accent as we undersand it's been a while.
Kalahira, @
piceouswings, @
Kitbird, @
Shisno, @
Tarere, @
sigh, @
Riko, @
Amphiptere, @
California, @
scaledfoxx, @
kozakura, @
refrayn, @
yrosx, @
dandylion, @
20pi, @
Sweeps, @
Snafflewyrm, @
Volunteer Moderator: If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding moderation please feel free to use the Contact Us form. These submissions are viewed solely by the Admin and staff.
Moosesushi one mystic feathers and one serpent King please :D
Moosesushi one mystic feathers and one serpent King please :D
Moosesushi Oh my god. Please. I'd love a slot for golden floral, as well as everything else.
Owlfeather I seriously adore your accents!!
Also, could I be pinged for butterfly dream?? It's one of my dream accents lol.
Moosesushi Oh my god. Please. I'd love a slot for golden floral, as well as everything else.
Owlfeather I seriously adore your accents!!
Also, could I be pinged for butterfly dream?? It's one of my dream accents lol.