Turles' eyes widened as he stared at the impressive display of wings and shining dragon skin that looked like gems. Then he laughed and his long tongue lolled out of his mouth, reaching for the other dragon's muzzle as if it would lick it, sharp fangs or no!
"You're funny! I like you! You have great fashion sense! I love your hat!"
He shook his head, which turned into an entire body shake as it traveled over his skin down to his tail, which lashed again. He extended his own yellowish wings, though not to Lucian's impressive length.
"I don't think you're infected! I mean, you aren't sneezing, and you don't look like you have a runny nose. Where's your accent at? I don't see it?" He let his neck extend out, peering at the dragon's skin as if the accent was obviously supposed to be there.
((It's the best! Also obtuse characters go well with monstery ones. XD))
Turles' eyes widened as he stared at the impressive display of wings and shining dragon skin that looked like gems. Then he laughed and his long tongue lolled out of his mouth, reaching for the other dragon's muzzle as if it would lick it, sharp fangs or no!
"You're funny! I like you! You have great fashion sense! I love your hat!"
He shook his head, which turned into an entire body shake as it traveled over his skin down to his tail, which lashed again. He extended his own yellowish wings, though not to Lucian's impressive length.
"I don't think you're infected! I mean, you aren't sneezing, and you don't look like you have a runny nose. Where's your accent at? I don't see it?" He let his neck extend out, peering at the dragon's skin as if the accent was obviously supposed to be there.
((It's the best! Also obtuse characters go well with monstery ones. XD))
Please add me to the pinglist too!
Whooo, this looks like a LOT of fun, may I be added to the pinglist as well? :D
Whooo, this looks like a LOT of fun, may I be added to the pinglist as well? :D
petal . she/they . frt +4
*smuggles thread back to the first page*
*smuggles thread back to the first page*

Aliit. Buirkan. Tor.
May I please be added to the ping list?
@kahlannightwing [color=purple]{xD I'm glad you're not getting offended/cornered/scared by this then! x3 }
Lucian jerked his head back quickly, hissing quietly as he stared at Turles from the side. His yellow eyes dimmed, turning flat and slightly opaque.
Snorting, Lucian turned back to the overzealous mirror.
[i]"I did not make any joke, so vhat is vhere to laugh at? And of course I have good fashion sense; I dress vo impress and vhese clothes exhibit my status as vell as protect me from... certain vypes of light."[/i]
He narrowed his eyes down at the mirror, unfazed by the mock display of power.
[i]"Infection does not have vo equate vo sneezing and runny noses. It can be an entirely internal infection, and not visible on vhe outside."[/i]
He sighs, barely able to refrain from rolling his eyes. He did shy away from the dragon's extended neck however.
[i]"By accent, I mean vhe vay I speak and pronounce certain vords. Everyone has an accent- sometimes vhey are very prominent, like mine, ovher times vhey are very subtle."[/i]
Looking down at the mirror again he frowned, the corners of his mouth tugging down in disapproval.
[i]"You remind me of my apprentice... he is young, ignorant and overall a hacthling vithin vhe world. Still, he is a quick learner... and knows vhen vo hold his tongue vo such pointless questions."[/i]
@Fjaer @Watercolour @JinxMoonstone
[color=purple][i]"You have been added."[/i]
@Shadowmaat [color=purple][i]"Smuggling? Ve do not smuggle anything!"[/i]
@JackSkells @Toothless @Vinya @UserOfShadows @MissMokushiroku @Drav @Thipnip @CaptainCrackers @RimeRind
[color=purple][i]"Vhe Vricky Vord Chain is now open!"[/i]
kahlannightwing {xD I'm glad you're not getting offended/cornered/scared by this then! x3 }
Lucian jerked his head back quickly, hissing quietly as he stared at Turles from the side. His yellow eyes dimmed, turning flat and slightly opaque.
Snorting, Lucian turned back to the overzealous mirror.
"I did not make any joke, so vhat is vhere to laugh at? And of course I have good fashion sense; I dress vo impress and vhese clothes exhibit my status as vell as protect me from... certain vypes of light."
He narrowed his eyes down at the mirror, unfazed by the mock display of power.
"Infection does not have vo equate vo sneezing and runny noses. It can be an entirely internal infection, and not visible on vhe outside."
He sighs, barely able to refrain from rolling his eyes. He did shy away from the dragon's extended neck however.
"By accent, I mean vhe vay I speak and pronounce certain vords. Everyone has an accent- sometimes vhey are very prominent, like mine, ovher times vhey are very subtle."
Looking down at the mirror again he frowned, the corners of his mouth tugging down in disapproval.
"You remind me of my apprentice... he is young, ignorant and overall a hacthling vithin vhe world. Still, he is a quick learner... and knows vhen vo hold his tongue vo such pointless questions."
@Fjaer @Watercolour @JinxMoonstone
"You have been added."
@Shadowmaat "Smuggling? Ve do not smuggle anything!"
@JackSkells @Toothless @Vinya @UserOfShadows @MissMokushiroku @Drav @Thipnip @CaptainCrackers @RimeRind

"Vhe Vricky Vord Chain is now open!"
Seeking Old Dragons! Forever collecting October 1st 2013 dragons. Previously BeingOfNature

Old Art Thread
3DS FC: 0259-0316-2794 Pokemon Y
Did I say smuggling? I meant... snuggling! Yes, snuggling things back to where they belong. Of course.
Did I say smuggling? I meant... snuggling! Yes, snuggling things back to where they belong. Of course.

Aliit. Buirkan. Tor.
The brown regal-looking Tundra gazed over the collection of colorful tents and booths with silent curiosity, nodding to himself as their host spoke with that strange accent. He sniffed, taking in the scents to remember later and glanced to his well-armored Guardian mate.
"I believe our clan may enjoy the festivities here my dear, unlike the cold wastes of my home."
The Guardian Matriarch towering over him gazed suspiciously about, her eyes alert for danger, strong body relaxed, yet ready. Briefly her yellow gleam softened upon gazing at her charge, her love, when he spoke, but grew wary again upon turning that gaze to their shadow host.
"We will come, but any trickery or deception will be rewarded with punishment!" She said sternly, armored plates creaking as she shifted.
((My first roleplay for my progens, hope it is okay?))
The brown regal-looking Tundra gazed over the collection of colorful tents and booths with silent curiosity, nodding to himself as their host spoke with that strange accent. He sniffed, taking in the scents to remember later and glanced to his well-armored Guardian mate.
"I believe our clan may enjoy the festivities here my dear, unlike the cold wastes of my home."
The Guardian Matriarch towering over him gazed suspiciously about, her eyes alert for danger, strong body relaxed, yet ready. Briefly her yellow gleam softened upon gazing at her charge, her love, when he spoke, but grew wary again upon turning that gaze to their shadow host.
"We will come, but any trickery or deception will be rewarded with punishment!" She said sternly, armored plates creaking as she shifted.
((My first roleplay for my progens, hope it is okay?))
((That's why I enjoy playing with Turles so much. He's pretty hard to scare.))
He tilted his head. "You say a lot of big words. So you think you have an infection inside? Does it make you talk funny and be...allergic to light? Have you seen a doctor? My friend Letac is a doctor. Maybe he could look at you!"
He pranced with all our feet then, tongue lolling out to lick his own muzzle. "I don't think I like being quiet. Unless I'm stealing stuff." He blinked. "I like snuggling and smuggling!"
((That's why I enjoy playing with Turles so much. He's pretty hard to scare.))
He tilted his head. "You say a lot of big words. So you think you have an infection inside? Does it make you talk funny and be...allergic to light? Have you seen a doctor? My friend Letac is a doctor. Maybe he could look at you!"
He pranced with all our feet then, tongue lolling out to lick his own muzzle. "I don't think I like being quiet. Unless I'm stealing stuff." He blinked. "I like snuggling and smuggling!"
I am so excited for Trickmurk and it isn't even my flight's holiday omg.
I am so excited for Trickmurk and it isn't even my flight's holiday omg.