

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Roleplay: Player Directory
Character Information
  • Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
    • Honestly, I mostly play as OCs with some of them being different variations of myself
  • Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
    • Not really, but I prefer fandom RPs to avoid spending a lot of time building an original plot

Player Information
  • Average reply length?
    • I try to make sure my replies are at least one paragraph, but it can get up to five paragraphs depending on how much I have to work with from the other person's reply
  • Average reply speed?
    • On the weekends, I'll be able to respond within an hour or so from 10am to 10pm FR time. During the weekdays, however, will only be at 7pm to 9pm FR time due to my full time job. This can change if moved offsite to Skype, Discord, etc
  • Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
    • Please try to match my length of replies instead of just throwing in a one/two liner. Literate only as well; I've moved past illiterate roleplaying about 10 years ago because I didn't know how to explain everything I wanted to in that format. I'm fine with any pairings when it comes to any non-human/anthro characters, but when it comes to humans/anthros of any kind, I'm going to prefer MxM pairings. I'm terrible at roleplaying females, that's all. One last note, I prefer to RP over some form of IM (Skype, Discord, Kik, etc) because it's easier to access quickly on my phone and I'll get notifications when a reply is received so I can respond faster. Okay, I lied, one more thing: I prefer 1x1 RPs because it's a lot easier on me to keep track. I refuse to do group roleplays because it confuses me. The most I'd do is a three way RP with a set order of who posts.
  • Would you like to share any additional information?
    • It's been a few months since I've RP'd, but I'm sure it won't take long for me to get back into the swing of things. I'll also be sure to make OOC comments in ((this)) to avoid confusion. Feel free to ask what fandoms I'm in too c:
Character Information
  • Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
    • Honestly, I mostly play as OCs with some of them being different variations of myself
  • Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
    • Not really, but I prefer fandom RPs to avoid spending a lot of time building an original plot

Player Information
  • Average reply length?
    • I try to make sure my replies are at least one paragraph, but it can get up to five paragraphs depending on how much I have to work with from the other person's reply
  • Average reply speed?
    • On the weekends, I'll be able to respond within an hour or so from 10am to 10pm FR time. During the weekdays, however, will only be at 7pm to 9pm FR time due to my full time job. This can change if moved offsite to Skype, Discord, etc
  • Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
    • Please try to match my length of replies instead of just throwing in a one/two liner. Literate only as well; I've moved past illiterate roleplaying about 10 years ago because I didn't know how to explain everything I wanted to in that format. I'm fine with any pairings when it comes to any non-human/anthro characters, but when it comes to humans/anthros of any kind, I'm going to prefer MxM pairings. I'm terrible at roleplaying females, that's all. One last note, I prefer to RP over some form of IM (Skype, Discord, Kik, etc) because it's easier to access quickly on my phone and I'll get notifications when a reply is received so I can respond faster. Okay, I lied, one more thing: I prefer 1x1 RPs because it's a lot easier on me to keep track. I refuse to do group roleplays because it confuses me. The most I'd do is a three way RP with a set order of who posts.
  • Would you like to share any additional information?
    • It's been a few months since I've RP'd, but I'm sure it won't take long for me to get back into the swing of things. I'll also be sure to make OOC comments in ((this)) to avoid confusion. Feel free to ask what fandoms I'm in too c:
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Original characters! I have quite a few that can fit various rp scenarios.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

I'm not really looking for something specific, there's a ton of things I like!!
- My main interests are fantasy, forbidden romance, post-apocalyptic, pirates, space, super powers, and probably a lot of stuff I'm forgetting.

- I like original plots, but I don't mind plots/characters inspired by fandom things just so long as there's some original elements to it!

- I might be interested in an FR-based rp depending!

- My only real requirements with rp is that it is not 100% pure modern slice of life and not 100% pure romance.

Player Information

Average reply length?

Depends on what's happening currently in the rp! I can usually get a post out as long as there's something to work with.

Average reply speed?

Relatively fast. If I get too slow I don't mind reminders.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Currently I'll only do RP over discord IM as it's the easiest for me to keep track of.

Would you like to share any additional information?

- I'm very shy so I usually will be too worried to message first in most cases. ;; But once we get started talking/rping it's a lot easier.

- I like character chat a lot! We don't have to hop right into rp if you don't want to!

- I tend to prefer a variation on script style RP as it goes much faster and can still be descriptive like para without the added stress. I haven't done proper para rp for years due to bad past experiences and I'd only be interested in trying para again if the other person was super patient haha.

PM if interested! thank you for reading!
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

Original characters! I have quite a few that can fit various rp scenarios.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

I'm not really looking for something specific, there's a ton of things I like!!
- My main interests are fantasy, forbidden romance, post-apocalyptic, pirates, space, super powers, and probably a lot of stuff I'm forgetting.

- I like original plots, but I don't mind plots/characters inspired by fandom things just so long as there's some original elements to it!

- I might be interested in an FR-based rp depending!

- My only real requirements with rp is that it is not 100% pure modern slice of life and not 100% pure romance.

Player Information

Average reply length?

Depends on what's happening currently in the rp! I can usually get a post out as long as there's something to work with.

Average reply speed?

Relatively fast. If I get too slow I don't mind reminders.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Currently I'll only do RP over discord IM as it's the easiest for me to keep track of.

Would you like to share any additional information?

- I'm very shy so I usually will be too worried to message first in most cases. ;; But once we get started talking/rping it's a lot easier.

- I like character chat a lot! We don't have to hop right into rp if you don't want to!

- I tend to prefer a variation on script style RP as it goes much faster and can still be descriptive like para without the added stress. I haven't done proper para rp for years due to bad past experiences and I'd only be interested in trying para again if the other person was super patient haha.

PM if interested! thank you for reading!
|| Art Tumblr || Deviantart ||
Character Info~~

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

I have OCs. OCs everywhere. I basically have a bank of dragons, each with their own unique fit and personality! :) :0

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Anything will do, but the only problem is that if its too far into that rp already, I feel awkward... so they just have to have just started or something. Mhm, I think that's it.

Player Info~~~

Average reply length?

Eh, doesn't matter, as long as I'm given the time to read and reply.

Average reply speed?

Fast enough. Too slow makes me forget about it completely.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Ping me if it involves me so I don't forget. xD

Would you like to share any additional information?

I... do not ever like writing first. Because it makes me feel awkward, and starting when everyone else is deep into their roleplay just makes it completely worst. If that ever happens, then I probably won't end up joining. I think I like rps with quicker paces, since I can feel more involved and I won't forget what's happening if people reply fast enough.

Uhh, I think that's about it. Let me know if you're interested in playing with a freshman like me. Not the most fantastic at rping, but still... just let me know if you're interested. That's it, thanks.

apapapapa---! I forgot one thing.
I don't really like human or human/animal rps. So basically... just animal rps. For some reason.
Character Info~~

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

I have OCs. OCs everywhere. I basically have a bank of dragons, each with their own unique fit and personality! :) :0

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Anything will do, but the only problem is that if its too far into that rp already, I feel awkward... so they just have to have just started or something. Mhm, I think that's it.

Player Info~~~

Average reply length?

Eh, doesn't matter, as long as I'm given the time to read and reply.

Average reply speed?

Fast enough. Too slow makes me forget about it completely.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

Ping me if it involves me so I don't forget. xD

Would you like to share any additional information?

I... do not ever like writing first. Because it makes me feel awkward, and starting when everyone else is deep into their roleplay just makes it completely worst. If that ever happens, then I probably won't end up joining. I think I like rps with quicker paces, since I can feel more involved and I won't forget what's happening if people reply fast enough.

Uhh, I think that's about it. Let me know if you're interested in playing with a freshman like me. Not the most fantastic at rping, but still... just let me know if you're interested. That's it, thanks.

apapapapa---! I forgot one thing.
I don't really like human or human/animal rps. So basically... just animal rps. For some reason.
Check out my Lore & Bio Store! Everything is essentially free~!
Scribbles by DogiCrimson. See here!
F / +18hrs / Usually Online
I've already done this here before, but I wanna update it since it's summer and will probably have more time to RP.

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

I have characters of both kinds! More specifically, I have Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age fan characters, as well as original characters of various species. Dinosaurs, elves, mages, anthros, you name it.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
If yes, please describe.

I'm mostly only comfortable with fantasy/steampunk universes, since most of my characters come from them. I'm totally cool with a romance plot too if it's not 100% the main focus!
Things I'm not interested in:
"Warriors" style animal rps. I just don't have any characters that fit
Modern-day RPs. Anything before the 1920's is okay with me, anything after them not so much

If you want more specific universes or plot ideas, I've got tons! Don't be afraid to ask c:

Average reply length?
Usually about a paragraph, though when starting off, I'll probably do about 2-3 to set the mood and setting.

Average reply speed?
Anywhere from twice within the day to maybe a week later. My schedule should be more stable in the summer, so I'm hoping that I don't delay too long, but you never know. I will always tell you if I will be gone for more than a week.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I'd like at least paragraph form since it's just what I'm most used to! Violence is okay as long as it keeps within FR's rules.
I prefer to RP either with the PM or forums here on FR.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I generally prefer to RP females, and am more comfortable with FxF romances but I have male characters too and am willing to do whatever! I'm also totally cool with OOC chatting too.

PM me if interested!
I've already done this here before, but I wanna update it since it's summer and will probably have more time to RP.

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

I have characters of both kinds! More specifically, I have Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age fan characters, as well as original characters of various species. Dinosaurs, elves, mages, anthros, you name it.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
If yes, please describe.

I'm mostly only comfortable with fantasy/steampunk universes, since most of my characters come from them. I'm totally cool with a romance plot too if it's not 100% the main focus!
Things I'm not interested in:
"Warriors" style animal rps. I just don't have any characters that fit
Modern-day RPs. Anything before the 1920's is okay with me, anything after them not so much

If you want more specific universes or plot ideas, I've got tons! Don't be afraid to ask c:

Average reply length?
Usually about a paragraph, though when starting off, I'll probably do about 2-3 to set the mood and setting.

Average reply speed?
Anywhere from twice within the day to maybe a week later. My schedule should be more stable in the summer, so I'm hoping that I don't delay too long, but you never know. I will always tell you if I will be gone for more than a week.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I'd like at least paragraph form since it's just what I'm most used to! Violence is okay as long as it keeps within FR's rules.
I prefer to RP either with the PM or forums here on FR.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I generally prefer to RP females, and am more comfortable with FxF romances but I have male characters too and am willing to do whatever! I'm also totally cool with OOC chatting too.

PM me if interested!
Critter Adopts
The acorn beckons
33341.png Horsiesmall.png
Character Information
•Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I always use original characters when I role play and have many that I can adapt to just about any situation! I have both males and females and am comfortable playing as either :)

•Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? ?If yes, please describe.
I am not dead-set on any particular genre or storyline right now, but I would like one that is going to be well-developed and keep us on our toes! I will role play just about any plot, whether modern or older, Sci-Fi or fantasy, realistic or magic. However, I WILL NOT role play as an animal unless shape-shifting is involved, and I do not want to do any stereotypical vampires or werewolves. Other than that I am completely ok with talking over any type of RP :)

Player Information

•Average reply length?
I am a LITERATE role player and rarely ever write below 2 paragraphs per post unless I am really straining. I will never give you a one or two-liner and I really enjoy getting detailed because it gives my partner something to work off of.

•Average reply speed?
I am on Flight Rising frequently and will reply a minimum of once a day. However, I am on almost every night and can usually get 2-3 replies each evening. I would like my partner to be able to give me at least a reply a day as well, but a couple more would be ideal :)

•Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I would appreciate a literate partner who is willing to put some time and effort into replies. Also, I like creative people, so please bring some plot ideas with you when you message me! I am fine role playing over Forum or Private Message, whichever you prefer, but I WILL NOT go over IM.

•Would you like to share any additional information?
I am very friendly and flexible so please just shoot me a message if you're interested - I'd love to try and make something work! :)
Character Information
•Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
I always use original characters when I role play and have many that I can adapt to just about any situation! I have both males and females and am comfortable playing as either :)

•Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? ?If yes, please describe.
I am not dead-set on any particular genre or storyline right now, but I would like one that is going to be well-developed and keep us on our toes! I will role play just about any plot, whether modern or older, Sci-Fi or fantasy, realistic or magic. However, I WILL NOT role play as an animal unless shape-shifting is involved, and I do not want to do any stereotypical vampires or werewolves. Other than that I am completely ok with talking over any type of RP :)

Player Information

•Average reply length?
I am a LITERATE role player and rarely ever write below 2 paragraphs per post unless I am really straining. I will never give you a one or two-liner and I really enjoy getting detailed because it gives my partner something to work off of.

•Average reply speed?
I am on Flight Rising frequently and will reply a minimum of once a day. However, I am on almost every night and can usually get 2-3 replies each evening. I would like my partner to be able to give me at least a reply a day as well, but a couple more would be ideal :)

•Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I would appreciate a literate partner who is willing to put some time and effort into replies. Also, I like creative people, so please bring some plot ideas with you when you message me! I am fine role playing over Forum or Private Message, whichever you prefer, but I WILL NOT go over IM.

•Would you like to share any additional information?
I am very friendly and flexible so please just shoot me a message if you're interested - I'd love to try and make something work! :)
Character Information
-Just dragons from my lair. I'm not yet used to the game, so I'm not that adventurous.
-I can also make any character that the group needs!
-Totally okay with any storyline!

Player Information

-My average reply length will be probably short, but I am a writer at heart so if the need arises I will do possibly lengthy replies. Just depends on how I think the group works.

•Average reply speed?
-As often as I can, and if the members of the group are online I won't leave until everyone is ready to or I get dragged away kicking and screaming away from the internet.

•Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

- Just one that's okay with new roleplayers! I learn really quickly :)

Character Information
-Just dragons from my lair. I'm not yet used to the game, so I'm not that adventurous.
-I can also make any character that the group needs!
-Totally okay with any storyline!

Player Information

-My average reply length will be probably short, but I am a writer at heart so if the need arises I will do possibly lengthy replies. Just depends on how I think the group works.

•Average reply speed?
-As often as I can, and if the members of the group are online I won't leave until everyone is ready to or I get dragged away kicking and screaming away from the internet.

•Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

- Just one that's okay with new roleplayers! I learn really quickly :)


Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

All original; usually dragons from my lair or characters from original stories outside of FR. Not much in the way of fandom-specific characters (Excluding a few for Skyrim), but I don't mind adjusting my current OCs to fit a story in a pre-established universe.

Player Information

Average reply length?
A paragraph to two paragraphs on average, but we can meet in the middle if you write longer or shorter. I know that different folks have different styles. I try to be vivid in what my character is experiencing, though I prefer to keep things at a quick pace. That's just my personal preference.

Average reply speed?
I admittedly spend more time on the internet than I probably should, heh. I'll try to get back to your reply as quickly as possible, which for me is usually within a couple hours. I'll send you a notice if any real-world events get in the way of that.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Use proper grammar and spelling. If your posts consistently have a crazy amount of typos, I'm not going to have fun RPing with you, and my replies will probably take longer and be shorter as a result. Also; try to be inclusive to characters besides your own, and please add at least a little bit of descriptiveness to your posts besides just the action your character takes. Even something really minimal, like "Sarah handed him the sword" vs "Blinking back tears, Sarah handed him the sword." It really makes a world of difference. Also, if you're going to be gone for a long period of time, I'd appreciate it if you told me beforehand.
Wow...uh...that's a long list! Hope I didn't intimidate anyone with that. Really, though; I love RPing, I love new RPers, and as long as you aren't being mean OOC, I can probably overlook some of these things. I used to make a lot of newbie errors, after all, and everyone's gotta start somewhere.

Would you like to share any additional information?
Fair warning! I've had this nasty little habit of just dropping off the face of the Earth during roleplays, occasionally. It's a trend I'm trying to kick, but by all means, message me if I haven't responded in a while (a while being a couple days). I check FR daily, so I won't have any excuse to not get back to you ASAP. I understand if that's a deterrent, but it's only fair that I just let y'all know.
Thanks for reading! Send me a note if you're at all interested in RPing! :)

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Please describe.

All original; usually dragons from my lair or characters from original stories outside of FR. Not much in the way of fandom-specific characters (Excluding a few for Skyrim), but I don't mind adjusting my current OCs to fit a story in a pre-established universe.

Player Information

Average reply length?
A paragraph to two paragraphs on average, but we can meet in the middle if you write longer or shorter. I know that different folks have different styles. I try to be vivid in what my character is experiencing, though I prefer to keep things at a quick pace. That's just my personal preference.

Average reply speed?
I admittedly spend more time on the internet than I probably should, heh. I'll try to get back to your reply as quickly as possible, which for me is usually within a couple hours. I'll send you a notice if any real-world events get in the way of that.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Use proper grammar and spelling. If your posts consistently have a crazy amount of typos, I'm not going to have fun RPing with you, and my replies will probably take longer and be shorter as a result. Also; try to be inclusive to characters besides your own, and please add at least a little bit of descriptiveness to your posts besides just the action your character takes. Even something really minimal, like "Sarah handed him the sword" vs "Blinking back tears, Sarah handed him the sword." It really makes a world of difference. Also, if you're going to be gone for a long period of time, I'd appreciate it if you told me beforehand.
Wow...uh...that's a long list! Hope I didn't intimidate anyone with that. Really, though; I love RPing, I love new RPers, and as long as you aren't being mean OOC, I can probably overlook some of these things. I used to make a lot of newbie errors, after all, and everyone's gotta start somewhere.

Would you like to share any additional information?
Fair warning! I've had this nasty little habit of just dropping off the face of the Earth during roleplays, occasionally. It's a trend I'm trying to kick, but by all means, message me if I haven't responded in a while (a while being a couple days). I check FR daily, so I won't have any excuse to not get back to you ASAP. I understand if that's a deterrent, but it's only fair that I just let y'all know.
Thanks for reading! Send me a note if you're at all interested in RPing! :)
rkylBBV.png zyvrj7C.png x0CMhAc.png Flambebes remind me of Bamfs
Ooh, sounds like fun! I always love role-playing, so maybe I'll give this a try? Updated: 6/5/2016

Character Information:

As for characters, all my characters are OCs such as one based on my username, Sara, though in this case I will also use any of my Dragons in my Lair, particularly the first two pages. My characters tend to be very open-minded and a lot of them have very complicated personalities, which is always interesting to write about. Because of my Lore clan, my Dragons have designated 'Partners', and even though I don't do romance often, if pairing comes to play they only can be paired with their 'Partners'.

I'm not really seeking any role-playing stories at the moment, though I'm always up to it if offered, though I guess it depends on the RP itself.

Player Information:

Average Reply Length?
From what my friends, family, English Teacher, and basically anyone else who has ever a part of my fanfictions or other stories, extremely long with a ton of detail. I love writing a lot of detail, especially about things such as setting, mood, visuals, etc. (I'll attach a link to a Prologue l wrote for a story at the bottom if interested. It's one of my better ones, if I do say so myself~)

Average Reply Speed?
Well, this really depends. I guess very fast since it's my summer vacation right now, but that will change come Fall with school and such. I may get a summer job later, but I love to write, so I'll probably end up writing during work if I really get into to it, which is how I get into trouble at school for getting into my books and reading during class. (Laughs) But yeah, I'll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible, but be patient because as mentioned, a ton of detail and a lot of words.

Any Requirements for Future Roleplayers/Groups?
As for requirements...I guess my only requirement is one that really depends on how much you want written and the genre. Here's the thing: I almost never do Horror, Thrillers, etc. And almost anything that can be considered a story I write is Adventure/Action-related. I love Stephen King and Poe, don't get me wrong, (When I work up the courage) but I just can't really bring myself to write it. Whenever I try, somehow it always ends up more as a Cliché-Comedy with the mood a bit foreboding, but never that heart racing stuff. I'm naturally a happy person, so it's a bit uncomfortable for me to write Horror and such, so I always lighten the mood with dark jokes or such. Same with Romance, I've never been into Romance at all, particularly if it's the main storyline and all, but a bit on the side makes things interesting. Generally, I tend to write more Friendship/Family then Romance. Oh, and another thing: I'm not much of a Comedy writer at all. It seems I'm the only one who ever gets my jokes, so don't go expecting me to write incredibly funny jokes in every reply. Sorry, just the way I am, but I understand if you're just typing and auto-correct gets you or your not really thinking about what you write.

As I said, I write a whole lot, so the Roleplayers/Group must be able to be okay with that. I can try to write shorter, but be prepared to get paragraphs of detail with every reply. Just thought to get that out.

Other than that, I'm fine with anything! Though as mentioned, my favorite Genre is Adventure and Friendship/Family, so yeah.

Additional Information?
Hmm, not much, except since I write a lot and read a lot, the stories are definitely going to end up being very long.

And I just want to point out, most of my characters are a mix of males and females, though I choose which one based on who/what the other Characters are and the plot. If there are mostly Males, then I will choose a Female character. Simple like that.

I guess I should have said this earlier, but I better say this now: I'm not much of a 1x1 Roleplayer. I rather be in a group, because though it may not seem this way, I'm pretty shy around others. It's just the way I am.

Here's the link to the Google Doc of the Prologue I mentioned earlier:
Ooh, sounds like fun! I always love role-playing, so maybe I'll give this a try? Updated: 6/5/2016

Character Information:

As for characters, all my characters are OCs such as one based on my username, Sara, though in this case I will also use any of my Dragons in my Lair, particularly the first two pages. My characters tend to be very open-minded and a lot of them have very complicated personalities, which is always interesting to write about. Because of my Lore clan, my Dragons have designated 'Partners', and even though I don't do romance often, if pairing comes to play they only can be paired with their 'Partners'.

I'm not really seeking any role-playing stories at the moment, though I'm always up to it if offered, though I guess it depends on the RP itself.

Player Information:

Average Reply Length?
From what my friends, family, English Teacher, and basically anyone else who has ever a part of my fanfictions or other stories, extremely long with a ton of detail. I love writing a lot of detail, especially about things such as setting, mood, visuals, etc. (I'll attach a link to a Prologue l wrote for a story at the bottom if interested. It's one of my better ones, if I do say so myself~)

Average Reply Speed?
Well, this really depends. I guess very fast since it's my summer vacation right now, but that will change come Fall with school and such. I may get a summer job later, but I love to write, so I'll probably end up writing during work if I really get into to it, which is how I get into trouble at school for getting into my books and reading during class. (Laughs) But yeah, I'll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible, but be patient because as mentioned, a ton of detail and a lot of words.

Any Requirements for Future Roleplayers/Groups?
As for requirements...I guess my only requirement is one that really depends on how much you want written and the genre. Here's the thing: I almost never do Horror, Thrillers, etc. And almost anything that can be considered a story I write is Adventure/Action-related. I love Stephen King and Poe, don't get me wrong, (When I work up the courage) but I just can't really bring myself to write it. Whenever I try, somehow it always ends up more as a Cliché-Comedy with the mood a bit foreboding, but never that heart racing stuff. I'm naturally a happy person, so it's a bit uncomfortable for me to write Horror and such, so I always lighten the mood with dark jokes or such. Same with Romance, I've never been into Romance at all, particularly if it's the main storyline and all, but a bit on the side makes things interesting. Generally, I tend to write more Friendship/Family then Romance. Oh, and another thing: I'm not much of a Comedy writer at all. It seems I'm the only one who ever gets my jokes, so don't go expecting me to write incredibly funny jokes in every reply. Sorry, just the way I am, but I understand if you're just typing and auto-correct gets you or your not really thinking about what you write.

As I said, I write a whole lot, so the Roleplayers/Group must be able to be okay with that. I can try to write shorter, but be prepared to get paragraphs of detail with every reply. Just thought to get that out.

Other than that, I'm fine with anything! Though as mentioned, my favorite Genre is Adventure and Friendship/Family, so yeah.

Additional Information?
Hmm, not much, except since I write a lot and read a lot, the stories are definitely going to end up being very long.

And I just want to point out, most of my characters are a mix of males and females, though I choose which one based on who/what the other Characters are and the plot. If there are mostly Males, then I will choose a Female character. Simple like that.

I guess I should have said this earlier, but I better say this now: I'm not much of a 1x1 Roleplayer. I rather be in a group, because though it may not seem this way, I'm pretty shy around others. It's just the way I am.

Here's the link to the Google Doc of the Prologue I mentioned earlier:
|| He/She/They | FRT+3 | INFP | Demi x3 | Lore Clan | Eternal Acolight ||
Hi! I am completely new to RP and this site, but I have been writing for 5 years (novels, poetry, short stories.) I would love some 1x1 partners or a small group, feel free to PM or friend me.

Character Information
I feel most comfortable with OCs. I will likely create one based on the setting, but I am currently working on my dragons’ personalities and am willing to RP them as dragon or human (or both!)

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Anything is fine. I love worldbuilding and making up plots so we could work together on something. I usually write fantasy, occult stuff and horror but I am open to other genres.

Player Information

Average reply length?
Depends on the context- obviously conversations will be short, but I have no problem writing longer replies when I have something to work with.

Average reply speed?
My timezone is GMT (+8 to Flight Rising time) and I will reply whenever I am able.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Nope! I am really looking for people to chat with and improve our writing together. I guess the only requirement is that you be patient with me, as I am new to collaborative writing.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I am 22 yo, a university student, and use they/them pronouns. My other hobbies include drawing, flute, d&d, and cycling. I am comfortable RPing anything except romance. OOC chats are great too, and I would prefer to use the PM system and forums on here! I use too many exclamation marks!
Hi! I am completely new to RP and this site, but I have been writing for 5 years (novels, poetry, short stories.) I would love some 1x1 partners or a small group, feel free to PM or friend me.

Character Information
I feel most comfortable with OCs. I will likely create one based on the setting, but I am currently working on my dragons’ personalities and am willing to RP them as dragon or human (or both!)

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Anything is fine. I love worldbuilding and making up plots so we could work together on something. I usually write fantasy, occult stuff and horror but I am open to other genres.

Player Information

Average reply length?
Depends on the context- obviously conversations will be short, but I have no problem writing longer replies when I have something to work with.

Average reply speed?
My timezone is GMT (+8 to Flight Rising time) and I will reply whenever I am able.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
Nope! I am really looking for people to chat with and improve our writing together. I guess the only requirement is that you be patient with me, as I am new to collaborative writing.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I am 22 yo, a university student, and use they/them pronouns. My other hobbies include drawing, flute, d&d, and cycling. I am comfortable RPing anything except romance. OOC chats are great too, and I would prefer to use the PM system and forums on here! I use too many exclamation marks!
Why not? xD Come at me lmao

Character Information
  • Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

    Most of my characters are either original or FR dragons, with very few fandom characters I actually roleplay. I would prefer to roleplay with FR dragons, specifically with ones that do have lore at the moment.

    The sole reason that I feel uncomfortable with roleplaying OCs is because I am a hobbyist artist that's going through a massive art block, so I won't be able to provide drawn pictures that are up-to-date with my OCs and a lot of them do not have up-to-date pictures.

  • Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.

    Nope! But I'm open to pretty much everything, since I have characters that fit most scenarios.

Player Information
  • Average reply length?
    1-2 paragraphs, maybe slightly more. It depends on my current mood and how much I like the roleplay at that moment.

  • Average reply speed?
    Depends. Some days I can reply multiple times a day, others once a day. I will try to let you know if something's come up and I can't respond!

  • Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
    ~English is not my mother language but I'm trying my best to not make spelling/grammar mistakes, and I expect the same from you. Sorry, but if you use text speech, do a lot of spelling mistakes, don't use punctuation, etc etc. I'd rather not roleplay with you. I'm also looking to improve my writing and learn from "veteran" roleplayers.

    ~I highly prefer 1-to-1 roleplays to group roleplays. I usually take roleplays as seriously as an actual story and get very annoyed when a roleplay dies because one person doesn't reply, especially after being reminded to do so.

    ~Following up to this, please don't suddenly abandon a roleplay, let me know if you don't want to continue it. Even if the reason is as plain as "I got bored of it", I promise I won't be offended- I get much more annoyed when people don't try to communicate with me!

    ~I frown upon extremely OP characters that make all fights one-sided being used in roleplays where combat is necessary.

    Other than that, just follow basic roleplaying rules and we're good to go.

  • Would you like to share any additional information?

    ~I would highly prefer to not roleplay through PM or Skype, since I often forget the former and would prefer to not share the latter. Forums are ideal.

    ~I'm extremely LGTB+ friendly and willing to make character ships, as long as the characters are compatible! eg. I will not do a FxF ship if one character is heterosexual or taken and not okay with a poly relationship or a romance roleplay with an aromantic character. If LGTB+ themes bother you, please stay where you are.

    ~I feel far more comfortable with roleplaying and developing female characters.

    ~The only fandom-related things I'm willing to roleplay are Bloodborne, Pokemon, Dragon Age and Monster Hunter. I don't roleplay canon characters!

    ~You may encounter a few mature themes along the way when roleplaying with me (but nothing explicit), please let me know if this is an issue.

    This may be updated but that's it for now! PM me if interested!
Why not? xD Come at me lmao

Character Information
  • Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

    Most of my characters are either original or FR dragons, with very few fandom characters I actually roleplay. I would prefer to roleplay with FR dragons, specifically with ones that do have lore at the moment.

    The sole reason that I feel uncomfortable with roleplaying OCs is because I am a hobbyist artist that's going through a massive art block, so I won't be able to provide drawn pictures that are up-to-date with my OCs and a lot of them do not have up-to-date pictures.

  • Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline? If yes, please describe.

    Nope! But I'm open to pretty much everything, since I have characters that fit most scenarios.

Player Information
  • Average reply length?
    1-2 paragraphs, maybe slightly more. It depends on my current mood and how much I like the roleplay at that moment.

  • Average reply speed?
    Depends. Some days I can reply multiple times a day, others once a day. I will try to let you know if something's come up and I can't respond!

  • Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
    ~English is not my mother language but I'm trying my best to not make spelling/grammar mistakes, and I expect the same from you. Sorry, but if you use text speech, do a lot of spelling mistakes, don't use punctuation, etc etc. I'd rather not roleplay with you. I'm also looking to improve my writing and learn from "veteran" roleplayers.

    ~I highly prefer 1-to-1 roleplays to group roleplays. I usually take roleplays as seriously as an actual story and get very annoyed when a roleplay dies because one person doesn't reply, especially after being reminded to do so.

    ~Following up to this, please don't suddenly abandon a roleplay, let me know if you don't want to continue it. Even if the reason is as plain as "I got bored of it", I promise I won't be offended- I get much more annoyed when people don't try to communicate with me!

    ~I frown upon extremely OP characters that make all fights one-sided being used in roleplays where combat is necessary.

    Other than that, just follow basic roleplaying rules and we're good to go.

  • Would you like to share any additional information?

    ~I would highly prefer to not roleplay through PM or Skype, since I often forget the former and would prefer to not share the latter. Forums are ideal.

    ~I'm extremely LGTB+ friendly and willing to make character ships, as long as the characters are compatible! eg. I will not do a FxF ship if one character is heterosexual or taken and not okay with a poly relationship or a romance roleplay with an aromantic character. If LGTB+ themes bother you, please stay where you are.

    ~I feel far more comfortable with roleplaying and developing female characters.

    ~The only fandom-related things I'm willing to roleplay are Bloodborne, Pokemon, Dragon Age and Monster Hunter. I don't roleplay canon characters!

    ~You may encounter a few mature themes along the way when roleplaying with me (but nothing explicit), please let me know if this is an issue.

    This may be updated but that's it for now! PM me if interested!
Nocta | she/they | +10 FR time
"Even in the darkest of times, there is always hope."