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TOPIC | [BSJ] Design Your Own Light Rep
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@Amariel Pinglist, please! [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Pearlcatcher [/b]- His Pearl is perfect to be the symbol of Sun. [b]Python [/b]- Just as the Sun slowly pushes away the night, so do the darker and brighter colors dance when this gene is used. The Light from the pearl slowly pushes away the darker parts. [b]Bee [/b]- The sea reflecting the newborn Light sparkles just like bee gene. [b]Stained [/b]- Light slowly covers everything during the day, just as stained brightens up this boy.
Pinglist, please!


Pearlcatcher - His Pearl is perfect to be the symbol of Sun.
Python - Just as the Sun slowly pushes away the night, so do the darker and brighter colors dance when this gene is used. The Light from the pearl slowly pushes away the darker parts.
Bee - The sea reflecting the newborn Light sparkles just like bee gene.
Stained - Light slowly covers everything during the day, just as stained brightens up this boy.
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[center][img][/img][/center] I was amazed when I gave him tapir as a coatl. It [i]glows[/i]. That combined with glowing eyes and the transparent bee makes him look like he’s shining from within. The glimmer covers his darker horns, but his hands are still dark. I like to think that this represents how the Lightweaver shines on her territory, but the Hewn City will always be shadowed

I was amazed when I gave him tapir as a coatl. It glows. That combined with glowing eyes and the transparent bee makes him look like he’s shining from within. The glimmer covers his darker horns, but his hands are still dark. I like to think that this represents how the Lightweaver shines on her territory, but the Hewn City will always be shadowed
[center][i][size=4]I.[/size][/i] [img][/img] [b]Mirror[/b] [i]Python/Alloy/Capsule[/i] Common Eyes[/center] Having the breed be a [b]Mirror[/b] was a surprise even to me. None of the other breeds, though, truly look good in the genes I chose except for a Mirror, so that's what I stuck with. It's also my personal opinion, but I feel that Mirror packs can thrive well in the Sunbeam Ruins; it's full of wide open lands perfect for running and chasing prey. [b]Python[/b] was chosen to symbolize the inevitable outcome of light: the shadows that it forms. My favorite trait about Metals is its unique accent color, and I love how Python makes it seem like it's actually a gray color and not a yellow. [b]Alloy[/b] is obviously meant to elude the feeling of the sun and light refracting off a plate of metal. It also significantly darkens Saffron, to fit with the theme that Python gave. On the topic of Python, the parts where the yellow peeks out from behind the gray matches the secondary color wonderfully. [b]Capsule[/b] is perfect as the tertiary. Since Python is a pretty busy gene, I wanted something simple yet still lavish enough to match Alloy. Capsule is exactly that; it has just enough flair to complete the dragon but still compact and unobtrusive. It also doesn't hurt that it fits the theme of "light" perfectly, as if his belly is full of liquid gold or sun rays. It was for a personal reason that I kept the dragon's eyes [b]Common[/b], but another reason was that Glowing eyes were too out of place in my own scry. They were too bright and did not fit the darker aesthetic of the dragon. Common eyes also match the tertiary color much better. My final thoughts can be summed up as "Wow this guy is hard to scry." I saw so many possibilities with other different genes, but I finally decided to stick with this gene plan in the end. The only thing I'm unhappy about is how bare his back is, but I also kind of like how it looks. Besides, apparel can easily fix that problem. That's all I have to say, I think. Edit: asdiifasf I called Python "Morph" for literally the entire post i can't believe myself. they're still new genes, cut me some slack if i mix them together :'''))) [s]besides, morph is funner to say[/s]

Mirror Python/Alloy/Capsule Common Eyes

Having the breed be a Mirror was a surprise even to me. None of the other breeds, though, truly look good in the genes I chose except for a Mirror, so that's what I stuck with. It's also my personal opinion, but I feel that Mirror packs can thrive well in the Sunbeam Ruins; it's full of wide open lands perfect for running and chasing prey.

Python was chosen to symbolize the inevitable outcome of light: the shadows that it forms. My favorite trait about Metals is its unique accent color, and I love how Python makes it seem like it's actually a gray color and not a yellow.

Alloy is obviously meant to elude the feeling of the sun and light refracting off a plate of metal. It also significantly darkens Saffron, to fit with the theme that Python gave. On the topic of Python, the parts where the yellow peeks out from behind the gray matches the secondary color wonderfully.

Capsule is perfect as the tertiary. Since Python is a pretty busy gene, I wanted something simple yet still lavish enough to match Alloy. Capsule is exactly that; it has just enough flair to complete the dragon but still compact and unobtrusive. It also doesn't hurt that it fits the theme of "light" perfectly, as if his belly is full of liquid gold or sun rays.

It was for a personal reason that I kept the dragon's eyes Common, but another reason was that Glowing eyes were too out of place in my own scry. They were too bright and did not fit the darker aesthetic of the dragon. Common eyes also match the tertiary color much better.

My final thoughts can be summed up as "Wow this guy is hard to scry." I saw so many possibilities with other different genes, but I finally decided to stick with this gene plan in the end. The only thing I'm unhappy about is how bare his back is, but I also kind of like how it looks. Besides, apparel can easily fix that problem. That's all I have to say, I think.

Edit: asdiifasf I called Python "Morph" for literally the entire post i can't believe myself. they're still new genes, cut me some slack if i mix them together :'''))) besides, morph is funner to say
I'd like to be added to the daily pinglist please! [img][/img] For a primary gene, Iridescent provides a nice subtle gradient that reminds me of dawn and dusk, and creates a nice coherent base for the other two genes by showing hints of their colors within the shift. As for the secondary, Bee has always looked like stained glass to me, and gives the effect of light shining through onto the dragon when combined with the Iridescent primary. Opal is one of my favorite tertiary genes, and in this case it's particularly fitting: first because it fits with the theme of stained glass and refracting colored light, and secondly because the irregular cracked shapes it forms call to mind the Sunbeam ruins and the ancient artifacts found within. Overall, to me this dragon feels like dust in an old library with late afternoon sun pouring through the windows, catching on the cracked leather and peeling gold leaf of priceless books before spilling down to stain the wooden floor a rich, soft gold. This, to me, is the essence of Light.
I'd like to be added to the daily pinglist please!


For a primary gene, Iridescent provides a nice subtle gradient that reminds me of dawn and dusk, and creates a nice coherent base for the other two genes by showing hints of their colors within the shift. As for the secondary, Bee has always looked like stained glass to me, and gives the effect of light shining through onto the dragon when combined with the Iridescent primary. Opal is one of my favorite tertiary genes, and in this case it's particularly fitting: first because it fits with the theme of stained glass and refracting colored light, and secondly because the irregular cracked shapes it forms call to mind the Sunbeam ruins and the ancient artifacts found within. Overall, to me this dragon feels like dust in an old library with late afternoon sun pouring through the windows, catching on the cracked leather and peeling gold leaf of priceless books before spilling down to stain the wooden floor a rich, soft gold. This, to me, is the essence of Light.
[img][/img] I chose pearlcatcher because that's the most light-flight breed to me; iridescent because shiny and a lot of the genes I usually like look a bit weird or not light-like with metals; I was originally going to do capsule or runes, but the banana stained lightens the whole thing up and brings the look together; and glowing because of all the flights I think glowing eyes work best with light and arcane. ^_^
I chose pearlcatcher because that's the most light-flight breed to me; iridescent because shiny and a lot of the genes I usually like look a bit weird or not light-like with metals; I was originally going to do capsule or runes, but the banana stained lightens the whole thing up and brings the look together; and glowing because of all the flights I think glowing eyes work best with light and arcane. ^_^
vbbuHj.png FR -1
[center][img][/img] Pearlcatcher breed, since that's one of Light's breeds. Iridescent looks great because it helps bring out some shiny-ness. Safari gene due to 'fingers' of darkness that linger in The Hewn City. Runes, since I envision the dragon to be a little scholar-y plus again, looks pretty shiny. And Glowing eyes since he's [s]a bright boy[/s] a Light dragon so again (x2) makes him look bright.[/center]

Pearlcatcher breed, since that's one of Light's breeds. Iridescent looks great because it helps bring out some shiny-ness. Safari gene due to 'fingers' of darkness that linger in The Hewn City. Runes, since I envision the dragon to be a little scholar-y plus again, looks pretty shiny. And Glowing eyes since he's a bright boy a Light dragon so again (x2) makes him look bright.
[img][/img] Pearlcatcher/Crystal/Bee/Firefly/Glowing i designed this dragon to look like a pyrite cluster, because i see that as being the representative stone of the Light flight. i wanted it to look like it was reflecting the sunlight. i chose a pearlcatcher, because i think the pearl in his claw looks like a sun. (oh, and please add me to the pinglist!)


i designed this dragon to look like a pyrite cluster, because i see that as being the representative stone of the Light flight. i wanted it to look like it was reflecting the sunlight. i chose a pearlcatcher, because i think the pearl in his claw looks like a sun.

(oh, and please add me to the pinglist!)
[center][img][/img] [left][b]Primary:[/b] Iridescent [b]Secondary:[/b] Bee [b]Tertiary:[/b] Glimmer [b]Breed:[/b] Coatl [b]Eyes:[/b] Common[/left] [i]Wow[/i], that's an expensive scry. I'm so sorry. But he's literally like a dream, that colour in bee on coatls is 10/10, look at how it lightens up at the tips! I'm honestly surprised at myself - metals is one of my favourite colours because of how it changes in so many genes, but I actually ended up choosing Iridescent instead because of how well it matches both Glimmer and Bee! I love how his head is slightly orange hued, matching the wings, whereas his back legs are a lovely golden yellow, which matches glimmer! And as soon as I looked at him with Bee I decided on a Coatl, ever since it came out I [i]loved[/i] it on them. It just so happens that Bee shines a gorgeous bright orange, which reminds me of the sunset, which is a total bonus~ The colours are just so perfect and light-y, he's honestly so gorgeous ugh <3[/center]
Primary: Iridescent
Secondary: Bee
Tertiary: Glimmer
Breed: Coatl
Eyes: Common

Wow, that's an expensive scry. I'm so sorry. But he's literally like a dream, that colour in bee on coatls is 10/10, look at how it lightens up at the tips!

I'm honestly surprised at myself - metals is one of my favourite colours because of how it changes in so many genes, but I actually ended up choosing Iridescent instead because of how well it matches both Glimmer and Bee! I love how his head is slightly orange hued, matching the wings, whereas his back legs are a lovely golden yellow, which matches glimmer!

And as soon as I looked at him with Bee I decided on a Coatl, ever since it came out I loved it on them. It just so happens that Bee shines a gorgeous bright orange, which reminds me of the sunset, which is a total bonus~

The colours are just so perfect and light-y, he's honestly so gorgeous ugh <3
scuz me, what u
My mama's better than yours!
treasure_badge_100.png nosy, aren't ya?
[center][img][/img][/center] [b]Pearlcatcher[/b]: i went with pearlcatcher since with my ideas i have planned for each of my reps, i want their breed to be one that originates from the region of that flight; since imperials are reasonably off-limits, pearlcatcher is the next best option! and i love it, really, since the male pearlcatcher pose is easily one of my favorites in the game! [b]Piebald[/b]: there are a couple reasons i chose this: one, it helps to eliminate some of the gray/brown tones from other genes that occur with metals, and it meshes well with stained to make the white sections look more yellow anyway. my second choices for this were iridescent and petals, but i wasn't too big of a fan of the green tones introduced by iridescent or the dark gray lines from petals. [b]Bee[/b]: combined with stained, this gene looks absolutely GORGEOUS. like a stained glass window. its much less orange than other genes that are more opaque than bee is, as well! the only thing im not a huge fan of are the very slight green tones on the fur tufts, but those could easily be covered up by apparel or an accent. [b]Stained[/b]: it brings the whole thing together-- really, it alters the primary and secondary in such a way that doesn't look washed out (like other colors with stained) or cover up the primary and secondary colors completely. [b]Glowing[/b]: i enjoy how glowing eyes make dragons look more godly. the loose lore that i have with my own flight reps is that they are like entourages to each of the flight leaders, so being so close to a god would naturally make you a little more holy, too.

Pearlcatcher: i went with pearlcatcher since with my ideas i have planned for each of my reps, i want their breed to be one that originates from the region of that flight; since imperials are reasonably off-limits, pearlcatcher is the next best option! and i love it, really, since the male pearlcatcher pose is easily one of my favorites in the game!

Piebald: there are a couple reasons i chose this: one, it helps to eliminate some of the gray/brown tones from other genes that occur with metals, and it meshes well with stained to make the white sections look more yellow anyway. my second choices for this were iridescent and petals, but i wasn't too big of a fan of the green tones introduced by iridescent or the dark gray lines from petals.

Bee: combined with stained, this gene looks absolutely GORGEOUS. like a stained glass window. its much less orange than other genes that are more opaque than bee is, as well! the only thing im not a huge fan of are the very slight green tones on the fur tufts, but those could easily be covered up by apparel or an accent.

Stained: it brings the whole thing together-- really, it alters the primary and secondary in such a way that doesn't look washed out (like other colors with stained) or cover up the primary and secondary colors completely.

Glowing: i enjoy how glowing eyes make dragons look more godly. the loose lore that i have with my own flight reps is that they are like entourages to each of the flight leaders, so being so close to a god would naturally make you a little more holy, too.
Please add me to the daily pinglist! <3 [b]Challenge #1[/b]: I scried him into this beautiful dragon! I imagined him as a savior of those lost in the Hewn City, so this scry worked really well. [img][/img] Wildclaws are one of my favorite breeds, and he looks like a fierce boy! Protecting travelers from the dangers and shadows of the City, rescuing those that are lost. I chose Python because it makes the most striking colors in terms of Metals, with the main color being the deeper grey. I love how there's gradients throughout the whole gene with the main and accent color. It adds a beautiful contrast between light and dark, truth and lies, clarity and shadow, and it wouldn't be too bad for camouflage in the City. Bee is just a strikingly beautiful gene, representing the shine and glitter of the general Ruins! I also love how it lightens Saffron at the wing's edge, making it more cohesive with the highlights in Python. The translucency of the gene also adds the shadow of the background wing, giving diversity. I couldn't find a gene that I liked better than Firefly in terms of Banana on this boy. It matches the Metals yellow, highlights the wing edges/sparkles, and adds little trails of sparkles! This gene also gave me the idea of him sending his fireflies out in the City to find lost souls, and he follows them to the dragon in need. Finally, I chose Glowing eyes, because why not? He can use them like mini search lights in the City, to represent a beacon of hope for those struggling to find a way out. And they can be a summoning signal for the fireflies to return back to him.
Please add me to the daily pinglist! <3

Challenge #1: I scried him into this beautiful dragon! I imagined him as a savior of those lost in the Hewn City, so this scry worked really well.
Wildclaws are one of my favorite breeds, and he looks like a fierce boy! Protecting travelers from the dangers and shadows of the City, rescuing those that are lost.

I chose Python because it makes the most striking colors in terms of Metals, with the main color being the deeper grey. I love how there's gradients throughout the whole gene with the main and accent color. It adds a beautiful contrast between light and dark, truth and lies, clarity and shadow, and it wouldn't be too bad for camouflage in the City.

Bee is just a strikingly beautiful gene, representing the shine and glitter of the general Ruins! I also love how it lightens Saffron at the wing's edge, making it more cohesive with the highlights in Python. The translucency of the gene also adds the shadow of the background wing, giving diversity.

I couldn't find a gene that I liked better than Firefly in terms of Banana on this boy. It matches the Metals yellow, highlights the wing edges/sparkles, and adds little trails of sparkles! This gene also gave me the idea of him sending his fireflies out in the City to find lost souls, and he follows them to the dragon in need.

Finally, I chose Glowing eyes, because why not? He can use them like mini search lights in the City, to represent a beacon of hope for those struggling to find a way out. And they can be a summoning signal for the fireflies to return back to him.
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