[size=5][b][u][color=#6E235D]Welcome, One and All, to the Trickmurk Circus![/u][/b][/size]
[color=#6E235D]As you enter the Tangled Woods, you notice lanterns with fireflies in and strings of small lights leading towards what seemed to be a Circus ground. The area was teeming with all sorts of dragons as they started setting up their stalls and games, a sense of eagerness and excitement almost tangible in the air.
Stepping forward to a recently erect gateway that read [i]'Trickmurk Circus'[/i], you're suddenly stopped by a mysterious Nocturne. His hollow bright yellow eyes pierce you, shocking you into stillness. Shaking out his pale, almost translucent wings, he fell gracefully and silently to the ground before you, having been resting upside down, clinging to the gateway. He slipped softly up to you, his body the color of dried blood,a look of sly malice adorning his shadowed face. He grinned then, showing off perfectly white, dagger sharp teeth, and gestured with a manicured claw behind him, indicating the Circus.
[i]"Velcome to vhe Circus children. Ve are celebrating vhe month of vhe Great Shadowbinder and ve shall celebrate all month! My name is Lucian and I shall be telling you vhere all of vhe stalls and events are, as vell as vhen vhey are happening."[/i]
Lucian grinned again - although it could have easily been him bearing his fangs - and swept out his pale, veiny wings; strangely he was careful to keep out of the warm glow of the lanterns.
[i]"Come come my children! Let us go feast on vhe Night's offerings and play vhe Night avay!"[/i]
{Click on a tent or banner to go to that stall!}
Welcome, One and All, to the Trickmurk Circus!
As you enter the Tangled Woods, you notice lanterns with fireflies in and strings of small lights leading towards what seemed to be a Circus ground. The area was teeming with all sorts of dragons as they started setting up their stalls and games, a sense of eagerness and excitement almost tangible in the air.
Stepping forward to a recently erect gateway that read 'Trickmurk Circus', you're suddenly stopped by a mysterious Nocturne. His hollow bright yellow eyes pierce you, shocking you into stillness. Shaking out his pale, almost translucent wings, he fell gracefully and silently to the ground before you, having been resting upside down, clinging to the gateway. He slipped softly up to you, his body the color of dried blood,a look of sly malice adorning his shadowed face. He grinned then, showing off perfectly white, dagger sharp teeth, and gestured with a manicured claw behind him, indicating the Circus.

"Velcome to vhe Circus children. Ve are celebrating vhe month of vhe Great Shadowbinder and ve shall celebrate all month! My name is Lucian and I shall be telling you vhere all of vhe stalls and events are, as vell as vhen vhey are happening."
Lucian grinned again - although it could have easily been him bearing his fangs - and swept out his pale, veiny wings; strangely he was careful to keep out of the warm glow of the lanterns.
"Come come my children! Let us go feast on vhe Night's offerings and play vhe Night avay!"
{Click on a tent or banner to go to that stall!}
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature

Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
[size=5][b][u][color=#6E235D]Take Your Chance with a Raffle...[/u][/b][/size]
[color=#6E235D] Just within the Circus grounds, a large red and purple tent stands, lights wrapped around it crazily and music emanated from within.
Lucian escorts you slowly to the tent, stopping before he reached the golden pool of light.
[i]"Vhis is vhe Big Vop Raffle... you may have called it vhe dominance raffle but ve Shadows set vhe standards... ve dislike folloving ovhers."[/i]
He paused, moistening his lips - was he staring at your neck just then? ...No, it must have been your imagination.
[i]"By entering ovher stalls and events, you shall be given tickets to enter into vhis raffle. Ve have a lot of prizes, and vill be adding to vhe pool vhroughout vhe month. You may also buy tickets vith vreasure and gems, as vell as Exaltees during vhe veek before vhe proper Trickmurk Festival."[/i]
Moving forward, he nodded his head to another tent, further back from the Raffle tent and less light up.
[i]"Vhis is vhe In-flight raffle, vhere only fellow Shadovs may participate. It has ended now vhough."[/i]
Take Your Chance with a Raffle...
Just within the Circus grounds, a large red and purple tent stands, lights wrapped around it crazily and music emanated from within.
Lucian escorts you slowly to the tent, stopping before he reached the golden pool of light.
"Vhis is vhe Big Vop Raffle... you may have called it vhe dominance raffle but ve Shadows set vhe standards... ve dislike folloving ovhers."
He paused, moistening his lips - was he staring at your neck just then? ...No, it must have been your imagination.
"By entering ovher stalls and events, you shall be given tickets to enter into vhis raffle. Ve have a lot of prizes, and vill be adding to vhe pool vhroughout vhe month. You may also buy tickets vith vreasure and gems, as vell as Exaltees during vhe veek before vhe proper Trickmurk Festival."

Moving forward, he nodded his head to another tent, further back from the Raffle tent and less light up.
"Vhis is vhe In-flight raffle, vhere only fellow Shadovs may participate. It has ended now vhough."
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature

Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
[color=#6E235D] Lucian stalked forward until he came to a collection of medium sized tents, each sporting a sign and many of the host dragons taking a breather and a sip of Shadyade.
[i]"Vhese tents contain our competitions and contests, usually avarding tickets to vhe Big Vop Raffle as vell as vhere own prizes. Exciting, no?"[/i]
[color=#6E235D][i]"Vhis is vhe Art Contest. It vill run all month, vith veekly themes. It's open."[/i]
[color=#6E235D][i]"Vhis is the Cooking Contest. Do not fear children, vhe mushrooms glow so it vill not be vhat dark. It's open."[/i]
[color=#6E235D][i]"Vhis is the Poetry and Story Contest. Sadly, vhis is open now!"[/i]
[color=#6E235D][i]"Can you guess how many of vhese oddly colored beans are in vhe jar? Vhis is open!"[/i]
[color=#6E235D][i]"Do you have vhat it vakes vo be vhis 'Ulvimate Perkemun Master'? Vake vhis challenge and find out! Open!"[/i]
Lucian stalked forward until he came to a collection of medium sized tents, each sporting a sign and many of the host dragons taking a breather and a sip of Shadyade.
"Vhese tents contain our competitions and contests, usually avarding tickets to vhe Big Vop Raffle as vell as vhere own prizes. Exciting, no?"

"Vhis is vhe Art Contest. It vill run all month, vith veekly themes. It's open."

"Vhis is the Cooking Contest. Do not fear children, vhe mushrooms glow so it vill not be vhat dark. It's open."

"Vhis is the Poetry and Story Contest. Sadly, vhis is open now!"

"Can you guess how many of vhese oddly colored beans are in vhe jar? Vhis is open!"

"Do you have vhat it vakes vo be vhis 'Ulvimate Perkemun Master'? Vake vhis challenge and find out! Open!"
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature

Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
[size=5][b][u][color=#6E235D]Other stalls[/u][/b][/size]
[color=#6E235D] Moving ever deeper into the Tangled Woods, Lucian stops in a circular clearing, bathed in moonlight. He spread his wings, bathing in the moonlight, his hide faintly glimmering.
With his haunting yellow eyes closed, he whispered to you:
[i]"Vhis is vhe end of vhe Circus... Here, all sorts of games and fun happens. Some events vill only appear for but a few moons, so be vigilant and keep your eyes open... Ve hope vhat you enjoy your month here and ultimately enjoy vhe Circus!"[/i]
Throwing open his wings, he launched himself into the air, quickly blending into the dark surroundings.
Suddenly, several stalls turned on their lights, brightening the circle and revealing yet more stalls. A hissing sound is heard from above, and you look up just in time to see Lucian hanging himself up in a darkened tree, wrapping his wings about himself and tucking most of his head in until only a sliver of yellow can be seen; a wisp of smoke connects him from his hangout to the air above the circle, and the smell of burnt flesh hangs in the air.
[i]"An Artist's Alley? Vhe alliteration! Commission artists and get exclusive Trickmurk only adoptables! Open and very exciting!"[/i]
[i]"Vhis is vhe Hall of Oddities. I vonder if your Clan has any hidden peculiarities... Vhis is open!"[/i]
[color=purple][i]"Vhe Kissing Booth is now open!"[/i]
[i]"Ahh, vhe Never Ending Story! I hope vhis doesn't interfere vith vhe celebrations at vhe end of vhe month... Open!"[/i]
[color=purple][i]"Vhe Vricky Vord Chain is now open!"[/i]
[color=purple][i]"Vrickmurk Parade is now open!"[/i]
[color=purple][i]"Come come, my children, let us Dezign a Clown Costume. Vhis is open!"[/i]
[color=purple][i]" I vonder vhat vill be in your bag, hmm? Open!"[/i]
[color=purple][i]" Vhe Trickmurk Midvay! An exciting array of games for you to come and vry- open!"[/i]
[color=purple][i]" I hope vhat you are good at finding because vhis game is all about it! Open! "[/i]
[color=purple][i]" Another hunting game... Can you find vhese lost eggs? Still setting up "[/i]
[color=purple][i]" Ahh! Vonderful! Vhese letters come from vhe little vons you have sent off to celebrate vith vhe Shadowbinder! Open." [/i]
[color=purple][i]"Hmm! Pranks all around! Vhis is open."[/i]
[color=purple][i]" Another stall? My my, you certainly have a lot of games vo play~ Open!"[/i]
Other stalls
Moving ever deeper into the Tangled Woods, Lucian stops in a circular clearing, bathed in moonlight. He spread his wings, bathing in the moonlight, his hide faintly glimmering.
With his haunting yellow eyes closed, he whispered to you:
"Vhis is vhe end of vhe Circus... Here, all sorts of games and fun happens. Some events vill only appear for but a few moons, so be vigilant and keep your eyes open... Ve hope vhat you enjoy your month here and ultimately enjoy vhe Circus!"
Throwing open his wings, he launched himself into the air, quickly blending into the dark surroundings.
Suddenly, several stalls turned on their lights, brightening the circle and revealing yet more stalls. A hissing sound is heard from above, and you look up just in time to see Lucian hanging himself up in a darkened tree, wrapping his wings about himself and tucking most of his head in until only a sliver of yellow can be seen; a wisp of smoke connects him from his hangout to the air above the circle, and the smell of burnt flesh hangs in the air.

"An Artist's Alley? Vhe alliteration! Commission artists and get exclusive Trickmurk only adoptables! Open and very exciting!"

"Vhis is vhe Hall of Oddities. I vonder if your Clan has any hidden peculiarities... Vhis is open!"

"Vhe Kissing Booth is now open!"

"Ahh, vhe Never Ending Story! I hope vhis doesn't interfere vith vhe celebrations at vhe end of vhe month... Open!"

"Vhe Vricky Vord Chain is now open!"

"Vrickmurk Parade is now open!"

"Come come, my children, let us Dezign a Clown Costume. Vhis is open!"

" I vonder vhat vill be in your bag, hmm? Open!"

" Vhe Trickmurk Midvay! An exciting array of games for you to come and vry- open!"

" I hope vhat you are good at finding because vhis game is all about it! Open! "

" Another hunting game... Can you find vhese lost eggs? Still setting up "

" Ahh! Vonderful! Vhese letters come from vhe little vons you have sent off to celebrate vith vhe Shadowbinder! Open."

"Hmm! Pranks all around! Vhis is open."

" Another stall? My my, you certainly have a lot of games vo play~ Open!"
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature

Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
[size=5][b][u][color=#6E235D]Ping List and Ovher such Things[/u][/b][/size]
[color=#6E235D][i]"Vhis is vhere ve notify ovher dragons vhen new or certain vhings have opened... Ve vhank you for joining us during our celebrations!"[/i]
@JackSkells @Toothless @Vinya @UserOfShadows @MissMokushiroku @Drav @Thipnip @CaptainCrackers @RimeRind @Fjaer @Watercolour @JinxMoonstone @Marburg @Slyjinks @Sadah @fairypenguin @Xotis @asterisk @ceiswyn @gracerofl @HSoup @tefphoenix @Caitolent
[i]"So you vant vo show support for us? Great! Here is a banner for you to vear vhat links vo vhis vhread... Vhank you children!"[/i]
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature

Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
This'll be a great Trickmurk~
(And my first. :D)
This'll be a great Trickmurk~
(And my first. :D)
add me to the ping list~!
add me to the ping list~!
mark twain wrote:
but who prays for lucifer? who, in eighteen centuries,
has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner
that needed it most?