

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Legend's Beginning (OPEN)

The Pearlcatcher's eyes widened at the sight of the somewhat hidden area. This was were the dragons would stay? A bit reluctant to go in, she instead studied the room, letting the others pass before going inside herself. She committed every detail of the stone walls to memory; a treasure, no matter how small, should be remembered.
She hesitated before sitting, noticing as many of the other dragons filled out other spots with their friends. As the sound of chatter quickly filled the air, she meekly walked, pearl in claw, to a small corner by herself.

The Pearlcatcher's eyes widened at the sight of the somewhat hidden area. This was were the dragons would stay? A bit reluctant to go in, she instead studied the room, letting the others pass before going inside herself. She committed every detail of the stone walls to memory; a treasure, no matter how small, should be remembered.
She hesitated before sitting, noticing as many of the other dragons filled out other spots with their friends. As the sound of chatter quickly filled the air, she meekly walked, pearl in claw, to a small corner by herself.
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Walking into the large cavern she watches as dragons spill in, taking up available spots. As all the dragons start to settle down she notices the pearlcatcher she had been watching earlier head to one corner of the room alone. "Darling! Do you not have anyone to sit by? Come! There is enough room here beside me, I do enjoy your company." She pats the the cushions next to her as she sits. "You have not yet even told me your name, will you tell me it?"

Walking into the large cavern she watches as dragons spill in, taking up available spots. As all the dragons start to settle down she notices the pearlcatcher she had been watching earlier head to one corner of the room alone. "Darling! Do you not have anyone to sit by? Come! There is enough room here beside me, I do enjoy your company." She pats the the cushions next to her as she sits. "You have not yet even told me your name, will you tell me it?"

She turned her head at the sound of the Imperial's voice. Before the Pearlcatcher got herself settled, she turned around and walked over to her. She shyly sat down next to her, pulling her pearl closer to her body.
"My name? Oh, it's quite long, and it makes for awkward introductions. Though I'd just prefer 'Taint'." She gave a bashful smile. "It's... nice to know you like my presence. Though my clan is full of dragons who aren't accepted, I feel left out. There aren't many Plague dragons there, either..." She stopped, noticing she was starting to ramble on.

She turned her head at the sound of the Imperial's voice. Before the Pearlcatcher got herself settled, she turned around and walked over to her. She shyly sat down next to her, pulling her pearl closer to her body.
"My name? Oh, it's quite long, and it makes for awkward introductions. Though I'd just prefer 'Taint'." She gave a bashful smile. "It's... nice to know you like my presence. Though my clan is full of dragons who aren't accepted, I feel left out. There aren't many Plague dragons there, either..." She stopped, noticing she was starting to ramble on.
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((@puppinluv This is super tl;dr and much longer than I wanted it to be. @_@ Sorry about the wordiness!)) -- [b]Username:[/b] ViewtifulJen [b]Character name[/b]: Kriemhild [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Looks[/b]: [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] She is quite the imposing and broadly built specimen of female Tundra. The ivory locks flowing from her chin that compose her "beard", about her claws, and mane are cropped extremely short beneath her helmet -- all primarily for the sake of practicality during battle. The tufted tip is also missing from the shorn end of her otherwise muscular and prehensile tail. By her hips hangs the pendulous blade of her hallowed greatsword, [i]Palaemon[/i], encased in its ornate leather sheath. She rarely ever smiles or truly relays any other emotion, aside from a constant commanding aura of austere stoniness and respect; this can darken into pure intimidation should one ever be foolish enough to stoke her temper. If you had been fighting alongside the gods to fend back the wicked Shade as long as she has, you probably wouldn't find much to be cheerful about, either. [b]Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?)[/b]: She finds the idea of a mortal dragon falsifying their godhood and idolizing themselves above the deities to be downright blasphemous. She would readily die (again) to redeem the Tidelord's name while carrying out His Will, without any hesitation. [b]Abilities:[/b] [LIST] [*] Aquakinesis - Kriemhild can [s]waterbend[/s] manipulate her element to create shapes and even wield as a secondary weapon, but only when it's present within her environment. [*] Sword Fighter - Tundras do not have hard spines, long claws, or tremendous size to hold them over. Compensating for her lack of natural weaponry, this Water patroness utilizes her sword instead to fell her enemies -- usually wielding it with her tail with great skill or in her hands during flight. [*] Foreseeing - For as long as she can remember, she has been plagued by bizarre and often nightmarish visions of the future that overcome her vividly and without warning. These "fits" don't allow her to glance too far into what lies ahead but offer a surreal glimpse of what is destined to come soon enough. She can also "gaze" into water pools to see the fates of others when requested... but scarcely is she willing to even do this for any dragon, let alone herself. [/LIST] [b]Other Information:[/b] Although she has been [b]exalted[/b] many centuries ago and thus rendered immortal by the gods, she is not invulnerable. "Modern" commodities and modes of thinking in Sorineth sometimes tend to bewilder as well as frustrate her. Things have changed a great deal since she's been around last; all of her time has been spent warring at the bottom of the Sea until she was beckoned by the Tidelord to return to the surface.
((@puppinluv This is super tl;dr and much longer than I wanted it to be. @_@ Sorry about the wordiness!))

Username: ViewtifulJen
Character name: Kriemhild
Gender: Female
She is quite the imposing and broadly built specimen of female Tundra. The ivory locks flowing from her chin that compose her "beard", about her claws, and mane are cropped extremely short beneath her helmet -- all primarily for the sake of practicality during battle. The tufted tip is also missing from the shorn end of her otherwise muscular and prehensile tail. By her hips hangs the pendulous blade of her hallowed greatsword, Palaemon, encased in its ornate leather sheath.

She rarely ever smiles or truly relays any other emotion, aside from a constant commanding aura of austere stoniness and respect; this can darken into pure intimidation should one ever be foolish enough to stoke her temper. If you had been fighting alongside the gods to fend back the wicked Shade as long as she has, you probably wouldn't find much to be cheerful about, either.

Which side are you on? (Empress or Deities?): She finds the idea of a mortal dragon falsifying their godhood and idolizing themselves above the deities to be downright blasphemous. She would readily die (again) to redeem the Tidelord's name while carrying out His Will, without any hesitation.

  • Aquakinesis - Kriemhild can waterbend manipulate her element to create shapes and even wield as a secondary weapon, but only when it's present within her environment.
  • Sword Fighter - Tundras do not have hard spines, long claws, or tremendous size to hold them over. Compensating for her lack of natural weaponry, this Water patroness utilizes her sword instead to fell her enemies -- usually wielding it with her tail with great skill or in her hands during flight.
  • Foreseeing - For as long as she can remember, she has been plagued by bizarre and often nightmarish visions of the future that overcome her vividly and without warning. These "fits" don't allow her to glance too far into what lies ahead but offer a surreal glimpse of what is destined to come soon enough. She can also "gaze" into water pools to see the fates of others when requested... but scarcely is she willing to even do this for any dragon, let alone herself.

Other Information: Although she has been exalted many centuries ago and thus rendered immortal by the gods, she is not invulnerable.

"Modern" commodities and modes of thinking in Sorineth sometimes tend to bewilder as well as frustrate her. Things have changed a great deal since she's been around last; all of her time has been spent warring at the bottom of the Sea until she was beckoned by the Tidelord to return to the surface.

Looking down at the smaller dragon she cannot hold back a chuckle. "Darling, it's no problem. I quite enjoy hearing what you have to say. I myself am prone to being talkative, hence my position as the one giving speeches." She snags a plate of food as they were being paced around. "Please do tell me about yourself."

Looking down at the smaller dragon she cannot hold back a chuckle. "Darling, it's no problem. I quite enjoy hearing what you have to say. I myself am prone to being talkative, hence my position as the one giving speeches." She snags a plate of food as they were being paced around. "Please do tell me about yourself."

((OOC:Welcome! Where would you like to join in?))

((OOC:Welcome! Where would you like to join in?))
((@puppinluv ah finally had time to post)) [center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/center] Diaval thought about this question Sherik had asked. What did he think? A chuckle escaped his throat as he replied, "I think there many sides to the same story." He shifted his weight and tucked his feathery black wings closer to his body and continued, "Although the clan I come from is filled with very unique dragons with very unusual histories and abilities. If this Empress were to take over I know they would go into hiding, if only to keep mysterious secrets out of the wrong claws." Did this mean that he supported the deities? Well, he had never really thought about them before now. They were old imposing figures set in the minds of dragons everywhere. He contemplated these thoughts with a certain indifference that translated to his facial expression. "This Empress interests me in many ways." His dark smile returned, "I'd like to know why [i]she [/i]thinks she's the best one to lead the dragons." [i]And does she really think that she's immune to rivals for her crown....?[/i], Diaval's inner reflections darkened on this last train of thought. He smiled again.
((@puppinluv ah finally had time to post)) Diaval thought about this question Sherik had asked. What did he think? A chuckle escaped his throat as he replied, "I think there many sides to the same story." He shifted his weight and tucked his feathery black wings closer to his body and continued, "Although the clan I come from is filled with very unique dragons with very unusual histories and abilities. If this Empress were to take over I know they would go into hiding, if only to keep mysterious secrets out of the wrong claws."

Did this mean that he supported the deities? Well, he had never really thought about them before now. They were old imposing figures set in the minds of dragons everywhere. He contemplated these thoughts with a certain indifference that translated to his facial expression. "This Empress interests me in many ways." His dark smile returned, "I'd like to know why she thinks she's the best one to lead the dragons."

And does she really think that she's immune to rivals for her crown....?, Diaval's inner reflections darkened on this last train of thought. He smiled again.

Taint passes up on the food, preferring not to eat. She gave a gentle okay, before starting up again.
"It is a long story, I guess. I was hatched far into the Scarred Wasteland, in a tribe of really weird dragons who were obsessed with the Deities. They always put the hatchlings through tests, and they kicked me out because I 'wasn't worthy' for them. Then with my new clan... well, it's much better there, everyone's nice, but most of them believe the Deities are there to protect us. They also look down on me, so I've left for a while. I don't know how long I wanted 'a while' to be, though..."

Taint passes up on the food, preferring not to eat. She gave a gentle okay, before starting up again.
"It is a long story, I guess. I was hatched far into the Scarred Wasteland, in a tribe of really weird dragons who were obsessed with the Deities. They always put the hatchlings through tests, and they kicked me out because I 'wasn't worthy' for them. Then with my new clan... well, it's much better there, everyone's nice, but most of them believe the Deities are there to protect us. They also look down on me, so I've left for a while. I don't know how long I wanted 'a while' to be, though..."
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((OOC: Hey guys, I would like to apologize over my extended absence. There was an emergency in my personal life that I had to deal with and I didn't have time for FL. I hope we can get this going again, I am very sorry for leaving for so long. This emergency was really bad and it's still going on, but for now it's mostly under control. I might have to leave for a couple of days here and there during the summer to deal with the situation but I'll always try to let you guys know before hand. Again, sorry for the long wait but I am back now!))
((OOC: Hey guys, I would like to apologize over my extended absence. There was an emergency in my personal life that I had to deal with and I didn't have time for FL. I hope we can get this going again, I am very sorry for leaving for so long. This emergency was really bad and it's still going on, but for now it's mostly under control. I might have to leave for a couple of days here and there during the summer to deal with the situation but I'll always try to let you guys know before hand. Again, sorry for the long wait but I am back now!))

"Oh how horrible! Putting hatchlings through tests to see if they are worthy? Disgusting! This is why I want things to change, kicking out our children because they didn't meet the requirements of some mystical dragon god? I'm sorry you went through that Darling, it's truly abhorrent how some dragons act." She pauses, taking a deep breath to calm down. She takes a moment to eat a little of the food before her before once again speaking. "Though I can't say I'm surprised, I came from a similarly minded clan myself. That's why I opened up this cave, it's a place for dragons who no longer have a home to stay in. In time I hope to be able to give us more than just a hidden hole in the rocks, an actual home, one with everything we would need and want. But alas, this is all we have for now. Tell me, would you like to stay here Darling?" She focuses completely on the dragon next to her, a small smile playing across her face.

"Oh how horrible! Putting hatchlings through tests to see if they are worthy? Disgusting! This is why I want things to change, kicking out our children because they didn't meet the requirements of some mystical dragon god? I'm sorry you went through that Darling, it's truly abhorrent how some dragons act." She pauses, taking a deep breath to calm down. She takes a moment to eat a little of the food before her before once again speaking. "Though I can't say I'm surprised, I came from a similarly minded clan myself. That's why I opened up this cave, it's a place for dragons who no longer have a home to stay in. In time I hope to be able to give us more than just a hidden hole in the rocks, an actual home, one with everything we would need and want. But alas, this is all we have for now. Tell me, would you like to stay here Darling?" She focuses completely on the dragon next to her, a small smile playing across her face.