

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Legend's Beginning (OPEN)
Braun: He mingles with the dragons gathering in the clearing, asking which clan there're from. When he decides it's time to start he climbs a couple steppes to be seen easily. "Dragons! I have grave news, a new danger threatens us! An army of dragons intent on destroying centuries of tradition and culture! They wish to dispose of clans and flights, following only their leader. They Want us to forget the Deities that protect and shelter us, who give us their abilities and craft! We must put a stop to this nonsense! We must protect our families and loved ones, our homes and dreams! Come now, Join me in a conference to decide what must be done!" At this he glides to a stone being used as a table.
Braun: He mingles with the dragons gathering in the clearing, asking which clan there're from. When he decides it's time to start he climbs a couple steppes to be seen easily. "Dragons! I have grave news, a new danger threatens us! An army of dragons intent on destroying centuries of tradition and culture! They wish to dispose of clans and flights, following only their leader. They Want us to forget the Deities that protect and shelter us, who give us their abilities and craft! We must put a stop to this nonsense! We must protect our families and loved ones, our homes and dreams! Come now, Join me in a conference to decide what must be done!" At this he glides to a stone being used as a table.
@puppinluv ((Oh dear! Can I squeeze in at the last moment?)) [b]Username:[/b] Scryzze [b]Character name:[/b] Blood in the Tainted Stream (call her Taint.) [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Looks (can either be description or image): [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]any abilities?:[/b] quite resistant to disease, as most Plague dragons are. Other than that, she is a fairly normal dragon. She has a very good memory, and can remember any faint smell, taste, sight, sound, or feel for quite a long time. A good way to send silent messages to her is trace a claw lightly across her scales. She has Plague magic that gives her the ability to change the birdskull headdress she wears into a skeletal bird. The bird follows her command, but she usually keeps it as a hat and only uses the magic when needed. [b]Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?):[/b] Empress [b]Any other information you wish to give: [/b]Though she is normally quiet and kind, she has a bit of a blood fixation due to past traumas. It includes the whole 'doesn't believe in the Deities' problem as well.
@puppinluv ((Oh dear! Can I squeeze in at the last moment?))

Username: Scryzze
Character name: Blood in the Tainted Stream (call her Taint.)
Gender: Female
Looks (can either be description or image):


any abilities?: quite resistant to disease, as most Plague dragons are. Other than that, she is a fairly normal dragon. She has a very good memory, and can remember any faint smell, taste, sight, sound, or feel for quite a long time. A good way to send silent messages to her is trace a claw lightly across her scales.
She has Plague magic that gives her the ability to change the birdskull headdress she wears into a skeletal bird. The bird follows her command, but she usually keeps it as a hat and only uses the magic when needed.
Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Empress
Any other information you wish to give: Though she is normally quiet and kind, she has a bit of a blood fixation due to past traumas. It includes the whole 'doesn't believe in the Deities' problem as well.
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Bayoen: He's walking towards the tunnel when he notices an interesting looking dragon. "Hey sugar, I haven't seen you before. What'ya think of this whole thing, eh?" He asks with a lazy smirk.

Bayoen: He's walking towards the tunnel when he notices an interesting looking dragon. "Hey sugar, I haven't seen you before. What'ya think of this whole thing, eh?" He asks with a lazy smirk.

((OOC: Of course! It's still open, we just have enough people to get started now. Anyone is welcome to jump in at any point!))

((OOC: Of course! It's still open, we just have enough people to get started now. Anyone is welcome to jump in at any point!))

As She's walking she notices a new face in the crowed. Deciding to get to know her she starts walking nest to her "Well hello darling, what did you think of the speech? I think it was appropriately dramatic. Of course I never can tell with these things." She chuckles to herself smoothly before awaiting a reply.

As She's walking she notices a new face in the crowed. Deciding to get to know her she starts walking nest to her "Well hello darling, what did you think of the speech? I think it was appropriately dramatic. Of course I never can tell with these things." She chuckles to herself smoothly before awaiting a reply.

The Pearlcatcher flinched slightly, not having noticed the leader of this belief next to her. She gave a shy smile and looked up to her.
"Ah, hello. I personally think your speech was good enough to show our mind set." The young dragon closed her eyes, taking in all of the noise and smell. Her eyes opened again. "This is a surprising number of dragons here as well. I really thought I was the only dragon who didn't believe the Deities were there for us..."

The Pearlcatcher flinched slightly, not having noticed the leader of this belief next to her. She gave a shy smile and looked up to her.
"Ah, hello. I personally think your speech was good enough to show our mind set." The young dragon closed her eyes, taking in all of the noise and smell. Her eyes opened again. "This is a surprising number of dragons here as well. I really thought I was the only dragon who didn't believe the Deities were there for us..."
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_______ |

I am typically not
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threads; ping me
if unsure!



She had been merely standing there, her face showing nothing and her eyes a dead silent. Her hands were clasped together and her tail swishing all over the place. Even though Unravel showed nothing on the outside inside her fierce spirit was excited, overjoyed and maybe she could even call herself happy today, maybe only a little bit. She swivles her head around to see the coatl.

"I guess you could say that, many dragons aim to see me as a transparent dragon, not much to be seen after all." Her tone is low and casual, she gives a shrug. "I find tonight great, quite a lovely gathering they have put on."



She had been merely standing there, her face showing nothing and her eyes a dead silent. Her hands were clasped together and her tail swishing all over the place. Even though Unravel showed nothing on the outside inside her fierce spirit was excited, overjoyed and maybe she could even call herself happy today, maybe only a little bit. She swivles her head around to see the coatl.

"I guess you could say that, many dragons aim to see me as a transparent dragon, not much to be seen after all." Her tone is low and casual, she gives a shrug. "I find tonight great, quite a lovely gathering they have put on."
@puppinluv Username: cippisweet Character Name: SteamWorkshop Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Any abilities?: The ability to cause tornadoes onto the foe Empress or Deities?: Empress Any other information you wish to give?: She is quite a tinkerer. She loves to craft, forge, and even more than that. She was born to work for the Empress, but she is not good at gathering. Her motto: "Always get hard things overwith first to get them out of your way."

Username: cippisweet

Character Name: SteamWorkshop

Gender: Female

Appearance: 12206053_350.png

Any abilities?: The ability to cause tornadoes onto the foe

Empress or Deities?: Empress

Any other information you wish to give?: She is quite a tinkerer. She loves to craft, forge, and even more than that. She was born to work for the Empress, but she is not good at gathering.

Her motto: "Always get hard things overwith first to get them out of your way."
((@puppinluv Hope its cool for one more to join!!)) [b]Username[/b]: CrazyRedFire [b]Character name[/b]: Diaval [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Looks[/b]: [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center][b]any abilities?[/b]: Among other secretive magics (that include the use of both Shadow and Light magic), he has the curious ability to turn into a raven at will. [center][img][/img][/center] [b]In each post I will either put a small avatar of him as a dragon so that you will know he's in dragon form or I will post a picture of a raven if he's in raven form.[/b] [b]Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?)[/b]: Empress...???/Deities.....??? (Read his description below and you'll understand why I don't know which side he's truly on yet.) [b]Any other information you wish to give[/b]: [b]Backstory[/b]: Diaval was born right on the edge of the Sunbeam Ruins and The Tangled Wood. Although his eyes are Light, its said that the essence of both lands infuse his being and have given him curious abilities. Its said that he is both an angel and a devil; a healer and a trickster; a friend and an enemy. [b]Personality[/b]: He is truly a dragon that is of both the Light and the Darkness. He has a dark and cryptic sense of humor. Sometimes he seems completely uncaring while other times he is subtly kind. He gives off conflicting signals to those around him that constantly beckon "come closer" and "stay away" at the same time. Half the time he won't give direct answers to questions others ask but instead might tell you of a cryptic little story or metaphor. Other info just on me, CrazyRedFire: I would [i]love[/i] to join this RP using my boy Diaval here. I think its a perfect rp to start him out in. I'm not going to lie, it might seem like he's constantly playing both sides but that's just how his personality is. He's not really meant to be a "trustful" character. Other than that, all you need to know is that I have Finals this week in school and my posting will be slow. I'll probably be able to post at least once or twice a day but in a week I'll be completely free to go fast paced. If you accept him I will start him at the meeting for the deities since his alliance is unclear
((@puppinluv Hope its cool for one more to join!!))
Username: CrazyRedFire
Character name: Diaval
Gender: Male
Looks: any abilities?: Among other secretive magics (that include the use of both Shadow and Light magic), he has the curious ability to turn into a raven at will.
In each post I will either put a small avatar of him as a dragon so that you will know he's in dragon form or I will post a picture of a raven if he's in raven form.

Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): Empress...???/Deities.....???
(Read his description below and you'll understand why I don't know which side he's truly on yet.)

Any other information you wish to give:
Backstory: Diaval was born right on the edge of the Sunbeam Ruins and The Tangled Wood. Although his eyes are Light, its said that the essence of both lands infuse his being and have given him curious abilities. Its said that he is both an angel and a devil; a healer and a trickster; a friend and an enemy.
Personality: He is truly a dragon that is of both the Light and the Darkness. He has a dark and cryptic sense of humor. Sometimes he seems completely uncaring while other times he is subtly kind. He gives off conflicting signals to those around him that constantly beckon "come closer" and "stay away" at the same time. Half the time he won't give direct answers to questions others ask but instead might tell you of a cryptic little story or metaphor.

Other info just on me, CrazyRedFire: I would love to join this RP using my boy Diaval here. I think its a perfect rp to start him out in. I'm not going to lie, it might seem like he's constantly playing both sides but that's just how his personality is. He's not really meant to be a "trustful" character.
Other than that, all you need to know is that I have Finals this week in school and my posting will be slow. I'll probably be able to post at least once or twice a day but in a week I'll be completely free to go fast paced.

If you accept him I will start him at the meeting for the deities since his alliance is unclear

((OOC: Welcome! just join right in, it's never to late to join!))


((OOC: I completely understand were you're comping from! It's not a problem at all. It'll be interesting to have a character like this in the group!))

((OOC: Welcome! just join right in, it's never to late to join!))


((OOC: I completely understand were you're comping from! It's not a problem at all. It'll be interesting to have a character like this in the group!))