

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Exalted (Open)
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For the rules, information, opening prompt, and/or sign-ups, please visit this link:

For interactions with the exalted, ping me @secretsound
For interactions with the exalt hunters, ping @Chrysocolla

For the rules, information, opening prompt, and/or sign-ups, please visit this link:

For interactions with the exalted, ping me @secretsound
For interactions with the exalt hunters, ping @Chrysocolla

The Exalted

Leader: Niddhogg (Secretsound)
Rescue Scouts: Zeus (Secretsound), Snowdrift (Secretsound), Windseeker (Secretsound)

Members/ other refugees:
Karma (@radishcake)
Hippocampus (@Thewarywatcher13)
Chancellor (@Mapleicious)
Half-pint (@Happysshirt)
The Exalted

Leader: Niddhogg (Secretsound)
Rescue Scouts: Zeus (Secretsound), Snowdrift (Secretsound), Windseeker (Secretsound)

Members/ other refugees:
Karma (@radishcake)
Hippocampus (@Thewarywatcher13)
Chancellor (@Mapleicious)
Half-pint (@Happysshirt)
Exalt Hunter Leader Board (updated)

5. General
Wheatley (Chrysocolla)

4. Lieutenant
Apocalypse (Chrysocolla)
She (Chrysocolla)

3. Major

2. Commander

Calico (Chrysocolla)
Red (Chrysocolla)
Triton (@Mapleicious)
Exalt Hunter Leader Board (updated)

5. General
Wheatley (Chrysocolla)

4. Lieutenant
Apocalypse (Chrysocolla)
She (Chrysocolla)

3. Major

2. Commander

Calico (Chrysocolla)
Red (Chrysocolla)
Triton (@Mapleicious)

"My name is Triton." He said, hoping that Calico had understood his kind intent through his breed's notorious monotony. "So you were also exalted to the Lightweaver. Do not be afraid, I am sure that she would not have chosen you for this task if she did not have faith that you were worthy."
Triton looked around, trying to see if anyone in the group was leaving. General Wheatley had made it sound like they were supposed to get started right away, and he didn't want to disappoint. He turned back to the nervous dragon beside him to see if he knew what to do.
"Are we to go off on our own and start looking, or should we talk to General Wheatley first? We should probably begin as soon as possible."

"My name is Triton." He said, hoping that Calico had understood his kind intent through his breed's notorious monotony. "So you were also exalted to the Lightweaver. Do not be afraid, I am sure that she would not have chosen you for this task if she did not have faith that you were worthy."
Triton looked around, trying to see if anyone in the group was leaving. General Wheatley had made it sound like they were supposed to get started right away, and he didn't want to disappoint. He turned back to the nervous dragon beside him to see if he knew what to do.
"Are we to go off on our own and start looking, or should we talk to General Wheatley first? We should probably begin as soon as possible."

Karma had not liked how the Skydancer joked about their situation, but nonetheless, his little suggestion had intrigued her. Was this dragon telling the truth? Or is he merely trying to scam her into something much more graver than just being exalted? She had no answers pop up, and looking at Windseeker, she had a feeling that he was someone to be trusted, even if he was a bit moronic.
Snarling slightly, she told the skydancer: "If what you say is the truth, I shall believe in you, but if I sense anything fishy, I'm loping off your head."

Karma had not liked how the Skydancer joked about their situation, but nonetheless, his little suggestion had intrigued her. Was this dragon telling the truth? Or is he merely trying to scam her into something much more graver than just being exalted? She had no answers pop up, and looking at Windseeker, she had a feeling that he was someone to be trusted, even if he was a bit moronic.
Snarling slightly, she told the skydancer: "If what you say is the truth, I shall believe in you, but if I sense anything fishy, I'm loping off your head."
+15 FR Time

"¿Perdón, mi amigo?*"
She called after the snapper's retreating form, sizing him up. He was perhaps twice her size, and considerably stockier; but then most dragons dwarfed her. And for some reason her being exalted troubled the fellow quite a bit. Curious.

The spiral fanned open her obsidian wings, feeling the familiar tug of her various trinkets sliding over her scales. Then she launched herself smoothly into the air, spiraling after him. He was fast for a snapper all right, especially for one bound by gembond. The path she was supposed to follow grew further and further behind them, but it wasn't like she had intended to follow it anyway; not the end. If this metallic snapper had something more to offer her, than this was as good a place to start as she could hope for. She retained a certain fondness for her mother's breed after all, however much frustration she felt towards her family.

The beat of her wings soon brought her up beside him, and she fell back a polite distance to let him remain the leader.

"Perhaps you could explain to me what terrible beasties this place will protect me from?" She asked lightly, "Sorneith has its fair share of danger, but I hardly think you mean to save me from a stray scaleback."

((*For now I'm using Spanish to represent when she lapses into the other tongue I mentioned in her app, though I imagine she's actually speaking a long-dead language that used to be spoken in the water region. ))

"¿Perdón, mi amigo?*"
She called after the snapper's retreating form, sizing him up. He was perhaps twice her size, and considerably stockier; but then most dragons dwarfed her. And for some reason her being exalted troubled the fellow quite a bit. Curious.

The spiral fanned open her obsidian wings, feeling the familiar tug of her various trinkets sliding over her scales. Then she launched herself smoothly into the air, spiraling after him. He was fast for a snapper all right, especially for one bound by gembond. The path she was supposed to follow grew further and further behind them, but it wasn't like she had intended to follow it anyway; not the end. If this metallic snapper had something more to offer her, than this was as good a place to start as she could hope for. She retained a certain fondness for her mother's breed after all, however much frustration she felt towards her family.

The beat of her wings soon brought her up beside him, and she fell back a polite distance to let him remain the leader.

"Perhaps you could explain to me what terrible beasties this place will protect me from?" She asked lightly, "Sorneith has its fair share of danger, but I hardly think you mean to save me from a stray scaleback."

((*For now I'm using Spanish to represent when she lapses into the other tongue I mentioned in her app, though I imagine she's actually speaking a long-dead language that used to be spoken in the water region. ))
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@Mapleicious [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Calico grinned faintly at the fae's-- Triton's-- kind words. Though at the mention of speaking with General Wheatley, he cringed.[b] "I-I'd rather not speak with him. Ever."[/b] He swallowed nervously, imagining what the massive guardian was capable of. He theorized that whatever happened to this "Malachite" that was scratched out on the leaderboard had something to do with him. [b]"Okay, let's get st-started?"[/b] The spiral straightened his back and looked at the other dragons flying off to capture the escapees. Many of the dragons had already banded together to form a troupe and were cheering and hollering as they flew off into the sky. Calico narrowed his eyes at the sight of a red snapper taking flight-- a sight he'd never imagine he'd see. [b]"W-where would you like to go? I wouldn't mind somewhere peaceful. The Sunbeam Ruins are pretty tranquil. It would also be easy to spot light refugees... right?" [/b]


Calico grinned faintly at the fae's-- Triton's-- kind words. Though at the mention of speaking with General Wheatley, he cringed. "I-I'd rather not speak with him. Ever." He swallowed nervously, imagining what the massive guardian was capable of. He theorized that whatever happened to this "Malachite" that was scratched out on the leaderboard had something to do with him.
"Okay, let's get st-started?" The spiral straightened his back and looked at the other dragons flying off to capture the escapees. Many of the dragons had already banded together to form a troupe and were cheering and hollering as they flew off into the sky. Calico narrowed his eyes at the sight of a red snapper taking flight-- a sight he'd never imagine he'd see.

"W-where would you like to go? I wouldn't mind somewhere peaceful. The Sunbeam Ruins are pretty tranquil. It would also be easy to spot light refugees... right?"
@radishcake [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ((You got the talkative dragon! Sorry for the long post!)) Windseeker's eyes widened. [b]"Oh, marvelous!"[/b] He kneaded his paws into the ground in excitement. [b]"Nidhogg will be pleased!"[/b] He turned to lead the Imperial down a new path. [b]"Oh, I'm sorry. Let me explain as we walk; I am one of three rescue dragons for my clan. My clan is, well, [i]not really[/i] a clan. I mean, we don't do the things normal clans do."[/b] He seemed almost jittery with excitement that he was stumbling over many of his words. He managed to get out the vague idea that his "clan" was an exalt-refugee camp located in the Shattered Plain, and a dragon named Nidhogg was its leader. Another exalt-rescuer, Snowdrift, had originally founded the camp when he didn't want to serve the Earthshaker. [b]"You know why, right?"[/b] Windseeker's mouth curved into another mischievous grin. [b]"Earthshaker isn't exactly... active. He's just a calcified statue at the base of what the pillar used to be. Most exalts waste away the rest of their lives trying to chisel him out and repair the pillar, trying to make him happy. You were exalted to the Windsinger, yes? You know why it's always windy? Because she has exalted dragons flapping their wings until they fall off, creating those magnificent breezes and drafts."[/b] He chuckled lightly. [b]"I was supposed to go to the Icewarden. All of those perfect sculptures that are all over the Fortress of Ends? The Icewarden isn't exactly artistic-- he just freezes his exalts into statues!" [/b] He rambled over what all of the deities supposedly did with their hoards of exalts. Gladekeeper broke them down into fertilizer, Plaguebringer used them in her brew, Arcanist ran endless tests on them, Tidelord had his exalts endlessly record his prophecies, Stormcatcher put them to work without pay or hope of a break, Flamecaller used them as kindling, Lightweaver had them record the entire history of the dragon species on parchments, leaving only the Shadowbinder. [b]"I've never been certain of what happens to Shadowbinder's exalts. I think she just absorbs them."[/b] He said nonchalantly. Finally, [i]finally[/i] you arrive to the base of a giant cliff. Windseeker shoved some boulders out of the way, revealing a large entrance. [b]"Come this way! This is it!" [/b]


((You got the talkative dragon! Sorry for the long post!))

Windseeker's eyes widened. "Oh, marvelous!" He kneaded his paws into the ground in excitement. "Nidhogg will be pleased!" He turned to lead the Imperial down a new path. "Oh, I'm sorry. Let me explain as we walk; I am one of three rescue dragons for my clan. My clan is, well, not really a clan. I mean, we don't do the things normal clans do." He seemed almost jittery with excitement that he was stumbling over many of his words. He managed to get out the vague idea that his "clan" was an exalt-refugee camp located in the Shattered Plain, and a dragon named Nidhogg was its leader. Another exalt-rescuer, Snowdrift, had originally founded the camp when he didn't want to serve the Earthshaker.
"You know why, right?" Windseeker's mouth curved into another mischievous grin. "Earthshaker isn't exactly... active. He's just a calcified statue at the base of what the pillar used to be. Most exalts waste away the rest of their lives trying to chisel him out and repair the pillar, trying to make him happy. You were exalted to the Windsinger, yes? You know why it's always windy? Because she has exalted dragons flapping their wings until they fall off, creating those magnificent breezes and drafts." He chuckled lightly. "I was supposed to go to the Icewarden. All of those perfect sculptures that are all over the Fortress of Ends? The Icewarden isn't exactly artistic-- he just freezes his exalts into statues!"
He rambled over what all of the deities supposedly did with their hoards of exalts. Gladekeeper broke them down into fertilizer, Plaguebringer used them in her brew, Arcanist ran endless tests on them, Tidelord had his exalts endlessly record his prophecies, Stormcatcher put them to work without pay or hope of a break, Flamecaller used them as kindling, Lightweaver had them record the entire history of the dragon species on parchments, leaving only the Shadowbinder.
"I've never been certain of what happens to Shadowbinder's exalts. I think she just absorbs them." He said nonchalantly.
Finally, finally you arrive to the base of a giant cliff. Windseeker shoved some boulders out of the way, revealing a large entrance. "Come this way! This is it!"
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