

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Legend's Beginning (OPEN)
A single dragon, cast out by her own clan seeks revenge. She sees a new way for life to be, without the deities and flights. She dreams of a land unified under one ruler, her. She is better than any god, better than all dragonkind! Her and her children shall bring about a new golden age! An end to silly things like clans and flights. An end to worshiping pagan gods. The empress will rise, and with her all the world shall change.

But a group of dragons unwilling to let her destroy their way of life bands together to stop her. To destroy clans would be insane. Clans are family. And flights are to follow the deities, beings who protect and shelter. They will leave all they know to preserve all they love. And with their rise, the world shall change.

This is a FR RP. There are no humans and everyone is a either a dragon or a creature. There will be two factions fighting against each other for their ideals. You can be on either side. There is no "dark" side or "light" side, just two differing belief ideals.

- you can have powers, special abilities, be mutated in any way, or just be normal. Please just be reasonable.
- You MUST be a dragon, you can have a familiar or a tag along creature, but they can't be your "primary" character.
- Any length of text is fine, just please title your messages to say who is talking, reacting, etc.
- Romance is allowed, just nothing graphic, this is a site kids are on people!
- There will be violence but it can't be anything too violent, again children can see this!
- You must stay active, you don't need to be on everyday all day, but we need to keep the story going and we can't if not everyone is participating.
- Inform the group if you are going to have to take a break for any reason or quit. It's ok if you can't be here for a while, but you have to let everyone know so the we can keep moving the story along without waiting on you.
- I can change/add rules at any time.
- No swearing, if you feel your character MUST cuss then please censure it. EX: s*** or **** (the latter is preferred.)
- Please follow all forum rules and guidelines

When you join please give at least this basic information:

Character name:
Looks (can either be description or image):
any abilities?:
Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?):
Any other information you wish to give:


If you join the Empress:
A messenger has gone out, inviting you to join the Empresses ranks. You accept and go to a gathering in the Shrieking wilds inside the Viridian Labyrinth. Here is where your story starts.

If you join the Deities:
A messenger has gone out, warning of a new danger. There will be a gathering to decide what to do and all clans willing to assist send one of their own to help. You meet in the Zephyr Steppes inside the Windswept Plateau. This is where your story starts.

Any questions? Please ask!
A single dragon, cast out by her own clan seeks revenge. She sees a new way for life to be, without the deities and flights. She dreams of a land unified under one ruler, her. She is better than any god, better than all dragonkind! Her and her children shall bring about a new golden age! An end to silly things like clans and flights. An end to worshiping pagan gods. The empress will rise, and with her all the world shall change.

But a group of dragons unwilling to let her destroy their way of life bands together to stop her. To destroy clans would be insane. Clans are family. And flights are to follow the deities, beings who protect and shelter. They will leave all they know to preserve all they love. And with their rise, the world shall change.

This is a FR RP. There are no humans and everyone is a either a dragon or a creature. There will be two factions fighting against each other for their ideals. You can be on either side. There is no "dark" side or "light" side, just two differing belief ideals.

- you can have powers, special abilities, be mutated in any way, or just be normal. Please just be reasonable.
- You MUST be a dragon, you can have a familiar or a tag along creature, but they can't be your "primary" character.
- Any length of text is fine, just please title your messages to say who is talking, reacting, etc.
- Romance is allowed, just nothing graphic, this is a site kids are on people!
- There will be violence but it can't be anything too violent, again children can see this!
- You must stay active, you don't need to be on everyday all day, but we need to keep the story going and we can't if not everyone is participating.
- Inform the group if you are going to have to take a break for any reason or quit. It's ok if you can't be here for a while, but you have to let everyone know so the we can keep moving the story along without waiting on you.
- I can change/add rules at any time.
- No swearing, if you feel your character MUST cuss then please censure it. EX: s*** or **** (the latter is preferred.)
- Please follow all forum rules and guidelines

When you join please give at least this basic information:

Character name:
Looks (can either be description or image):
any abilities?:
Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?):
Any other information you wish to give:


If you join the Empress:
A messenger has gone out, inviting you to join the Empresses ranks. You accept and go to a gathering in the Shrieking wilds inside the Viridian Labyrinth. Here is where your story starts.

If you join the Deities:
A messenger has gone out, warning of a new danger. There will be a gathering to decide what to do and all clans willing to assist send one of their own to help. You meet in the Zephyr Steppes inside the Windswept Plateau. This is where your story starts.

Any questions? Please ask!
[u][b]Important Characters[/b][/u] Username: puppinluv Character name: The Empress Gender: Female Looks (can either be description or image): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] any abilities?: She has Arcane magic ( the ability to do specific things by channeling magic through spells or rituals) Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): The Empress (um, I think that's obvious.) Any other information you wish to give: She was cast out by her clan for questioning the deities, she believes everyone should be equal and that following flights creates inequality. She is building her forces in hopes of liberating dragonkind from their pagan religion. --------------------------------------------- Username: puppinluv Character name: Braun Gender: male Looks (can either be description or image): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] any abilities?: Not really. Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Deities ( He is the leader of the dragons fighting against the Empress) Any other information you wish to give: He is a full believer in the flight and clan system. He believes the Deities are there to help and guide us. And the abilities or opportunities given to a dragon by the Deity they follow makes a dragon unique, and that differences between dragons help bring them together. A quote of his: "If everyone was the same, then our culture would stagnate and we would be very boring dragons *snort*." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Username: puppinluv Character name: Bayoen Gender: male Looks (can either be description or image): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] any abilities?: Arcane Plasma ( The ability to focus Arcane Magic into a physical force of which he can "shoot" or use to move objects. Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Empress Any other information you wish to give: He is the Empress' lead general. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Username: puppinluv Character name: Sherik Gender: female Looks (can either be description or image): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] any abilities?: She can focus, intensify, or minimize light. Not creating or getting rid of light, just being able to shift it a bit. Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Deities Any other information you wish to give: She LOVES her clan, after being abandoned as an egg she was hatched in unfavorable conditions. She grew up in the seedier sections of the land until one day being accepted into her current clan.
Important Characters

Username: puppinluv
Character name: The Empress
Gender: Female
Looks (can either be description or image):


any abilities?: She has Arcane magic ( the ability to do specific things by channeling magic through spells or rituals)
Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): The Empress (um, I think that's obvious.)
Any other information you wish to give: She was cast out by her clan for questioning the deities, she believes everyone should be equal and that following flights creates inequality. She is building her forces in hopes of liberating dragonkind from their pagan religion.

Username: puppinluv
Character name: Braun
Gender: male
Looks (can either be description or image):


any abilities?: Not really.
Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Deities ( He is the leader of the dragons fighting against the Empress)
Any other information you wish to give: He is a full believer in the flight and clan system. He believes the Deities are there to help and guide us. And the abilities or opportunities given to a dragon by the Deity they follow makes a dragon unique, and that differences between dragons help bring them together. A quote of his:
"If everyone was the same, then our culture would stagnate and we would be very boring dragons *snort*."

Username: puppinluv
Character name: Bayoen
Gender: male
Looks (can either be description or image):


any abilities?: Arcane Plasma ( The ability to focus Arcane Magic into a physical force of which he can "shoot" or use to move objects.
Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Empress
Any other information you wish to give: He is the Empress' lead general.

Username: puppinluv
Character name: Sherik
Gender: female
Looks (can either be description or image):


any abilities?: She can focus, intensify, or minimize light. Not creating or getting rid of light, just being able to shift it a bit.
Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Deities
Any other information you wish to give: She LOVES her clan, after being abandoned as an egg she was hatched in unfavorable conditions. She grew up in the seedier sections of the land until one day being accepted into her current clan.
@puppinluv Username: TheBestiary Character name: Stellar Gender: Male Looks (can either be description or image): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Any abilities?: Not much; Stellar has just the basic dragon-ish abilities. Although he appears to be of the Water flight, Stellar is actually a Wind dragon; because of this, he is able to fly just a [i]bit[/i] faster than other dragons and breathes small whorls of wind. Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Deities Any other information you wish to give: N/A for now

Username: TheBestiary
Character name: Stellar
Gender: Male

Looks (can either be description or image):

Any abilities?: Not much; Stellar has just the basic dragon-ish abilities. Although he appears to be of the Water flight, Stellar is actually a Wind dragon; because of this, he is able to fly just a bit faster than other dragons and breathes small whorls of wind.

Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Deities

Any other information you wish to give: N/A for now

((OOC: Welcome! The Rp will start in a moment, I'm just setting up a few characters first!))

((OOC: Welcome! The Rp will start in a moment, I'm just setting up a few characters first!))
Alright; thank you! I look forward to seeing this story progress. :o))
Alright; thank you! I look forward to seeing this story progress. :o))
@puppinluv ~~~ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Username:[/b] @Dimesocket [b]Character name:[/b] Unravel [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Any abilities?:[/b] Stealth and Speed are which she relies on the most, she can easily demolish her presence, able to hide her scent. She is a fighter, a strong one, relying on using movements that are flexible, she takes a dragon out or rather paralyzes them for a brink of time using pressure points with her claws, it can also help to block a dragon from using their magic. She has no abilities with magic of any kind. [b]Which side are you on?:[/b] Empress [b]Any other information you wish to give:[/b] A quote or Motto of hers; [i]"In this twisted world, my form grows more and more transparent, 'till it can't be seen. Please don't find me...don't look upon me. In this world someone else imagined, I simply don't want to hurt you. So please remember me, as vivid as I used to be."[/i]




Character name:


Any abilities?:
Stealth and Speed are which she relies on the most, she can easily demolish her presence, able to hide her scent. She is a fighter, a strong one, relying on using movements that are flexible, she takes a dragon out or rather paralyzes them for a brink of time using pressure points with her claws, it can also help to block a dragon from using their magic. She has no abilities with magic of any kind.

Which side are you on?:

Any other information you wish to give:
A quote or Motto of hers;
"In this twisted world, my form grows more and more transparent, 'till it can't be seen.
Please don't find me...don't look upon me.
In this world someone else imagined, I simply don't want to hurt you.
So please remember me, as vivid as I used to be."


Alright everyone! Let's get this party started!


Alright everyone! Let's get this party started!

[alrighty then ^^]

[alrighty then ^^]
Empress: She gazes over the clearing as it fills up with dragons, noting all the variety she sees. Soon enough she deems it time to get things started. She stands from where she had been resting on a large mossy rock pile. This spot lets everyone see her, no matter where in the clearing they are.
She roars and the crowd silences. "Dragons! We are here to join together in a single cause. This purpose? Equality! Deities are nothing more than lazy overlords, dragons who demand worship and sacrifice while giving us nothing! They create inequality between brothers and sisters, marking dragons with their brand!" Her tail flicks from side to side as she talks, her passion clear. "Well no more! Tonight starts the beginning of a new age, one of equality and justice! Who's with me?" At this she dives off the rock ledge into the midst of the crowd. "If you agree with these ideals then come with me!" She turns and heads into a tunnel off to the side of the clearing.
Empress: She gazes over the clearing as it fills up with dragons, noting all the variety she sees. Soon enough she deems it time to get things started. She stands from where she had been resting on a large mossy rock pile. This spot lets everyone see her, no matter where in the clearing they are.
She roars and the crowd silences. "Dragons! We are here to join together in a single cause. This purpose? Equality! Deities are nothing more than lazy overlords, dragons who demand worship and sacrifice while giving us nothing! They create inequality between brothers and sisters, marking dragons with their brand!" Her tail flicks from side to side as she talks, her passion clear. "Well no more! Tonight starts the beginning of a new age, one of equality and justice! Who's with me?" At this she dives off the rock ledge into the midst of the crowd. "If you agree with these ideals then come with me!" She turns and heads into a tunnel off to the side of the clearing.