[u][/u][center][b]Intro[/b] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519308][color=indigo]Tickets[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519339][color=indigo]Low-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519375][color=indigo]Mid-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519397][color=indigo]High-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519422][color=indigo]Blind-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][color=indigo]10 Slot Raffles[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519459][color=indigo]Pinglist[/url]
[quote=Announcement]Drawing 9/15 regardless of how many tickets sell due to growing disinterest in FR.[/quote]
Hello there, this is going to be an [b]ongoing raffle[/b] for [b]Lvl25 dergs[/b]. I say ongoing, because I don't know when it'll end, but it's not never-ending. This is just something casual I'm running, as I put my [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/2249540#post_2249540]hatchery[/url] and [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drt/2347008#post_2347008]fodder thread[/url] on hiatus, okay? That being said, most the dragons being raffled off here are from my hatchery, but there will be some oldies (7 digits under 3 mil) and some G1s that I think have some work-able colors)
[b]This raffle doesn't pool prizes. Instead, you choose what dragon to spend your tickets on. Dragons will also be continuously added.[/b]
ONLY lvl25 dragons will be raffled off here. Most dragons will be unstatted and unstoned, but I'll let you know otherwise. Renaming scrolls will be provided upon request to the winner.
Ticket prices will be based on tiers, but generally, they'll be [b]5kt/5g each[/b]. What do I mean by tiers? Meaning that certain dragon tickets will be cheaper than others.
Tiers will generally work like this:
[*][font=Candara][b]Low Baller[/b] - Tickets will be 2kt/2g each. This tier will mostly have G1s and low 7-digit imps.
[*][font=Candara][b]Mid-Range[/b] - Tickets will be 5kt/5g. This is where most of my hatchery imps will go. They purdy.
[*][font=Candara][b]High-Roller[/b] - These are going to be anywhere from 10kt/10g-100kt/100g. Maybe because they're statted, stoned, or I'm raffling off a coli set (so 2-3 dragons).
[*][font=Candara][b]Blind Gambler[/b] - You can buy tickets (15kt/15g each) for a RANDOM lvl25 derg. You don't know what you're winning.
There are going to be several different pinglists.
[b]General Pinglist[/b] for everything--updates/added programs/added dragons/someone won a dragon/added sales/sales -> raffle/raffle ends, etc
[b]General Raffle Pinglist[/b] for when you want to be pinged for everything related to the raffle, but you don't want sales posts
[b]Added Prizes Pinglist[/b] for when a new dragon is added to the prizes.
[b]Sales Pinglist[/b] for when you just want to be notified when there are new dergs for sale, but don't want any news pertaining to the raffle
[b]Future Raffles[/b] - Pinglist for future raffles
You will be automatically be pinged for any news regarding a dragon that you hold tickets for
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]For Sale[/b][/u][/size]
I'm adding in a for sale section, because simply bumping is tedious. Also, for those of you who are still interested in our hatchery babies--this won't even be remotely related to the hatchery, but I will sell mostly imps here. That will probably later be moved to raffles, as they become of age. Or exalted for room. Whatever.
You can solely join the pinglist for sales, if you wish.
This will also only be casually added/removed/editted. If I wanted more of a workload, I wouldn't have put my hatchery and fodder page on hiatus.
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]10 Slot Raffles[/b][/u][/size]
Saw people doing these, but this looks fun. [b] Unfortunately, this is experimental, so the dragons won't be leveled. [/b] This might be taken out later for something else.
Ticket prices will vary.
[s][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][u][b]Click here to check the actual post for what's currently being raffled off and ticket prices[/b][/u][/url][/s]
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]Additional Information (can skip this)[/b][/u][/size]
[b]Interested in a dragon you see here?[/b] Some of 'em will be placed here at Lvl1, but will be fully leveled before the ticket count gets too high. Before I start the leveling, the dragon will be on the AH. Just buy it off there, if you want. Once I start leveling, it's raffle-only, unless there's not enough interest for the dragon (say about 2 months).
I might implement a monthly raffle, so whether the tickets goals are hit or not, the dragon will be raffled off--but I'm not sure yet, as I'm kind of tired of this game and I just wanted something raffle.
There will probably be a bump raffle. Maybe in 2 weeks, maybe in a month. I guess it depends on how fast I get tired of bumping myself; but remember--the faster I sell tickets, the faster a winner will be drawn for that dragon.
Suggestions for events/games/mini-raffles are appreciated.
[b]READ THIS: I get my older imperials from Imperious Rescue, so please don't exalt. Any dragons you win, you can do with as you please, but they're old. Like your grandparents. Don't kill of your grandparents. While I can't stop you from exalting, I can stop you from joining my raffle. Any tickets that you would currently have would be forfeited with no refund.
If you sell/give/trade away an older imperial (btw, they will all have the Imperious Rescue banner in their bio) and someone else exalts, I'm still holding you responsible. Thank you for reading this.[/b]
Intro ~
Tickets ~
Low-Tier ~
Mid-Tier ~
High-Tier ~
Blind-Tier ~
For Sale ~
10 Slot Raffles ~
Announcement wrote:
Drawing 9/15 regardless of how many tickets sell due to growing disinterest in FR.
Hello there, this is going to be an ongoing raffle for Lvl25 dergs. I say ongoing, because I don't know when it'll end, but it's not never-ending. This is just something casual I'm running, as I put my hatchery and fodder thread on hiatus, okay? That being said, most the dragons being raffled off here are from my hatchery, but there will be some oldies (7 digits under 3 mil) and some G1s that I think have some work-able colors)
This raffle doesn't pool prizes. Instead, you choose what dragon to spend your tickets on. Dragons will also be continuously added.
ONLY lvl25 dragons will be raffled off here. Most dragons will be unstatted and unstoned, but I'll let you know otherwise. Renaming scrolls will be provided upon request to the winner.

Ticket prices will be based on tiers, but generally, they'll be 5kt/5g each. What do I mean by tiers? Meaning that certain dragon tickets will be cheaper than others.

Tiers will generally work like this:
- Low Baller - Tickets will be 2kt/2g each. This tier will mostly have G1s and low 7-digit imps.
- Mid-Range - Tickets will be 5kt/5g. This is where most of my hatchery imps will go. They purdy.
- High-Roller - These are going to be anywhere from 10kt/10g-100kt/100g. Maybe because they're statted, stoned, or I'm raffling off a coli set (so 2-3 dragons).
- Blind Gambler - You can buy tickets (15kt/15g each) for a RANDOM lvl25 derg. You don't know what you're winning.
There are going to be several different pinglists.
General Pinglist for everything--updates/added programs/added dragons/someone won a dragon/added sales/sales -> raffle/raffle ends, etc
General Raffle Pinglist for when you want to be pinged for everything related to the raffle, but you don't want sales posts
Added Prizes Pinglist for when a new dragon is added to the prizes.
Sales Pinglist for when you just want to be notified when there are new dergs for sale, but don't want any news pertaining to the raffle
Future Raffles - Pinglist for future raffles
You will be automatically be pinged for any news regarding a dragon that you hold tickets for

For Sale
I'm adding in a for sale section, because simply bumping is tedious. Also, for those of you who are still interested in our hatchery babies--this won't even be remotely related to the hatchery, but I will sell mostly imps here. That will probably later be moved to raffles, as they become of age. Or exalted for room. Whatever.
You can solely join the pinglist for sales, if you wish.
This will also only be casually added/removed/editted. If I wanted more of a workload, I wouldn't have put my hatchery and fodder page on hiatus.

10 Slot Raffles
Saw people doing these, but this looks fun. Unfortunately, this is experimental, so the dragons won't be leveled. This might be taken out later for something else.
Ticket prices will vary.
Click here to check the actual post for what's currently being raffled off and ticket prices

Additional Information (can skip this)
Interested in a dragon you see here? Some of 'em will be placed here at Lvl1, but will be fully leveled before the ticket count gets too high. Before I start the leveling, the dragon will be on the AH. Just buy it off there, if you want. Once I start leveling, it's raffle-only, unless there's not enough interest for the dragon (say about 2 months).
I might implement a monthly raffle, so whether the tickets goals are hit or not, the dragon will be raffled off--but I'm not sure yet, as I'm kind of tired of this game and I just wanted something raffle.
There will probably be a bump raffle. Maybe in 2 weeks, maybe in a month. I guess it depends on how fast I get tired of bumping myself; but remember--the faster I sell tickets, the faster a winner will be drawn for that dragon.
Suggestions for events/games/mini-raffles are appreciated.
READ THIS: I get my older imperials from Imperious Rescue, so please don't exalt. Any dragons you win, you can do with as you please, but they're old. Like your grandparents. Don't kill of your grandparents. While I can't stop you from exalting, I can stop you from joining my raffle. Any tickets that you would currently have would be forfeited with no refund.
If you sell/give/trade away an older imperial (btw, they will all have the Imperious Rescue banner in their bio) and someone else exalts, I'm still holding you responsible. Thank you for reading this.
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_2493584][color=indigo]Intro[/url] ~ [b]Tickets[/b] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519339][color=indigo]Low-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519375][color=indigo]Mid-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519397][color=indigo]High-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519422][color=indigo]Blind-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][color=indigo]Coming Soon[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519459][color=indigo]Pinglist[/url]
When buying tickets, let me know for what tier or for what dragon. If you don't tell me what dragon you're buying tickets for, I'll pool them evenly.
[b]Low-Baller Tier[/b] tickets are [b]2kt/2g each[/b]
[b]Mid-Range Tier[/b] tickets are [b]5kt/5g each[/b]
[b]High-Roller Tier[/b] tickets are anywhere from [b]10kt/10g-100kt/100g each[/b]. These will be priced according to each dragon, so check the dragon info.
[b]Blind Gambler Tier[/b] tickets are [b]15kt/15g each[/b]. You might be getting something pretty, something ugly, something [un]statted, something [un]stoned.
[size=2]If you're worried about something ugly, I don't breed ugly dragons. You can check my hatchery for references. Breeding cards are old though.[/size]
[b]When buying tickets for an unnamed dragon, give me their tier and number. Names will be added later, as I get to leveling them[/b]
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]Refer-A-Friend Program[/b][/u][/size]
For every friend that you enters through your referral and buys a ticket, you can get a [b][i]free[/i][/b] ticket of equal value. Up to five tickets per friend by [i]lowest[/i] value first.
So if a friend of your's buys 5 Blind Gambler's tier tickets, you get tickets worth 5x15.
I accept trades, come at me.
[b]Any/All eggs[/b] are priced at 200kt/200g.
[b]Lvl1 Adult Fodder Dragons[/b] are priced at 10kt/10g.
[b]Fodder Apparels/Familiars[/b] are priced at 3kt/3g.
*prices may change depending on when I've checked the AH*
> Ambush: 20kt/20g
> Berserker: 14kt/14g
> Sap: 10kt/10g
> Rally: 85kt/85g
> Eliminate: 520kt/520g
[b]I'm especially accepting battle stones. Donated/traded, whatever. You get tickets for both, anyways. Useful battlestones will go towards stoning the raffled dragons.[/b]
I do accept baldwin mats and treasure chests, but I'll get those prices out later.
Everything else will go by LAH or dom MP price--whichever is lower.
> You're allowed to buy out a dragon. If it's unleveled, it's most likely on the AH. If want to buy out a dragon by paying for the max amount of tickets, and it's unleveled, then I'll have it leveled within 3 days. <
I will also accept services for tickets.
[center][font=Candara][size=5][b][u]Bump Tickets/Prizes?[/b][/u][/size]
Might come in the future. Too lazy. But the faster people buy tickets, the faster a winner will be drawn for that particular dragon. Incentive enough? No? Well, I like my coli team purdy. I don't know about you.
Intro ~
Tickets ~
Low-Tier ~
Mid-Tier ~
High-Tier ~
Blind-Tier ~
For Sale ~
Coming Soon ~
When buying tickets, let me know for what tier or for what dragon. If you don't tell me what dragon you're buying tickets for, I'll pool them evenly.
Low-Baller Tier tickets are 2kt/2g each
Mid-Range Tier tickets are 5kt/5g each
High-Roller Tier tickets are anywhere from 10kt/10g-100kt/100g each. These will be priced according to each dragon, so check the dragon info.
Blind Gambler Tier tickets are 15kt/15g each. You might be getting something pretty, something ugly, something [un]statted, something [un]stoned.
If you're worried about something ugly, I don't breed ugly dragons. You can check my hatchery for references. Breeding cards are old though.
When buying tickets for an unnamed dragon, give me their tier and number. Names will be added later, as I get to leveling them
Refer-A-Friend Program
For every friend that you enters through your referral and buys a ticket, you can get a free ticket of equal value. Up to five tickets per friend by lowest value first.
So if a friend of your's buys 5 Blind Gambler's tier tickets, you get tickets worth 5x15.

I accept trades, come at me.
Any/All eggs are priced at 200kt/200g.
Lvl1 Adult Fodder Dragons are priced at 10kt/10g.
Fodder Apparels/Familiars are priced at 3kt/3g.
*prices may change depending on when I've checked the AH*
> Ambush: 20kt/20g
> Berserker: 14kt/14g
> Sap: 10kt/10g
> Rally: 85kt/85g
> Eliminate: 520kt/520g
I'm especially accepting battle stones. Donated/traded, whatever. You get tickets for both, anyways. Useful battlestones will go towards stoning the raffled dragons.
I do accept baldwin mats and treasure chests, but I'll get those prices out later.
Everything else will go by LAH or dom MP price--whichever is lower.
> You're allowed to buy out a dragon. If it's unleveled, it's most likely on the AH. If want to buy out a dragon by paying for the max amount of tickets, and it's unleveled, then I'll have it leveled within 3 days. <
I will also accept services for tickets.

Bump Tickets/Prizes?
Might come in the future. Too lazy. But the faster people buy tickets, the faster a winner will be drawn for that particular dragon. Incentive enough? No? Well, I like my coli team purdy. I don't know about you.
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_2493584][color=indigo]Intro[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519308][color=indigo]Tickets[/url] ~ [b]Low-Tier[/b] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519375][color=indigo]Mid-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519397][color=indigo]High-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519422][color=indigo]Blind-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale[/url]~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][color=indigo]Coming Soon[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519459][color=indigo]Pinglist[/url]
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]Low-Baller Tier[/b][/u][/size]
All tickets here are 2kt/2g each. G1s and low (under 3 mil) 7-digit Imps. Max tickets: 150. Unless I say otherwise (for the max tickets, not the price)
[b]Aqua and Valeria will be statted and stoned for Sedona Build and moved to High-Roller Tier, if not enough interest in any one of these dragons by the time I've finished leveling Valeria[/b][/font]
[/url][b]B-day: Mar 04, 2014 (4 years)[/b]
Caribbean Iridescent
Caribbean Shimmer
Azure Gembond
Wind Common
[b]Tickets: [/b] 20/150
[size=2]Note: Tentatively still in raffle. Please choose another option for your tickets if I choose not to raffle this one.[/size]
[b]Tickets: [/b] 10/150
[size=2]Note: Taken out of raffle[/size]
Intro ~
Tickets ~
Low-Tier ~
Mid-Tier ~
High-Tier ~
Blind-Tier ~
For Sale~
Coming Soon ~
Low-Baller Tier
All tickets here are 2kt/2g each. G1s and low (under 3 mil) 7-digit Imps. Max tickets: 150. Unless I say otherwise (for the max tickets, not the price)
Aqua and Valeria will be statted and stoned for Sedona Build and moved to High-Roller Tier, if not enough interest in any one of these dragons by the time I've finished leveling Valeria

B-day: Mar 04, 2014 (4 years)
Caribbean Iridescent
Caribbean Shimmer
Azure Gembond
Wind Common
Tickets: 20/150
Note: Tentatively still in raffle. Please choose another option for your tickets if I choose not to raffle this one.
Tickets: 10/150
Note: Taken out of raffle
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_2493584][color=indigo]Intro[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519308][color=indigo]Tickets[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519339][color=indigo]Low-Tier[/url] ~ [b]Mid-Tier[/b] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519397][color=indigo]High-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519422][color=indigo]Blind-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale[/url]~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][color=indigo]Coming Soon[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519459][color=indigo]Pinglist[/url]
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]Mid-Range Tier[/b][/u][/size]
All tickets here are 5kt/5g each. All imps, mostly with gem genes, maybe a limited here and there. Max tickets: 60-120, depending on the imp.
[/url][b]XXX Shadow[/b]
Shadow Rare
[b]Tickets:[/b] 5/80
[size=2]Note: Lv25[/size]
[/url]Obsidian Metallic
Black Bee
Obsidian Opal
Shadow Common
[b]Tickets:[/b] 8/80
[size=2]Note: Lv25
*Does not come with accent/apparel--I just thought it'd look nice on him[/size]
[b]Tickets:[/b] 4/120
[size=2]Note: Lv12. Taken off raffle, can buy. Throw me a price.[/size]
Intro ~
Tickets ~
Low-Tier ~
Mid-Tier ~
High-Tier ~
Blind-Tier ~
For Sale~
Coming Soon ~
Mid-Range Tier
All tickets here are 5kt/5g each. All imps, mostly with gem genes, maybe a limited here and there. Max tickets: 60-120, depending on the imp.

XXX Shadow
Shadow Rare
Tickets: 5/80
Note: Lv25

Obsidian Metallic
Black Bee
Obsidian Opal
Shadow Common
Tickets: 8/80
Note: Lv25
*Does not come with accent/apparel--I just thought it'd look nice on him
Tickets: 4/120
Note: Lv12. Taken off raffle, can buy. Throw me a price.
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_2493584][color=indigo]Intro[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519308][color=indigo]Tickets[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519339][color=indigo]Low-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519375][color=indigo]Mid-Tier[/url] ~ [b]High-Tier[/b] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519422][color=indigo]Blind-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale[/url]~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][color=indigo]Coming Soon[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519459][color=indigo]Pinglist[/url]
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]High-Roller Tier[/b][/u][/size]
All tickets here are 10kt/10g-100kt/100g each. All imps, all with gem genes (most likely newer ones like Wasp, Bee, Filigree), barring sets. Sets could be anything. Max tickets: 10-50, depending on the imp/set of imps.
[b]Celestial[/b]: 10kt/10g per ticket
[/url]XXX White
Light unommon
[b]Tickets:[/b] 43/60
[size=2]Note: Currently lvl20. Will be 25 in a week. Hopefully.[/size]
[b]Copper[/b]: 10kt/10g per ticket
[/url][b]XXX Copper[/b]
Fire common
[b]Tickets:[/b] 29/50
[size=2]Note: Lv25[/size]
Intro ~
Tickets ~
Low-Tier ~
Mid-Tier ~
High-Tier ~
Blind-Tier ~
For Sale~
Coming Soon ~
High-Roller Tier
All tickets here are 10kt/10g-100kt/100g each. All imps, all with gem genes (most likely newer ones like Wasp, Bee, Filigree), barring sets. Sets could be anything. Max tickets: 10-50, depending on the imp/set of imps.
Celestial: 10kt/10g per ticket

XXX White
Light unommon
Tickets: 43/60
Note: Currently lvl20. Will be 25 in a week. Hopefully.
Copper: 10kt/10g per ticket

XXX Copper
Fire common
Tickets: 29/50
Note: Lv25
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_2493584][color=indigo]Intro[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519308][color=indigo]Tickets[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519339][color=indigo]Low-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519375][color=indigo]Mid-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519397][color=indigo]High-Tier[/url] ~ [b]Blind-Tier[/b] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale[/url]~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][color=indigo]Coming Soon[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519459][color=indigo]Pinglist[/url]
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]Blind Gambler Tier[/b][/u][/size]
All tickets here are 15kt/15g each. Max tickets: 50. You're gambling, okay? May the odds be ever in your favor. Could be anything, really. Maybe even a wild Coatl will appear.
[quote=Announcement]Entire tier is going, please ask for refund or move your tickets to a different dragon. I'm just too unmotivated for this. I tried.[/quote]
[b]Mystery Dragon 1[/b]
[b]Mystery Dragon 2[/b]
[b]Tickets:[/b] 2/50
[b]Mystery Dragon 3[/b]
[b]Tickets:[/b] 9/50
Or someone can be nice and make me a nice little mystery image thingie for tickets =P
Intro ~
Tickets ~
Low-Tier ~
Mid-Tier ~
High-Tier ~
Blind-Tier ~
For Sale~
Coming Soon ~
Blind Gambler Tier
All tickets here are 15kt/15g each. Max tickets: 50. You're gambling, okay? May the odds be ever in your favor. Could be anything, really. Maybe even a wild Coatl will appear.
Announcement wrote:
Entire tier is going, please ask for refund or move your tickets to a different dragon. I'm just too unmotivated for this. I tried.
Mystery Dragon 1
Mystery Dragon 2
Tickets: 2/50
Mystery Dragon 3
Tickets: 9/50
Or someone can be nice and make me a nice little mystery image thingie for tickets =P
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_2493584][color=indigo]Intro[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519308][color=indigo]Tickets[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519339][color=indigo]Low-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519375][color=indigo]Mid-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519397][color=indigo]High-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519422][color=indigo]Blind-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale[/url] ~ [b]10 Slot Raffles[/b] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519459][color=indigo]Pinglist
[font=Candara][size=5][b][u]10 Slot Raffles[/b][/u][/size]
Each ticket for this one is 15kt/15g each.
Unleveled, unstatted, unnamed.
[/url]White Iridescent
White Shimmer
Obsidian Firefly
Shadow Common
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_2493584][color=indigo]Intro[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519308][color=indigo]Tickets[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519339][color=indigo]Low-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519375][color=indigo]Mid-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519397][color=indigo]High-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519422][color=indigo]Blind-Tier[/url] ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519457][color=indigo]For Sale ~ [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2493584#post_34519458][color=indigo]10 Slot Raffles[/url] ~ [b]Pinglist[/b]
[center]Will be made. Eventually. Yep.
Will be made. Eventually. Yep.